The Postivity Xperience

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The Postivity Xperience This is a little space to come on the internet for positivity. Here we can discuss the Podcast, YouTube and other positive stories.

Its a communiy of love and acceptance.

Why do you care what others think of you? When you know who you are, the people who matter won’t mind and the people who...

Why do you care what others think of you? When you know who you are, the people who matter won’t mind and the people who mind don’t my matter.

When you find yourself caring about their opinions, use that as a sign of what needs to be focused on within yourself.

Time with my son is some of the most valuable time I cherish.   When you go through hard times and grow together, the ot...

Time with my son is some of the most valuable time I cherish. When you go through hard times and grow together, the other side of that is not only brighter but one of the strongest bonds you will ever have.

People see the glory but not the story. People look a the cover and think they know the book but they don’t see the grind and survival it took to get there and stay there.

You will never care about someone else’s opinions when you had to face criticism and judgment because you were “ghetto” or less than. We have had some amazing people to help us in some of the darkest times.

We apologize for nothing that others think we should or shouldn’t do. The static of entitlement and judgment of others is what has driven us to elevate and leave low vibrational people where they stand. That confidence scares people who don’t have it.

Never over explain yourself or think you owe anyone access to you, your story or your glory. ❤️

You are responsible for your mindset and reactions.  You can complain or you can either accept or find resolution. It is...

You are responsible for your mindset and reactions. You can complain or you can either accept or find resolution.

It is no one else’s responsibility for happiness and growth except for yourself.

You can live in the victim mindset or you can pull back and analyze if a change can be made. If it can then plan to make the change without the need to control how others respond.

Your life is your responsibility.

The world has so much beauty and you’re wasting time worrying about someone else’s opinions of you. If you worry about t...

The world has so much beauty and you’re wasting time worrying about someone else’s opinions of you.

If you worry about that, they are now in control of how you live your life.

You CHOOSE what you allow in your energy field.  If it isn’t serving your growth, it’s contributing to your discomfort. ...

You CHOOSE what you allow in your energy field. If it isn’t serving your growth, it’s contributing to your discomfort.

You deserve to protect your peace ❤️

Looking outside of yourself for happiness and getting mad or frustrated with others because the void isn’t filled is a h...

Looking outside of yourself for happiness and getting mad or frustrated with others because the void isn’t filled is a highlight of needing to look within.

No one is ever responsible for your happiness. They can align with the foundation of self love and become a beautiful extension of that self love but never replace it.

Stop avoiding the accountability that only you can fill that void. You may need to distant from some of the people and situations in your life to do that.

You have choices in life.  ✅You get to choose your mindset.✅You get to choose how you respond.✅You get to choose self di...

You have choices in life.

✅You get to choose your mindset.
✅You get to choose how you respond.
✅You get to choose self discipline over excuses.
✅You choose if you love yourself enough to be your first priority.
✅You choose who you want to be without explaining to anyone your why.
✅You choose if you embrace the joys and excitement of failure.
✅You choose if you look forward to the unknown.

There are so many more choices you get to make but you gotta be willing to be the villian to some, misunderstood and judged. If you are not willing to be the priority in your life, you will live in attachment, codependency and fear. Choose to heal and realize that is a life long journey and not a short term visit.

Need help? Book an appointment with me but not unless you are willing to face yourself, your past and drop excuses.

This week is as exactly what we all needed.  Took our annual family vacation that we do every year with the besties and ...

This week is as exactly what we all needed. Took our annual family vacation that we do every year with the besties and decided this year on Williamsburg and it did NOT disappoint.

We hit Busch Gardens, Water Country, bowling twice, Sienna’s first winery, Colonial Williamsburg and games and games.

I got to get in with a few spirits at the evening tour one night as well.

This week each year is super meaningful to us all and can’t wait to plan next years trip in the upcoming few months. Do NOT forget to take time off of everything from work to personal growth. Be mindful and present not only on those breaks but everyday.

The kitties never have to be alone because Jan and Ellen come and snuggle them for the week. My cats are bougie and need people with them not just pop ins.

Nice and refreshed for my larger groups and individual clients. Finishing the book soon finally and ready to continue my life purpose but I get one last day of break before home❤️

One of my most favorite things to do is crochet.  Hobbies aren’t a luxery, they are mandatory for your mental health and...

One of my most favorite things to do is crochet. Hobbies aren’t a luxery, they are mandatory for your mental health and growth journey.

I work with clients across the world daily on personal development, self esteem, releasing victim mentality and sooo much more and I always always recommend a hobby to start your journey .

Try a few and know you will mess up and fail frequently. You should also learn your craft over and over cause you will always learn something new.

A hobby will test your patience and delay instant gratification. Of course everyone wants to feel secure and “happy” but you can’t do self help 24x7. So what, you have a lot to do.. I am finishing my second book and creating new programs for my clients and have a timeline but I have to make time each night for crochet.

You gotta have balance. So find something. Stop waiting to “know” what it is. Walk into Michael’s or pick up a camera. Just try it and do NOT make bs excuses. How you do one thing is how you do everything so if you make excuses for a hobby you will do so in ever other area of your life.

Fiends who can dress up and be silly are the best ..  drinks and finding the Yellow Brick Road ❤️

Fiends who can dress up and be silly are the best .. drinks and finding the Yellow Brick Road ❤️

How you see the world and everything in it is entirely in mindset.   Mindset shows your opportunity or roadblocks.  Life...

How you see the world and everything in it is entirely in mindset. Mindset shows your opportunity or roadblocks.

Life is going to have ups and often serious downs but if you remain in a victim mindset everything will become everyone else’s responsibility to heal it it and you will see no way past it.

Mindset is the key to growth and getting unstuck . No human holds the ability to make you react. Focus on shifting mindset and the world becomes a whole new playground filled with opportunities. ✌️

Stop waiting for time that may never come. Time is going to go on and Life is going to go on with her without your parti...

Stop waiting for time that may never come. Time is going to go on and Life is going to go on with her without your participation.

Who cares if it doesn’t work out then you learned a lesson you make a change and keep it moving. However, it may work out.

Stop waiting to feel ready, stop wanting people to support that journey.. stop waiting cause you staying in the holding pattern only creates more stress as you watch life and time move forward.

Seeking approval becomes something you depend on if you aren’t focusing on your own growth and willingness to take risks...

Seeking approval becomes something you depend on if you aren’t focusing on your own growth and willingness to take risks.

You are capable of living differently than they may want and you can make decisions without needing to know if it will “work”.

If you live in a prison of approval, you will never get to know or love yourself. You don’t need their approval to take the direction that YOU want try.

Stop depending on something that is subjective and limited their own perspectives.

Early Mother’s Day celebration dinner and bowling ❤️ drinks, great food and amazing company.

Early Mother’s Day celebration dinner and bowling ❤️ drinks, great food and amazing company.

Stop glorifying the idea of how much better your life would have been if___.  You have zero proof or guarantee your life...

Stop glorifying the idea of how much better your life would have been if___. You have zero proof or guarantee your life would be better now if something was different in the past. It would have been different yes, better.. you have zero proof.

When you focus on the fantasy you start to try to rope other people in with your expectations.

You don’t have to live in that mindset and you have control over that mindset.

Your ego is heavily in play when you refuse to accept that you are here now and anything that was or could be is NOT changing.

Life is going to life regardless of how you see it.  How you handle things is a mindset and mindset IS a choice. If you ...

Life is going to life regardless of how you see it. How you handle things is a mindset and mindset IS a choice.

If you see it from a victim mentality, everything you see will foster those beliefs. You will remain angry and defensive. Thats is your own prison to live in.

If you accept that problems will arise and you can only control your mindset and how you respond, you get out of the negative cycle. You allow for relationships to grow and opportunities to arise.

If your choose the first option, it will isolate you from relationships and situations. You will take everything personal. You will love in the poison of your anger while life keeps moving for everyone else. No one has to coddle you while you figure it out.

If you choose the second option, you take NOTHING personal and focus on your goals and dreams. You focus on how you can respond and what you need to accept. You allow yourself to release the need to be right.

Your mindset can keep you angry and stuck or open and flowing. Either option is 100000 percent in your control.

Fun night with my girl for some Mexican food and  the Sexyy Red concert.    We do a lot together ❤️ she is my travel and...

Fun night with my girl for some Mexican food and the Sexyy Red concert. We do a lot together ❤️ she is my travel and fun buddy.

Soaking up while I can before she heads to Towson in the fall. Until then, we gonna tear up the summer ❤️

You are in FULL  control over the opinions you choose to accept.  If you choose to give the opinions power then it’s you...

You are in FULL control over the opinions you choose to accept. If you choose to give the opinions power then it’s you that is in charge of revoking the same power.

If you base your value on their perspectives of you then you will never know yourself.

If they think you are the villian be the best one you can be knowing their view isn’t valid of your worth.

You choose. They don’t make you accept their opinion, you choose to.

Always be a first rate version of yourself.  This is not up for approval or debate from anyone else.  If you are authent...

Always be a first rate version of yourself. This is not up for approval or debate from anyone else. If you are authentic to yourself, you don’t have to remember who you are supposed to be according to someone else.

Don’t try to be anyone else or be the person they want you to be. If you try to be someone else, you will continue to chase a fake version of yourself.

Commit to being the villian and not living up to their expectations. Thats how you free up space to show up for yourself.

You worry about others opinions and those opinions are others opinions and not theirs anyway. Emotional intelligence is ...

You worry about others opinions and those opinions are others opinions and not theirs anyway.

Emotional intelligence is the art of forming your own opinions even if it’s the unpopulated one. Observing people and situations through your own lens.

You are allowed to like people who others don’t like, you are allowed to make decisions others wouldn’t make, you are allowed to spiritually align how you to choose to align and so much more.

Ask yourself if your opinions are really yours and if so are you willing to accept that others are allowed theirs? That’s how you no longer get care about others opinions.

There is ALWAYS going to be someone who doesn’t vibe with you and that is perfectly fine, you don’t vibe with everyone. ...

There is ALWAYS going to be someone who doesn’t vibe with you and that is perfectly fine, you don’t vibe with everyone.

It becomes problematic when you try to get everyone to like you. Why would you waste time convincing people of your value? You can’t and shouldn’t be everything to everyone.

If you focus on who doesn’t like you then you miss out on those who do. Remain authentic and never try to get people to accept that authenticy and never judge them if they don’t.

Self confidence is a beautiful thing that allows you to take risks, be extra, be unique and find peace with thinking outside the box. ❤️

You can’t just change without the acceptance. It takes time and consistency and a ton of radical acceptance. The key to ...

You can’t just change without the acceptance. It takes time and consistency and a ton of radical acceptance. The key to becoming the person you want to be comes down to:

✅Forgivenss of self and others
✅Releasing grudges
✅Moving on from the past
✅Authenicity without apology
✅Embracing solitude
✅Know your own beliefs
✅Find a spiritual anchor (not religious )
✅Show compassion for yourself
✅Embrace setbacks
✅Consistency in your own growth practices.

So many other things but if you try to add things without being subtractive, you will never really get to know yourself.

Stop trying to prove your value, understanding and goals to others.  When you overshare or get caught up in opinions of ...

Stop trying to prove your value, understanding and goals to others. When you overshare or get caught up in opinions of others, it’s highlighting insecurity.

People talk about you regardless and being true to yourself is the person you need to be happy with. Not everyone has to have a relationship but no one gets to judge.

You can observe and decide if it fits your own goals and life path and then act accordingly with those you surround yourself with. If they are negative, you become negative. You adjust to the temperature in the room.

So busy worrying about others that your own emotional baggage is tripping you up. Focus on what areas you need to work on. Are you living in the past? It’s your job to come into the present.

Your life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it. Everyone has a story and it’s not always a glo...

Your life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it.

Everyone has a story and it’s not always a glorious one. The key to my growth and inner peace was not living in the why me of molestion and other hardships. It took me yearsssss to understand this but once I did the circumstances no longer had a hold on me. I didn’t need accountability from anyone nor an apology. I get to use all that experience and help sooo many people now.

Yea, it sucked but if I live in the “why me” and allow anger and resentments, those situations would still have a hold on me.

Your life is here now and if you live in the past and the victimization of it, you will only see the world that way. You have heard countless times that no one is coming to save you and that’s a true statement. You however can save yourself by releasing judgments and letting go of the anger.

Have anger all you want but it’s you that drinks your own poison. You will never find solutions or abundance living in those past hurts.

You get to choose how you see the world now. What will you do now with your life?

I love the four agreements as well as constant mindfulness of the self journey. When you focus on yourself as the vehicl...

I love the four agreements as well as constant mindfulness of the self journey.

When you focus on yourself as the vehicle to healing and growth you don’t take people’s words or actions personal because you don’t rely on them for validation.

Self love and reliance along with acceptance knows that the actions of others is never about you. It could be the wound they have that isn’t healed yet (Abandonment, Attachment, People Pleasing etc)

Most people conduct their lives differently. Don’t hold a grudge because their life isn’t the same as yours. Grudges breed judgment and judgment is avoiding your own healing. Don’t change for their acceptance and vice versa.

No external situations can provide internal peace. It’s no one else’s job to prioritize your journey but it is yours.

Show compassion to yourself on the journey and also to others. Don’t let the external chatter derail your self awareness.

Your expectations are holding you back and creating great disappointments.  Remember that you are in charge of your happ...

Your expectations are holding you back and creating great disappointments.

Remember that you are in charge of your happiness through mindset. Mindset is always within your control. If you go into victim mentality you will remain seeing everything in such light.

Be careful of what you consume and how you see your life. Be careful of what you think you are owed.

I had such an amazing weekend for my birthday.  Always happy to make it around the sun another year and especially with ...

I had such an amazing weekend for my birthday. Always happy to make it around the sun another year and especially with people who just get you. No judgments or expectations and lets you be your extra self.

Happy to be 53 and ready to see what kind of awesomeness I can bring into this year.

My birthday is my New Years so it’s always good to regroup and recalibrate. Cheers to 53 ❤️


I had such an amazing weekend for my birthday.  Always happy to make it around the sun another year and especially with ...

I had such an amazing weekend for my birthday. Always happy to make it around the sun another year and especially with people who just get you. No judgments or expectations and lets you be your extra self.

Happy to be 53 and ready to see what kind of awesomeness I can bring into this year.

My birthday is my New Years so it’s always good to regroup and recalibrate. Cheers to 53 ❤️

You lose yourself the moment you try to be the version of yourself they want you to be. You would much rather be judged ...

You lose yourself the moment you try to be the version of yourself they want you to be.

You would much rather be judged for who you are then be a shell of a person to be who they want you to be.

They will judge regardless so make sure they are judging the authentic you.

When you are unapologetically yourself the opinions of others are irrelevant.  Don’t give value to opinions that don’t p...

When you are unapologetically yourself the opinions of others are irrelevant. Don’t give value to opinions that don’t promote your wellbeing and growth.

Everyone has quirks and extras to them. It’s ok if people don’t understand or accept you as long as you do. There are people who will see value in your authenticity. This are the people you focus on AFTER prioritizing yourself.




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