Settle an argument! @CreateAColorfulLife (KM) has a white. Le Creuset (or Le Crust as we affectionally text it to each other) and @KathleenLovesColor (KH) has a turquoise Le Crust. KM says she got a white one because then it doesn’t matter what cabinets she has in the future; it will always match. KH says it really doesn’t matter; a kitchen can have lots of colors of pots in a kitchen – eclectic is better! Who do you side with? (Get our full Episode 4: Black Friday Home Decor Shopping on @ApplePodcasts and @SpotifyPodcasts)#lecreuset #lecruset #lecrust #lecruesetmalaysia #podcast #podcasters #Homedecor #BlackFriday #DIY #DIYLife#podcastlove #homedecorlovers #homedecordiy #colorfulliving