“After the results of the 2016 election, it was necessary to create spaces in which to cope with the resulting emotions. The Parson’s Printclub felt this need and used its resources to give students a space to do so.”
Using linoleum blocks and one of the oldest methods of printing, these inspired students created individual messages of frustration, defeat, anger and still- an echo of hope. All coming together in a beautiful window display found on campus.
“Through the process we were able to combine our individual statements in a way that highlighted the spirit of the community. It was in this spirit of community that we saw that the quilt would provide a forum for our expression while simultaneously raising awareness of our civic responsibility.” -The Parsons Printclub @parsonsschoolofdesign @thenewschool @parsonsprintmaking
#youareacreativebeast #artinactivism #ohdearbeast #parsons #parsonsprintclub #parsonsprintmaking #parsonsschoolofdesign #relief #linoleum #newyorkcity #manhattan #printmaking #election #democracy #activism #odb
THANK YOU!! To our friends & family who were there from the beginning, to our new friends, colleagues, artists, supporters. To the #bitterflintcollective and Rollgate Studios who graciously hosted a night of art and performance to benefit our cause (to Patti Miller & Laura Sifuentez for running the door, Tyler First & Billy Ennis for your brilliant photos). To Treehouse Records and the bands for giving us a great Chicago meet-up. To Jo Figarella and Laura Sifuentez for their TIRELESS social media work, helping us spread the good word, LOVE you gals. To Joseph Nilson for shooting our kickstarter video and Emily Tolan for editing it- thank you for making us look so good :) Mostly- thank YOU for watching, listening and donating.
Please stay posted, as we have moved the submission date for our first issue. We are planning new exciting things and applying for an LLC, so that will take precedent for the next few months. Stay tuned and watch out for your kickstarter rewards! Woo! #ohdearbeast #thankyou