Stingy Jack: An Olde Irish Tale of Heaven, Hell and Jack-o-lanterns 🎃🍀🍺
Retelling by: Christopher Mark Mulholland
Centuries ago an Irishman named Stingy Jack happened upon the Devil.
The way the story goes you see, is that Satan had heard of the nefarious ways of ol’ Stingy. How he stumbled across the countryside belly full of ale, just a downright dirty rotten scoundrel. Satan was curious (if not a bit envious) and decided to see for himself if Stingy was as devious as described.
As Jack stumbled down his cobblestone path he came upon a body. The body with an evil grimace upon its face tuned out to be the devil himself. Despite his buzz, Jack realized this was end, that satan had come to collect his malevolent soul. Jack had one final request, he asked the devil to let him drink ale before he departed for hell. Finding no reason not to acquiesce, Satan took Jack to the local pub and supplied him with plenty of spirits. Upon quenching his thirst, Jack asked Satan to pay the tab, much to his surprise because he didn't carry any money. Jack convinced him to turn himself into a silver coin to pay for his folies, and then turn himself back when no one was looking. Satan did so, impressed with Jacks unyielding tactics. Shrewdly, Jack stuck the now transfigured Satan (coin) into his pocket, which also contained a crucifix. Its presence kept the devil from escaping his coin form. This coerced Satan to agree to Jacks terms: in exchange for his freedom, he must spare Jack's soul for ten years.
Ten years to the day, Jack naturally found himself once again in the devil's presence. Jack happened upon Satan in much the same fashion as before, and he seemingly accepted it was his time to go to hell for good. As Satan prepared to take Jack, Jack asked if he could have one apple to feed his starving belly. Foolishly, Satan once again agreed to Jack's request. As he climbed up the branches of a nearby apple tree, Jack layed a circle of crucifixes around the base. Satan, frustrated that he had once again been duped demanded his release. As Jack did before, he made a second demand: that he will never take his soul to hell. As before, having no choice, the devil agreed and was set free.
Eventaully the years of drinking took its toll on ol Jack, and he died. Jack's soul prepared to enter heaven through the pearly gates of St. Peter, only to be stopped by God and told that because of his sinful ways, deceitful lifestyle and drinking, he was not allowed into heaven. Jack left, and made his way down to the gates of Hell, and begged for admission into the underworld. Satan, fulfilling his obligation could not take his soul. He instead gave Jack an ember to light his way. Jack had doomed himself to roam between the planes of good and evil, with only an ember inside a hollowed out turnip (in this context, turnip refers to a large rutabaga), and this is how the jack-o-lantern came to be!
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