C Joy Internet Radio began on January 1, 2005. Streaming first to a conference room. Since then, C joy has expanded to C Joy Networks INC, having two radio stations and one Television station. As of January 1, 2018, our venture became a not-for-profit organization not only providing wholesome programming on the internet, carrying out a vision of training and employment for the disabled. The original owner and founder Darryl Breffe, CEO in charge of broadcast operations, is totally blind and has been in radio for over 40 years, and wants to extend employment and training to others with disabilities. He along with our other CEOS, Tony Savage, and Keith Martin, in charge of sales, marketing and promotions, have a number of employees who are disabled having a radio background, do our production work for us. I commend them for their abilities. As the original owner, I consider this work a ministry and consider this ministry a privilege from the Lord. Our mission is spreading the gospel and making others independent and self-supporting where they live. We currently have over 41 broadcasters. Our aim is to have a network of stations providing work for many. We are now known as C Joy Networks INC.