Palm Social

Palm Social Here at Palm Social we help ambitious brands increase visibility with intentionality on social media!

Palm Social was created to fill a need that I continued to see with small businesses. We focus on social media so you can focus on your business!

Which would you choose?

Which would you choose?

THIS IS GOOD NEWS! Don’t let the fear of your industry being oversaturated stop you from growing your business! There ar...


Don’t let the fear of your industry being oversaturated stop you from growing your business!

There are a million coffee shops, yet they keep popping up.

There are a million breweries, yet they keep popping up.

BECAUSE they each bring something to the table.

So instead of saying “it’s oversaturated” → ask yourself “what do I bring to the industry”

Follow to make Instagram simple again 🌴

Some days I *literally* only get 1 thing done…I feel like it’s so easy to compare dollar signs or to-do lists from peopl...

Some days I *literally* only get 1 thing done…

I feel like it’s so easy to compare dollar signs or to-do lists from people we see on social media and think “I could never do that” or convince ourselves that only “$10k months will change my life” so I’m not even going to try…

Or maybe it is that strong fear of looking dumb online…

But what would it mean for your family if you made an extra $100 or $500 a month? What if that number kept growing?

So why not start? Why not try?

As a new mom, it’s tough adjusting to work and mom life. But I couldn’t imagine the toll it would take on my heart if I had to leave my sweet Dylan Jane at just WEEKS old.

I’d choose running my own business over going to a job and leaving my baby EVERY SINGLE TIME.

It’s easier than ever to make money in the online space today → online courses, books, coaching, e-products, ambassador programs…

What is holding you back mama?

DM me, let’s work through some ideas to get you started in the online space →

My only regret is not breaking free from this cycle sooner 🔄Building the foundation of your business can make or break i...

My only regret is not breaking free from this cycle sooner 🔄

Building the foundation of your business can make or break its longevity.

Why not get it in place sooner rather than later so you can focus on signing and serving clients?!

If you relate to this struggle DM me “JUMP START” to schedule a free 1:1 coaching call


Should you be using CTAs on yours and your clients posts? Short answer: YES Studies have shown that CTAs make your follo...

Should you be using CTAs on yours and your clients posts?

Short answer: YES

Studies have shown that CTAs make your followers 371% more likely to take action 🤯

Examples of CTAs you can use:
• Save this post to refer back to
• Share this with a friend who needs to know
• Comment 🌴 to learn more
• DM “freebie” and I’ll send you my free [offer]
• Follow for more content on [insert what you do]

It’s hard to keep up with all the things happening on social media 😅

Follow to make it easier 🌴

So often we think there is a "SECRET SHORTCUT" to results...when in reality...We just don't want to put in the practice ...

So often we think there is a "SECRET SHORTCUT" to results...when in reality...

We just don't want to put in the practice to do what it takes to get good.

When I was a baby, I didn't know how to walk...
How did I get better? PRACTICE.

I grew up playing soccer but wasn't so good when I first started...
How did I get better? PRACTICE.

I wanted to learn how to make sourdough from scratch. My first time wasn't so pretty...
How did I get better? PRACTICE.

Why does "practice" resonate in all the other areas of our lives but not when it comes to selling?

Every call I have, I don't attach myself to the "yes" or "no" of the sale, instead...

I view it as a way to practice and get better for future sales!

I wish I would have had someone who let me practice my sales pitch with them from the beginning so I could continue to get feedback and improve my sales process.

That is why I want to offer a FREE 10 minute sales role play call to you!

DM me "SALES ROLE PLAY" to set up your call (typically something I only do for my 1:1 clients!)

+remember...if you don't make sales, you don't have a have a hobby.

Ohhhh the thrill of going viral...SIKEEEEE! It sounds great, but at the end of the day it only pumps up our own ego and ...

Ohhhh the thrill of going viral...


It sounds great, but at the end of the day it only pumps up our own ego and deflates our business (or in this case, our clients business)

Going viral DOES NOT equal credibility!

Have you ever had a client reel go viral? What was your experience?

Dylan Jane Eastman 💜The biggest blessing God has ever given me. I’ve prayed for her my whole life. She was born in the p...

Dylan Jane Eastman 💜

The biggest blessing God has ever given me. I’ve prayed for her my whole life.

She was born in the peace of our home alongside 3 midwives, her daddy, her big brother and her two grandmas on 4/21 weighing 8.10 and 20 inches long.

Delivering her at home was the absolute hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it showed me a whole new side of myself. I am forever changed.

I truly don’t have the words for the way my heart feels…so for now, I shall bask in the overwhelming joy that J and I have for our sweet girl 🥹

You are so loved Dylan Jane and I’m honored to be your mommy 😭

The temptation to SEAL THE DEAL is REAL 🤤It can feel like if you don't guarantee sales you may lose them altogether and ...

The temptation to SEAL THE DEAL is REAL 🤤

It can feel like if you don't guarantee sales you may lose them altogether and then the fear sets in that there will be nobody else that comes along...

But, what will hurt your business more is committing to results you don't have control over.

Your reputation will be hurt. Your client will be upset. You will feel like you failed.

It is better to gain confidence in what you DO and CAN offer and show up with the energy that they still need you even if you can't guarantee sales!

Drop a 🤑 in the comments if anyone has asked you what sales you can guarantee them

How to utilize these spaces to grow your network daily ⬇First you have to know who your DREAMY client is. Who are you lo...

How to utilize these spaces to grow your network daily ⬇

First you have to know who your DREAMY client is. Who are you looking for?

Social Media > Find your dreamy client, follow them, comment on a story if they have one (this sends you right into their DMs), if they don't have a story, send them a DM and comment on something in their profile (a post, something you have in common, their location, etc.) Start to build a relationship in the DMs where you can then offer them value that also showcases your expertise (share something they could improve in their bio or a content idea) as you begin to build this relationship you can inform them that you offer SMM services and take it from there!

Local Businesses > Believe it or not, you live in the physical world! Don't forget about the brick and mortar local businesses that you can stop in and begin to create a relationship with!

Networking Groups > Join groups that your DREAMY client would be in! (Ex: If you do social media management for breweries, you could join brewers groups)

Job Postings > Now I know what you are thinking..."I do NOT want to be an employee" (I GET YOU SISTER...neither do I!) but job postings literally tell you that a business has a need they are looking to fill. Reach out and inform them of what you offer and why it could potentially benefit them more than an employee.

Where do you like to find your DREAMY clients!?

So often we forget about this one thing...OURSELVES! Yes, it is important to show what you know. But, it is also importa...

So often we forget about this one thing...


Yes, it is important to show what you know.

But, it is also important to connect with your potential clients because at the end of the day they are buying into YOU!

I challenge you to make a post using one of these five ideas 🌴

The bottom line is...The more confident and convicted you are in your service...the quicker people will see the value th...

The bottom line is...

The more confident and convicted you are in your service...the quicker people will see the value that you can offer them!

Your services ARE valuable...but do YOU believe that?

Write out everything that goes into what you offer your clients and WHY it benefits them!

Typically, objections aren't an attack on us personally. They are just an indicator on things we could potentially communicate better!

DM me "OBJECTION HANDLING" if you need some more pointers 🌴

Please tell me I am not the only one who has struggled with this...Utilize these SIMPLE systems to cut out the frustrati...

Please tell me I am not the only one who has struggled with this...

Utilize these SIMPLE systems to cut out the frustration of content collection!

Red flags will never feel good no matter the money they pay you 🚩🚩🚩This is why you need a CUSTOM Marketing Strategy that...

Red flags will never feel good no matter the money they pay you 🚩🚩🚩

This is why you need a CUSTOM Marketing Strategy that helps you attract DREAMY clients!

Because my guess is that even if you started your SMM business as a way to earn income...there is still a desire to create IMPACT over income within you!

You can't create the impact you desire when you are running your SMM business from a place of fear and misaligned clients.

A CUSTOM Marketing Strategy allows you to speak directly to your dreamy client, their values, their pain points, their goals!

DM me "STRATEGY" and let's get you a strategy in place so you can build your SMM business on a firm foundation of aligned clients.

You’re not just selling a service…You’re also selling YOURSELF. People buy into YOU before they buy into your offer. SAV...

You’re not just selling a service…

You’re also selling YOURSELF.

People buy into YOU before they buy into your offer.

SAVE these scripts to introduce yourself - don’t be afraid to showcase who YOU are, who God created you to be!


Follow → to make marketing simple again 🌴

What I wish I would have done instead ⬇️It’s easy as a new business owner to get stuck in the perfection cycle of studyi...

What I wish I would have done instead ⬇️

It’s easy as a new business owner to get stuck in the perfection cycle of studying and planning but never actually taking action 🔄

This also leads down the terrible path of COMPARISON ❌

Instead of looking at what everyone else was doing, I wish I would have:

•Connected with my target audience and asked THEM what they needed so I could build my content from that

•Trusted my expertise

•Wrote out content ideas based on my own experiences

•Thought about what I wish I would have had/known when I first started out and created content from those desires and ideas

‼️ MOST OF ALL I wish I would have used Instagram to ONLY connect with my target audience INSTEAD OF my competitors
(matter of fact I’ve stopped following most people in the same industry as me so my thoughts and opinions aren’t diluted by what’s already out there)

For example: if you are an auto-immune disease coach and you see everyone talking about how you can heal if you take this magic pill (but YOU actually believe it’s about holistic, organic nutrition and nourishing your body with the right fuel)…

•Instead of telling yourself “I must need to start talking about this magic pill”
→ use your knowledge and expertise to bring a different view on how nutrition and vitamins can actually heal you!

•Share how you went from X to Y because of Z
→ I went from exhausted and depressed to energized and joyful because of holistic, organic nutrition

How to make this content simple → using personal, every day experiences to link back to your business.


If you are struggling to create content using your own experiences and expertise, send me a DM, I will be happy to give you a few ideas!

Your next valuable post is just 5 slides away ⬇️FIRST, SAVE THIS TO REFER BACK TO 🛟Now…here are your 5 slides:1️⃣ HOOK: ...

Your next valuable post is just 5 slides away ⬇️


Now…here are your 5 slides:

1️⃣ HOOK: 3 (insert niche) MYTHS you need to know

Content (insert a popular myth and share the truth)

2️⃣ Myth 1:
Fact 1:

3️⃣ Myth 2:
Fact 2:

4️⃣ Myth 3:
Fact 3:

5️⃣ CTA: Comment which myth stood out to you the most

📝Note: you can always explain further or express your opinions in the caption

Follow for more SIMPLE social media marketing education →

The fact of the matter is, the majority of people who cross paths with your Instagram, probably aren’t looking for what ...

The fact of the matter is, the majority of people who cross paths with your Instagram, probably aren’t looking for what you sell RIGHT THEN AND THERE.

Heck, they might now even know what you sell yet!

So…2 questions you should ask yourself ⬇️

1. When someone finds your account but doesn’t need your product right now, why should they follow you?

2. Once they DO buy from you, do they have a reason to stick around?

Think about yourself when you go to other accounts - if you don’t need what they are selling, why do you follow and why do you stick around?

Do they help solve a problem? Are they entertaining? Inspiring? Can you learn from them?

Let me know why YOU follow accounts in the comments 👇🏻

Now THAT is a meal I am after 🤤Let’s break it down a tad bit further ⬇️Your content: I encourage you to give as much val...

Now THAT is a meal I am after 🤤

Let’s break it down a tad bit further ⬇️

Your content: I encourage you to give as much value as possible here. But, always leave them wanting more!

Your DM’s: You are so good at connecting, use your DM’s to build genuine relationships!

Your product: Don’t be afraid to showcase what you have to offer, it could be exactly what they are looking for!

Your ultimate goal should always be to produce attractive content to get them in your DMs. This is where relationships are built. This is where trust forms and loyalty is birthed.

Was this helpful mama?

Before you continue…SAVE THIS! I know how hard you work on your content (and you probably THINK about it even more!) so ...

Before you continue…SAVE THIS!

I know how hard you work on your content (and you probably THINK about it even more!) so the next time you go to POST & PRAY - just remember how silly it would be to make a cross country road trip without a GPS….

You’re investing the time to post anyways, don’t you want to see the maximum benefit?

Refer back to these 3 questions before you click post 🙏🏻

Now, let’s not lie…10k followers sounds pretty nice (and I know you and I will both get there and beyond!) but it is NOT...

Now, let’s not lie…

10k followers sounds pretty nice (and I know you and I will both get there and beyond!) but it is NOT necessary to run a profitable business.

(Tough love moment → What makes you think you can sell to 10k people if you can’t sell to ONE?!)

QUALITY over quantity ⬇️

Ask yourself:
• Does my bio clearly state what I do, who I serve and how I help?

• Is my content targeted? (Who am I posting this for?Why am I posting it? How does it help?)

• Am I connecting with my ideal client/customer? (This could be through the DMs, engagement, etc.)

Now go get to selling your product/service mama, you got this!!!

Join me TOMORROW, Thursday, January 11th on Instagram Live to hangout with Katie from The Hive 🐝 + .socialmedia ———This ...

Join me TOMORROW, Thursday, January 11th on Instagram Live to hangout with Katie from The Hive 🐝

+ .socialmedia

This Instagram Live series is all about showcasing other conservative businesses that you can support, shop from, and/or utilize their services 🇺🇸

Believe BIGGER. Live BOLDER.

Hear me out…What if every obstacle you’re facing right now was an invitation to BELIEVE BIGGER and LIVE BOLDER? Because ...

Hear me out…

What if every obstacle you’re facing right now was an invitation to BELIEVE BIGGER and LIVE BOLDER?

Because here’s the thing - we will never fully pursue what we don’t believe we are worthy to receive.

To believe bigger means to believe that you’re worthy, wonderful, and ready.

To live bolder means to unapologetically stand firm in your values and who you were created you to be, while most of the world waivers.

My motto at Palm Social: BELIEVE BIGGER. LIVE BOLDER.

Welcome to my world mama 😎

Join us this Thursday, January 4th on Instagram Live as we pull back the curtains on being a conservative MOMpreneur!   ...

Join us this Thursday, January 4th on Instagram Live as we pull back the curtains on being a conservative MOMpreneur!


This Instagram Live series is all about showcasing other conservative businesses that you can support, shop from, and/or utilize their services 🇺🇸


This is going to p**s a lot of people off 🤭🥵Being given the gift of  changed everything for me. It reignited my spirit a...

This is going to p**s a lot of people off 🤭🥵

Being given the gift of changed everything for me.

It reignited my spirit and my fire for my business.

Hi, I’m Paige!

Your marketing mentor for conservative moms 🇺🇸

You’re in the right place if you want to grow your business online in 2024 with a fellow conservative mama!

Take a glimpse at my story above and let’s connect!l 🫶🏻

Making money is a BAD thing!!!!At least that’s what I’ve been told by people in the past. I’ve been called ungrateful, g...

Making money is a BAD thing!!!!

At least that’s what I’ve been told by people in the past.

I’ve been called ungrateful, greedy, a spoiled brat and I’ve even had Bible versus twisted to explain how I was an evil person for wanting to make a $hit ton of money.

The truth is…I couldn’t wait for the day to make a $hit ton of money…not for the planes, yachts and cars (although those are freakin rad) but because of the CHOICES it provides.

See, when you don’t have money, you don’t have choices. So, you settle. (I’ve been there)

But for me, the money was never the goal. It’s just a tool. FREEDOM was the goal.

Where are my FREEDOM FIGHTERS at?!

DM “FREEDOM” if this is your vibe 🤸🏼‍♀️

An era where we believe in making a $hit ton of money, living a life of freedom and having lots of freakin’ fun! I’ll be...

An era where we believe in making a $hit ton of money, living a life of freedom and having lots of freakin’ fun!

I’ll be honest…

When I set out to launch Palm Social, I had no idea what the outcome would be.

I feared failure, I feared judgement, I feared that I wouldn’t know enough, I feared that I wouldn’t be able to get any clients.


Fast forward a year and a half and not a single one of those fears became reality. I almost missed out on all of the success I’ve had (and will have) with Palm Social because of FEAR…

Thank GOD I still went for it!

Today I am living my dream life. I live a life of pure FREEDOM. Doing what I want, when I want, with who I want.

What would that look like for you? Boating on a random Tuesday? YES! A two week vacation down the west coast? HECK YES!

Or maybe it looks like just being able to pay rent or be there for a family emergency.

Don’t get me wrong, there have been many nights of tears and frustrations, so it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows…but it HAS been worth it!

I didn’t know what the outcome of launching Palm Social would be, but I knew I was born a Freedom Fighter and that my mission is to help as many women (like you!) ditch your 9-5 and fight for freedom as well!

Freedom to live life on your own terms, with who you want, doing what you want, when you want!

Welcome to the new era of Palm Social, it’s about to get freakin’ EPIC ✌🏻

Let’s be honest for a sec…We’ve all paid for or attended a class where the speaker was great to listen to and appeared t...

Let’s be honest for a sec…

We’ve all paid for or attended a class where the speaker was great to listen to and appeared to be knowledgable…buttttt there weren’t any action steps to implement into your business.

So, instead of feeling empowered, you were left with the feeling of “now what?”

This is EXACTLY why ’Now What?’ was created!

Now What? Is a FREE 4-Week IN-PERSON course that will teach you how to master your social media through bite size ACTIONABLE steps and weekly challenges.

I repeat…it is FREE (thanks to )

This course is designed for you if:
* You already know the basics of social media (have an account created, know how to create a post, story or reel, etc.)
* You are frustrated because you’ve been posting, but aren’t seeing results
* You don’t have a strategy behind your efforts
* You are confused on how to navigate the analytics
* You feel like you are wasting too much time dealing with social media
* You’re ready to level up on social media

Vibe of the course:
Around here at Palm Social, we like to have fun!

This course will be casual and interactive with loads of fun and an insane amount of value, topped with action steps to implement immediately!

Over the next 4 weeks we will cover:
* Content strategy
* How to make content SUPER simple
* Engagement
* Boosting SEO
* Hashtags
* Selling on stories + Direct Messages
* Analytics
+BONUS topics

To spice things up, we will have weekly challenges and drawings for the chance to win coaching with me 🤩🌶️🥳

The details to get you to where you need to go:

Dates: June 6, June 13, June 20, June 27

Time: 11-12:30

Where: Indy Commons - 154 S. Main St. Independence, OR 97351

See you soon 😎

Why do we do this?! We show up to work when we are tired.We show up on bad days.We show up with a smile even though we a...

Why do we do this?!

We show up to work when we are tired.

We show up on bad days.

We show up with a smile even though we are having trouble at home.

We show up when we are sick.

We show up because we are accountable and have a job to get done.


I want to encourage you to find ways that help you show up for YOU the way you’d show up for your boss!

Here are some things that have helped me:

• Write a letter to yourself with your WHY - why you started your business in the first place, your dream, your vision

• Save positive testimonies and messages to a folder on your phone to pull out on the hard days

• Turn up the music and DANCE LIKE NOBODY IS WATCHING

• Affirmations - yea yea yea, I get it…I used to think they were stupid too, but they WORK.

• Call a friend or family member and dream build - talk about the life you are going to live together, where you are headed

Show up. Continue to show up. And you’ll one day be living your dream life and be so thankful you treated your business like a business 🫶🏻

💩🪝💩🪝Save this for later!Here are some🪝to use:• This blew my mind….• This hack saved me (time, money, etc)• I have a conf...


Save this for later!

Here are some🪝to use:

• This blew my mind….
• This hack saved me (time, money, etc)
• I have a confession to make
• What NOT to do when…
• 3 mistakes you’re making when…
• Keep watching if you (insert paint point or dream that your ideal follower has)
• The biggest myth you’ll hear about…
• The 1 thing that skyrocketed my business to (insert $ amount or follower count)
• The secret to (insert dream outcome)

Follow for more 🌴





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  • Want your business to be the top-listed Media Company?
