3 things traveling taught me that relate to my business 🌎
Travel has been THE best investment I’ve ever made for myself, no doubt.
I’ve gained so much knowledge and life experience from packing my life into a backpack and setting off across the world on my own.
Here are 3 lessons I’ve been reflecting on today:
1~ You have to go with the flow. 🌊
Every business has their ebs & flows, just like travel. You can be at your highest high and suddenly hit a few bumps and you can feel like everything is falling apart. (Like the time I went from living in Pai, Thailand with my best friend at the time, to when she left me alone in Laos and I was struggling with my mental health more than and I considered going home every day.)
You can do your best to prevent these things, but they will happen inevitably, learn to ride the waves. 💙
2~ Don’t compare yourself to others journey.
Travel pictures can look so luxurious and perfect but I bet ya, 99.9% of those photos have some backstory that makes it a little less desirable.
(This photo for example: It was ungodly hot, there were tourists EVERYWHERE, and the road to this beach was deadly)
It’s easy to get sucked into other people’s business success and feel like you’re not advancing as quickly as them, but everyone is on their own path and comparing will only make you feel like a failure.
3~You have to put yourself out there.
Traveling is all about meeting new people and making friends along the way. 🤝
As a kid, I always struggled asking to sit with someone at the lunch table but once I started staying in hostels, I had to get over the fear.
Same for my business, I have to reach out there to people and make connections, otherwise, my business would not be where it is today.
I could continue on with more lessons I’ve learned and more stories probably forever.. and even though I’m not as nomadic as I was a few years ago, I would never trade the value I’ve received from visiting so many unique places. 🏝
What are some of the best things you’ve gained from traveling? ✈️