We believe in the American Dream. We believe in giving the small business the ability to compete with large corporations while maintaining as much time as possible to grow there businesses and spend with their families. We do this by strategic brand building and precision content creation.
We believe that the next wave of technology is going to be a turning point for business. We as humans love convenience. As technology pushes the consumers attention from visual to voice the entery point for advertising will go through major platforms like Google and Amazon voice devices. When this happens the only way to get to the consumer will be to either wait and pay a premium with one of those platforms in order to get infront of a small audience or, start now building a brand and not just a business. This way in 5-10 years when someone is at home and says "hey Alexa, order me a sub sandwich" you wont take a huge hit because that same person will say, "hey Alexa, order me a Chris's Sub Sandwhich" and that will only happen when you have invested in your brand and not just your business.