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Ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly overcome challenges while others struggle?This National Hypnosis Day ...

Ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly overcome challenges while others struggle?

This National Hypnosis Day 2024, and we're shedding light on a powerful tool that remains largely misunderstood: Hypnosis.

Far from the misconceptions of mind control or mere stage entertainment, hypnosis is a scientifically validated technique. It's about tapping into the power of your subconscious mind to effect positive change.

From managing pain and stress to enhancing performance in various aspects of life, hypnosis offers a pathway to self-improvement that many have yet to discover.

Let me share a story about a client, Emily. Emily was plagued by crippling anxiety, which held her back in both her personal and professional life. Like many, she was skeptical about hypnosis. But with an open mind, she gave it a try. The transformation was astounding. Through hypnosis, Emily didn't just learn to cope with her anxiety; she uncovered underlying strengths and capabilities she never knew she had. Today, she's not just surviving; she's thriving.

So, on this National Hypnosis Day, let's break the chains of misunderstanding. If you've ever felt stuck, if you're seeking a way to unlock your true potential, hypnosis could be the answer you've been looking for. It's not just about relaxation; it's about revolutionizing the way you approach life's challenges and opportunities.

To celebrate National Hypnosis Day, I'm offering a special FREE CONSULTATION for those interested in exploring how hypnosis can transform their lives. Whether you're dealing with stress, seeking to improve your performance, or just curious about what hypnosis can do for you, I'm here to guide you on this journey of self-discovery.

Message "me" in the comments to book your slot – let’s unlock your potential together!

It's cold out there. Here's an interesting read about creating a smoke-free fireAND nobody ever told me about Step 5... ...

It's cold out there.
Here's an interesting read about creating a smoke-free fire
AND nobody ever told me about Step 5...

Check it out for your Sunday morning reading pleasure

(link in the first comment)

Dive into our latest article, '10 Hilarious Pitfalls of Holiday Celebrations: Navigating the Christmas Party Maze'! From...

Dive into our latest article, '10 Hilarious Pitfalls of Holiday Celebrations: Navigating the Christmas Party Maze'!

From extravagant expectations to post-party cleanups, we uncover the funny yet real challenges of festive gatherings.

The perfect read for anyone who's ever hosted or attended a Christmas party. Share your experiences and join the holiday discussion!

(link in the first comment)

1-minute video... "Embracing Change: Redefining Core Values for a New You" In this video, I dive into a transformative c...

1-minute video...
"Embracing Change: Redefining Core Values for a New You"

In this video, I dive into a transformative conversation, revealing that the essence of our being is not set in stone but beautifully adaptable. As you listen, you'll realize, as if awakening to a new dawn, that change is not only possible but essential for growth.

(link in the first comment)

Hypnosis: The Subtle Art of Leading the Mind to a Place of Peace and Understanding– Joseph BarberMy Take on This QuoteHy...

Hypnosis: The Subtle Art of Leading the Mind to a Place of Peace and Understanding
– Joseph Barber

My Take on This Quote
Hypnosis transcends mere relaxation. It's a journey into the self, an exploration deeper than simple tranquility. This quote by Joseph Barber emphasizes hypnosis as a method to guide the mind, not just to a state of peace, but towards a profound understanding.

It suggests that through hypnosis, one can navigate the intricacies of the subconscious, uncovering insights and truths that lie beneath the conscious mind. Unlock your mind's potential through this exploration.

What This Means for You

Your mind is a garden waiting to be cultivated. Just as a gardener nurtures their plants, you can use hypnosis to nurture your mind.

The quote implies that hypnosis can lead you to a peaceful and enlightened state, offering a unique pathway to personal growth and self-awareness. It's about harnessing the power of your subconscious to foster a deeper connection with yourself.

Embark on this journey of self-discovery and nurture your inner garden.

Your Early Christmas present from Michael Harris HypnosisDiscover Your Cosmic Self: Unlock the Door to Inner Peace"Have ...

Your Early Christmas present from Michael Harris Hypnosis

Discover Your Cosmic Self: Unlock the Door to Inner Peace"

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the hustle of daily life, in the quiet spaces of your mind and spirit? We invite you to embark on a remarkable journey with our latest video, "Inner Space Guided Visualization"

Imagine an environment where tranquility meets the cosmos. In this video, you'll be guided into a world of serene reflection, where the gentle whispers of the universe become clear. It's more than a meditation; it's a voyage to the depths of your being.

As you watch, you'll find yourself in a warm, inviting space, surrounded by the soft glow of celestial bodies. This isn't just a moment of relaxation; it's an opportunity to connect with the cosmos in a profound and personal way.

This journey is your gateway to understanding and peace. It's where you'll discover the power of your thoughts and the vast potential of your inner world. It's where tranquility and insight merge, offering a new perspective on life and your place in the universe.

So, take a moment for yourself. Close your eyes, and let the "Inner Space Guided Visualization" transform your understanding of the world inside you and around you.

Your journey to cosmic clarity begins now.

[Link in the first comment]

Buff Santa vibes...

Buff Santa vibes...

Unlock the secret to beating procrastination with hypnosis!  Our latest blog post at drmichaelharris.com dives into how ...

Unlock the secret to beating procrastination with hypnosis!

Our latest blog post at drmichaelharris.com dives into how hypnosis can transform your entrepreneurial journey.

Discover the science behind this powerful tool and real-life success stories. It's not just about working harder; it's about working smarter.

Are you ready to revolutionize your productivity and overcome those mental barriers once and for all?

link in the first comment

"Each person is a unique, unrepeatable being of light." - Milton H. EricksonMy take on this quote - Embrace Your Uniquen...

"Each person is a unique, unrepeatable being of light." - Milton H. Erickson

My take on this quote - Embrace Your Uniqueness.

This quote by Milton H. Erickson resonates deeply, highlighting the individuality inherent in each of us. It suggests that every person is not just unique, but a singular event in the universe – a distinct and irreplaceable beacon of light. This light represents our personal experiences, perspectives, and innate talents, which collectively contribute to the diverse tapestry of human existence.

By acknowledging and celebrating this uniqueness, we empower ourselves to live authentically and to contribute our individual light to the world.

Celebrate your individuality and let your light shine.

What this means for you - Discover Your Inner Light.

The profound insight from Erickson's quote is a call to action for you. It's an invitation to explore and embrace your individuality, to recognize that your unique perspective is not just valuable but essential.

In a world often clouded by conformity, your distinct light – your talents, experiences, and personal journey – can illuminate new paths for others and yourself.

By embracing your uniqueness, you become a guide, an inspiration, and a catalyst for change and growth in your community and beyond.

Step into your uniqueness and illuminate the world around you.

As you gather here today for work or just social engagement, fully aware of the challenges and opportunities that lie be...

As you gather here today for work or just social engagement, fully aware of the challenges and opportunities that lie before you, let's dive deep into a transformative journey together. You're already familiar with the power of change, aren't you? And as Viktor E. Frankl wisely said, "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

Imagine, for a moment, that with each step you take toward personal growth, you begin to feel more empowered. Isn't it fascinating to think that the more you embrace change, the more unlimited your potential becomes?

You've already started this journey, haven't you?

As you continue, you will naturally and readily discover new horizons of your abilities.

Most of you, I believe, are already realizing the infinite possibilities that lie within. Some of you might be wondering how to tap into this wellspring of potential.

It's quite simple, really.

As you stop and ponder your current state, you can start to see new pathways opening up, can't you? It's like looking at the world through a new lens, a lens that magnifies your strengths and opportunities. And as you look through this lens, you'll find that you're infinitely more capable than you previously thought, wouldn't you agree?

Consider this: what if, by expanding your perspectives, you could unlock a level of success and fulfillment that you've never experienced before? So, when you shift your mindset, you unlock new possibilities, which means you're not just adapting to change, but thriving in it.

You're not just following a path but creating it. Does that make sense?

Today, as you sit here, fully engaged and aware, I want you to think about the power of 'and'. Each challenge you face and each victory you achieve, causes you to grow. Each setback, and each leap forward, makes you stronger. It's not just about overcoming obstacles but also about embracing them as opportunities for growth. You've felt this before, right?

Finally, I'd like you to envision your future, a future where you're not just reacting to change but anticipating it with excitement. With each passing moment, you're getting closer to that reality. You're moving forward, aren't you? And as you move forward, you're not just changing, you're evolving. You're becoming a version of yourself that you've always aspired to be. You know this to be true, don't you?

So, embrace this journey with an open heart and an eager mind.

The path ahead is not just a path of change, but a path of discovery. And as you walk this path, remember that the more you embrace change, the more you become the architect of your own destiny.

This, my friends, is your journey.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Today marks not just another year in my life, but the continuation of a cherished tradition that began when I was a mere...

Today marks not just another year in my life, but the continuation of a cherished tradition that began when I was a mere five-year-old – the celebration with my unique drum-style cake, a recipe from Betty Crocker's classic 1957 cookbook. - https://blogs.princeton.edu/cotsen/2021/07/drum-cake-for-the-fourth-of-july-from-betty-crockers-classic-1957-cook-book-for-boys-and-girls/

This isn't merely a cake; it's a symbol of continuity and cherished memories in my life. Today, I celebrate the 61st incarnation of this beloved tradition, a testament to its enduring presence in my life.

Imagine, in a world that's perpetually evolving, where technology advances at an unprecedented pace, the comfort and stability that traditions like these offer. They stand as beacons, guiding us through the relentless waves of change.

Pause for a moment and think about your own life's traditions, those small yet significant rituals that weave a thread of consistency and connection through your existence.

As we navigate our days, often caught in the whirlwind of innovation and digital noise, it is these enduring practices, like my annual celebration with my drum cake, that anchor us. They bridge our past with our present and extend into our future, offering a tangible, meaningful continuity amidst life's uncertainties.

This yearly ritual with my drum cake is a gentle reminder that in our fast-paced, ever-evolving existence, the need for such touchstones of tradition is more pronounced than ever.

Consider this: if we hold fast to these simple yet profound customs, we maintain a sense of identity and stability, enabling us to face the relentless tide of technological advancement and societal change with a rooted sense of self. Remembering our origins and cherishing the simple, enduring joys of life is not just important – it's vital.

Let us, then, embrace these traditions. Not as a means to resist change, but as a solid foundation from which to appreciate and engage with the new and the unknown. The tradition of my birthday drum cake transcends mere nostalgia; it embodies the richness and continuity that these practices bring to our lives.

Maintaining such traditions is essential in preserving our sense of self in a world that never ceases to change. Wouldn't you agree that embracing and honoring our traditions is key to staying grounded in an ever-shifting world?

The Christmas decorating is complete!Nothing says "Merry Christmas like repurposed Halloween skulls with Santa hats." It...

The Christmas decorating is complete!
Nothing says "Merry Christmas like repurposed Halloween skulls with Santa hats." It fairly spreads the Christmas/Krampus vibe so everyone can be offended, lol
(follow me for more complex home decorating tips)

FREE Kindle Unlimited book for Children!  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F1KWDZOElvis Sunny Bear has a problem. He wakes f...

FREE Kindle Unlimited book for Children! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F1KWDZO
Elvis Sunny Bear has a problem. He wakes from his winter hibernation and discovers he has the blues! Join Elvis on his adventure to lose the blues.

Elvis Sunny Bear has a problem. He wakes from his winter hibernation and discovers he has the blues! Join Elvis on his adventure to lose the blues. About This Book: We feel that developmental learning in children and adolescents is timeless, and that the skills needed for that development is best...

It's different for everyone but just as important as the first day you decided to play.Read the full article: Love Of th...

It's different for everyone but just as important as the first day you decided to play.

Read the full article: Love Of the Sport

When you think about when you were a kid, what was it that you remember first?Read the full article: Love Of the Sport▸ ...

When you think about when you were a kid, what was it that you remember first?

Read the full article: Love Of the Sport

It's those memories that got us through a bad play or a bad game… maybe an injury.Read more 👉 https://bit.ly/39AmMKg    ...

It's those memories that got us through a bad play or a bad game… maybe an injury.

Read more 👉 https://bit.ly/39AmMKg

But those bad days, games and injuries were worth it… because we got to play.Read the full article: Love Of the Sport▸ h...

But those bad days, games and injuries were worth it… because we got to play.

Read the full article: Love Of the Sport

Getting back to the love of your sport will enhance your focus and level of play far more than a session at the batting ...

Getting back to the love of your sport will enhance your focus and level of play far more than a session at the batting cage.

Read the full article: Love Of the Sport

It is this question that often turns a player with a problem into a super star competitor.Read the full article: Love Of...

It is this question that often turns a player with a problem into a super star competitor.

Read the full article: Love Of the Sport

Sometimes we just need to remember what we began playing for in the first place.Read the full article: Love Of the Sport...

Sometimes we just need to remember what we began playing for in the first place.

Read the full article: Love Of the Sport

I can remember the smell of a freshly chalked infield or grass that was cut the day before a game.Read more 👉 https://bi...

I can remember the smell of a freshly chalked infield or grass that was cut the day before a game.

Read more 👉 https://bit.ly/39AmMKg

Recently, a high school football player attacked a referee (see the video) after the player was ejected for to unsportsm...

Recently, a high school football player attacked a referee (see the video) after the player was ejected for to unsportsmanlike behavior violations.

Read more 👉 https://bit.ly/343atTb

A 9 year-old kid already loves what they are doing without any “help” from the parents.Read the full article: My athlete...

A 9 year-old kid already loves what they are doing without any “help” from the parents.

Read the full article: My athlete isn’t aggressive enough

I post articles and video about Mental Toughness, Emotional Management and How to Overcome Fears, Injury and Pressure in...

I post articles and video about Mental Toughness, Emotional Management and How to Overcome Fears, Injury and Pressure in any sport.

Read the full article: Violence In Sports And What to Do About It

The premise is that our social development and ability to function in society is based on how well we learn to play game...

The premise is that our social development and ability to function in society is based on how well we learn to play games.

Read more 👉 https://bit.ly/343atTb

This sounded really ‘fishy” to me so I asked the question, “how old is your athlete”?The parent replied, “she's 9”.Read ...

This sounded really ‘fishy” to me so I asked the question, “how old is your athlete”?The parent replied, “she's 9”.

Read more 👉 https://bit.ly/39CcDN2

These athletes have the opportunity to get selected for many D1 and D2 colleges and universities, but at what cost?Read ...

These athletes have the opportunity to get selected for many D1 and D2 colleges and universities, but at what cost?

Read more 👉 https://bit.ly/39CcDN2




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