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Gospel She Shares 𝚂𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝙰 𝙶𝚘𝚍 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙰𝚗𝚢 𝙴𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚢 𝚂𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚜 ✞


How to represent Jesus In School / Work Environment 🙌🏻

•Be Kind
•Don’t Complain
•Watch Your Language
•Don’t Engage In Gossip
•Turn Down Conversations About Others
•In Everything You Do, Do It In The Name Of Jesus
•Pray For Those Around You
•Lift Up Others
•Work In Integrity


Whenever you feel like your not good enough ALWAYS remember that Noah was a drunken , Eve fell into temptation, Sarah got impatient, Elijah was suicidal, David had depression, David had an affair, Jonah tried to run from God, Moses got anxious, Jacob Cheated, Thomas doubted, Paul murdered, Cain murderded his own brother, Gideon was insecure, Miriam was a gossiper. Stop being so harsh on yourself no ONE is perfect. The perfect marriage, the perfect Job, the perfect person does not exist The ONLY person who is and will always be perfect is GOD, so truly I say to you Your guilt, shame and everything you blame yourself for are nailed to the cross Colossians 2:14, do not let a mistake you’ve committed define who you are even Gods Chosen people were far from perfect 🤎


Dear somebody who’s been struggling lately, feels like everything is going left, one thing after another, your loosing hope, you just got fired, can’t seem to pass that test, school is stressing you out? I got a word for you 👂

It is tempting to give up at the first, second or even the third closed door. But God expects us to persevere until the right open door is made known to us. So, Do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. Hebrews 10:35 A closed door doesn't mean that it's over for you, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11, So Keep your faith in him who sees and hears your cries Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Mathew 7:7-8 ❤️


I found a loving Father, brother, a reason to live everyday , filled with hope and joy, my companion someone I can trust with my heart, my life & path, my soulmate & someone who will never hurt or abandon me , all in a man name Jesus ❤️

O Lord our God and God of our fathers, draw us closer to You in this coming month, and bring us goodness and blessing! G...

O Lord our God and God of our fathers, draw us closer to You in this coming month, and bring us goodness and blessing! Grant us fullness of life, filled with His peace, with His goodness, with His joy, with His strength, with His righteousness and with His blessing! We thank you for the gift of a new month. May it be a time of growth, prosperity, and happiness for all of us. May this new month be filled with good health, happiness, and success for all. May God grant us the wisdom and strength to endure any obstacles that lie ahead. Amen 🙏 🍂


A quote I seen that helped me see things on a different perspective & I hope this helps you too💙

Even the Ocean finds a way to calm itself after a storm ⛈️ Make sure you find your calmness in your inner storm ⚡️✝️

This is the time we all need to unite as Gods Children & Pray For The Holy Land Of   🙏 Over 700+ murdered, 2,240 wounded...

This is the time we all need to unite as Gods Children & Pray For The Holy Land Of 🙏 Over 700+ murdered, 2,240 wounded, 5,000 rockets launched, 100+ kidnapped civilians and soldiers.

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.


You say you want love, Christ got what you need you can search the world but never find none no greater love for you and me ❤️


Thank you Lord for thinking about me when you woke me up this morning, Forgive me for all my sins, heal me from traumas, pain & hurt. I love you and I need you , enlighten me with your mercy & strength as I face today, shield me and ground my feet, lead me by your spirit and not by fear , If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently In Jesus name amen 🙏

The key to success starts with putting God first 🙏 

The key to success starts with putting God first 🙏 

La clave del éxito 🙌


Wake up, be greatful that God added another day to your life, praise him, get into his word, be kind & drink your water , eat healthy , workout 🏋️‍♀️ and take care of your body ( your temple) may the Lord grant you a beautiful bless day ❤️


Repentance prayer ❤️ Father, I bow before you I repent of all my sins I accept your son Jesus Christ into my heart Amen.

As I say goodbyes to my twenties, I just want to start by thanking God my creator for another bless year. My twenties ta...

As I say goodbyes to my twenties, I just want to start by thanking God my creator for another bless year. My twenties taught me so much about myself & gaved me two beautiful children, lots of ups & lows,frustrations & maturity. Now it’s time to put all that to rest & take what I’ve learned & use it for my days counted on earth. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to see another year added to my life, Happy birthday to me 🖤 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


California being scared of “Hurricane Hilary” that is supposed to hit Southern California & we are under Flood watch. But with Jesus in my life i shall not fear 🙏

Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. John 14:27

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
Isaiah 43:2


I just want to take a quick second to pray for all our children as a new school year begins, with all evil & violence, kids going missing everyday. Please pray over your babies as you send them off to school everyday❤️

Heavenly Father , God Almighty I humbly come to you in the name of your son Jesus that you protect all your children in elementary, high school & college, I pray that you give them courage & your protection as they begin a new year of classes. Sourround them with encouraging & supportive people that will be a positive influence in their lives. May you bless their hard work over the coming months may you give them guidance & protection in everything they do. In Jesus Name amen

I've just reached 14K followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without GOD &  each one of...

I've just reached 14K followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without GOD & each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉 My mission is to get the word of GOD out there it is never about me GOD ALWAYS gets the Glory , Hallelujah 🙏


Take a second to thank God for today. God doesn’t want you to spend hours & hours praying. Sure quality time praying brings you closer to him, & it’s a special connection with him but also God Just wants you to acknowledge that he’s there , he wants to hear you praise & thank him; a simple thank you God For this meal, for this Job , for these new shoes for this new set of clothes, for my home 🏡 is more then enough for him, and comes along way Because we acknowledge him for all that we have, all praise & glory belong to him, Never you ❤️ Stay bless fam 🙏

I wanna start by thanking God for blessing me with my 1/2 little piece of heaven ❤️ Babygirl, the princess of the family...

I wanna start by thanking God for blessing me with my 1/2 little piece of heaven ❤️ Babygirl, the princess of the family, the baby & most beautiful gorgeous, goofy little girl in my life. You brought light in my darkness & we’ve been through so much together. I prayed for you my personal baby doll that I can dress up, brush your hair & be mommas mini me & God answered my prayer & sent me you. Today I wanna say happy happy happy happiest of birthdays princess, may the Lord God guide your path and always be with you. Happy Birthday! My baby 🎂 🎊🎉


So true I had bad anxiety and was on lorazepam for it. It started when I had my son the fear of thinking I could’ve lost him cause me to have severe anxiety which later turned out to be health anxiety just scary to think I could’ve lost both my babies my mind was not healthy. But prayer man helped a lot I’m no longer on cucu pills cus that’s what it felt like it felt like I was getting worse rather then ok, no pill makes anything better but My God does 🥺 to those fighting battles that no one knows about keep holding on cus there is someone who knows what your going through talk to him 🙏


I can walk in my shoes never have to turn around I’m a confident woman, I’m walking with Christ now.


I ask God to give me strength, and he gaved me battles, I asked God to give me patience because I always lashed out in anger, he taught me to be slow to anger & bite my tongue because only foolishness comes out of a fools mouth. I asked God to give me peace , he told me I had to be the peace maker , let go of grudges & ask for forgiveness to those I had fell out with even if it was not my fault. I ask God how can I forgive my enemies & those who have done me wrong, he told me forgive them as I have forgave you. Moral of the Story is Trust God while you are facing battles God is fixing the broken pieces in your life. If he doesn’t fix the situation, he is using the situation to fix you🙏


Stop recording when you give to those in need for your publicity. Stop tryna look like a hero for your social media while posting them , full face on blast , in there lowest point in life, because I know you wouldn’t want someone posting you & your business at your lowest. 🗣️


To think I was calling myself a “ bad bitch” before 🤦🏻‍♀️ From “bad bitch” to a Proverbs 31 girl , is one of my many missions here on earth. we’ll look at that God truly changes people. Once he gets inside that lil heart of yours, He melts your heart & it’s a wrap 🥰

Someone who is missing her lower spine, faces kidney problems, & has a neurogenic bladder disorder & is supposed to be o...

Someone who is missing her lower spine, faces kidney problems, & has a neurogenic bladder disorder & is supposed to be on a wheel-chair, is now running, climbing, starts ballerina classes soon, living her best life & soon to turn 3 in a few weeks would you look at that. God you knew I needed my children, I needed them to change my ways , I would go through all this over again I’ve gained patience, forgiveness, and strength I never knew I had , I love you so much my pretty girl. She loves her doctors & she always stops by to look at their beautiful little garden 🪴


Loving GOD is Loving him more then your CHILDREN, family, husband/ Wife , your Job, your desires, your materialistic values, money. loving GOD is putting him first before anything. We are taught in Mathew 10:37 “ Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. You must worship and serve Him first. And, you must fight to keep Him as your number one priority.

One Thing About Ms Juliette Sky Is She’s Going To Model That Hospital Robe 🤣 God Is So Good. Her Kidney Reflux Has Gone ...

One Thing About Ms Juliette Sky Is She’s Going To Model That Hospital Robe 🤣 God Is So Good. Her Kidney Reflux Has Gone Away After That Scare We Had Two Months Ago We Thought Her Reflux Came Back, But God Had Other Plans ❤️ She was born with Anomy Of Spine, Kidney Reflux, & Neurogenic Bladder Disorder & God Is Eliminating one by one Don’t Let The Drs Report Define You. God Has The Last Say! Parents Never Stop Praying Over Your Babies , God Hears You. 🥺


Today 10 months ago I decided to pick up my cross, read my Bible & build my relationship with God. 10 months ago I would look at my Bible felt no connection because it would talk about all these kings & generations etc I had no interest for what to me it seemed boring. Not knowing the enemy was trying to distract me to not read it, the urge to check my phone first (but I didn’t) the feeling sleepy or yawning while praying or reading my Bible. The more I kept reading I’ve come to a realization that Jesus was speaking directly to me , I was becoming aware of him more how he was, his character and endless love ❤️ I didn’t give up but I made a promise to God that I would NEVER MISS A DAY from reading my Bible. I knew I had to keep that promise so I said Lord I promise to vow to you and read 5 pages every morning ( because the Bible is a really long long book so I was gonna make sure I kept my promise even if it’s only 5 pages a day ) after prayer , I was gonna make sure I got into my word, before I eat, drink anything, before touching my phone. To some 5 pages isn’t enough but to me it was everything because I was keeping my promise to God. The more I started knowing God more I’ve come to a conclusion that he doesn’t care how much time, pages I’ve read all he wanted was to spend time with me, to include him in everything I did throughout my day, to lean on him. So here I am proud of myself for keeping my word to God with 5 pages a day, 10 months later I’ve officially read the entire Bible from Genesis- Revelation no skipping pages & with Gods word & promises in my heart. Thank you God for giving me the strength to not give up on you for thinking it was boring. Thank you for revealing yourself to me each and everyday as I prayed for it & indeed you did. Thank you for the Wisdom & knowledge I’ve gained and thank you for everything God. I owe it all to you ❤️🙏🥺




No matter what you’re going through, you’re going to make it. God knows exactly what he’s doing just hang on 🔐 🤲🏼❤️




People paying for “psychics” , “Tarot Readers” & “ warlocks “ spending so much money. Meanwhile God is eternal , Protective & Free of Charge.


Never think that I’m weak because I kneel and I pray 🤲🏼


God Loves the sinner But Not the sin ❤️


As school has officially ended for most kids and summer break started. Thank you God For keeping our children safe this school year. 🙏


Lord as we start a new day I pray that you lead me by your Spirit and not by fear, In Jesus Name Amen 🙏

The doctors report said one thing. But GOD said I have the last say. Going from picking out a onesie for his teddy bear ...

The doctors report said one thing. But GOD said I have the last say. Going from picking out a onesie for his teddy bear for we can have memories of him. To over coming CHD & Open heart Surgery. The doctors said his whole heart was covered with large and small holes, difficult for him to eat, keep his head up, and hard to do tummy time because he was forcing himself & would run out of breath. Open heart surgery wasn’t promised to be successful his chances of survival were so low he didn’t meet the weight requirements but time was ticking. Can’t nobody tell me GOD ISNT REAL! Because as I sat there in the waiting room , not knowing who GOD was, with no faith, I knew there was a GOD , my mouth cried out to Jesus in that moment, doing so and knowing what I now know Mathew 17:20 came a long way for me in that moment, I’m pleading with GOD and begging him to let my son live as I promised him that I would be a great mother, and never fail him as my parents did to me, that I don’t know how (because I didn’t know myself either) but with GODS help I promised I would raise my son in the LORDS ways, teach him about our Heavenly Father. And just pleaded with GOD for hours he heard me. The longest 4 hours of my life as the surgeon opened the door and gave me the biggest smile ever I knew it was GOD who heard my pleading I couldn’t help but to give the surgeon the biggest hug ever because I knew GOD was with him during my son’s operation. At 5 years old his cardiologist said he’s doing better, nomore drs visits, he wouldn’t have no restrictions at all and can live a normal life. Here he is now healthy and stronger everyday and will be 7 this summer. And as I promised the LORD (though it took me a while , I am not perfect) but here I am raising my baby to be a prophet, teaching him the ways of the LORD 👆🏼 Never loose hope, cling on to Jesus because at the end of the day it’s his last say ✝️🙏🙌🏻

Feed Your Mind Truth 💡

Feed Your Mind Truth 💡


Goodmorning, As you wake up this morning don’t forget to Thank God for waking you up. I pray that everyone has a blessed beautiful day, full of accomplishments and don’t forget to smile and be kind , Amen 💛


Thank you Jesus for loving a person like me. I don’t deserve you & yet you give me more then I deserve 🥺




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