****Just A Heads Up Reminder****
We highly encourage everyone to renew a couple days early and not wait until last minute as your service may be interupted while waiting on us to process your order. We have plenty of customers and all orders are manually processed by us. This can take time depending on time of day and what we have going on. It’s holiday time and we will have family events planned as you do too.
You do NOT lose any time paid for by renewing early. Your renewal plan is added onto the end of your current plan.
Please also note we are unavailable 11pm-8am daily. Do not expect assistance during these times unless it’s a PPV night. We must rest as we have daytime jobs also. We will take care of you next morning.
Daytime Office hours will also be added to protect our time, so you are aware of when we will be setting up new Accts, processing renewals, and addressing tickets. We really appreciate those that checkin with our availability before sending requests.