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The Slow Pitch Podcast A sales podcast that teaches processes that improve your sales techniques.

New Episode: Sales Meeting Prep: What Everyone Gets Wrong Notes: Sales Meeting Prep - Are Yo...

New Episode: Sales Meeting Prep: What Everyone Gets Wrong

Show Notes:
Sales Meeting Prep - Are You Doing It Right?
In this episode of The Slow Pitch, we’re diving deep into a topic that can make or break your sales success: Sales Meeting Prep. While many sales professionals think they have a solid meeting prep routine, the truth is, most are making critical errors that could be costing them sales. Today, I’m breaking down the most common mistakes and sharing my 13-step process to prep for sales meetings that ensure you’re ready for anything that may come up in the sales meeting.
Don't Assume—Verify Everything
One of the biggest pitfalls in sales meeting prep is making assumptions without verifying the details. It’s easy to assume that the person who scheduled the meeting is the decision-maker or that you know their pain points based on past interactions. These assumptions can lead to missed opportunities or even lost sales...and you won't even know why it happened.

Take the time to thoroughly research your prospect. Use LinkedIn to confirm their role, check for mutual connections who might provide insights, and ensure that you’re speaking to the right person. Remember, the goal is to verify, not assume.
Use a Planning Sheet for Consistency
Solid meeting prep isn’t just about gathering information—it’s about being consistent. I’ve developed a meeting prep planning sheet that I use before every sales meeting, and it’s become an invaluable tool in my sales process. This sheet makes sure I cover all my critical questions before walking into a meeting...everything from understanding the prospect’s DISC profile to identifying whether they’re a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner. These insights allow me to tailor my approach to resonate with them, increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome. This worksheet is available for download below.
Research: The Key to Success
Every successful sales meeting starts with in-depth research. This isn’t just about knowing who you’re meeting with—it’s about understanding their organization, their challenges, and their goals. Before each meeting, I make it a point to connect with any mutual LinkedIn connections to gather additional insights. This step not only prepares me for the conversation but also helps in building rapport during the meeting. Knowing what makes your prospect tick is half the battle.
Use Meeting Prep to Ask the Right Questions
Your research should lead you to ask the right questions. In this episode, I share some of the key questions I prepare for every meeting, such as, "Why did you call us?" and "What do you hope we can achieve together?" These questions are designed to uncover the prospect’s true needs, the scope of the project, and their budget. They also help you determine whether the person you’re speaking with is the decision-maker or if others need to be involved...and I share how to find out and how to add them to the meeting.
Key Sales Meeting Prep: Understanding Their Pains
During the meeting prep, I like to try to guess what their pains are. Sounds strange, but if you put yourself into their shoes, you might be able to figure out what questions they will have. It's a little surprising when you get several pains right and all you're doing in the meeting is verifying what you thought. It changes the dynamics of the meeting. BUT, one word of caution, you should only have the knowledge in your head... you must make them tell you and explain why it's a problem.

Once the meeting is underway, the focus shifts to identifying and verifying the prospect’s pain points. This is where the real value of your preparation shines. By asking targeted questions, you can uncover the underlying issues driving the prospect’s decision-making process. This not only positions you as someone who understands their problems but also helps in guiding the conversation towards a solution that aligns with their needs.
Budget: The Unspoken Key
Discussing budget can be tricky, but it’s a crucial part of the process. You can ask directly about budget constraints related to time, resources, and previous similar projects. Understanding their budgetary process and constraints allows you to propose solutions that are not only effective but also feasible within their financial parameters.
Final Checklist Before the Pitch
Before you wrap up the meeting, use your planning sheet to ensure you’ve covered all critical points. This includes confirming that the decision-makers are in the room, that you’ve addressed their pain points, and that the budget discussion has provided enough clarity for you to proceed. If everything checks out, you’re ready to move forward with a proposal or next steps. Be clear with them...and make them be clear with you about what next steps are for the both of you.
Preparing for a sales meeting isn’t just about showing up with a few notes. It’s about having a detailed, consistent process …

Avoid the common sales meeting prep mistakes that cost deals. Discover the 13 essential steps to prep effectively and have success in every sales meeting.

Why Real Estate Agents Fail To Sell – My Experience Notes:In the latest episode of The Slow ...

Why Real Estate Agents Fail To Sell – My Experience

Show Notes:
In the latest episode of The Slow Pitch Podcast, I share a personal experience from my recent vacation in Costa Rica that perfectly illustrates why real estate agents often fail to sell. This episode is a must-listen for any sales professional, especially those in real estate, as it emphasizes the importance of asking the right questions and truly understanding your clients.
A Tale of Two Realtors
My wife and I decided to take a break and visit Costa Rica, intrigued by its reputation for beautiful landscapes and friendly locals. We were so impressed that we started considering the possibility of buying a vacation home. This led us to engage with realtors in two different cities: Tamarindo and Jaco.
Tamarindo: The Right Way to Sell Real Estate
In Tamarindo, our experience with the realtor was top-notch. She took the time to ask detailed questions about our needs and preferences. Her approach was thorough, ensuring she understood exactly what we were looking for before showing us any properties. She inquired about our reasons for considering a purchase, our preferred home style, desired location, and specific must-haves. This initial vetting process helped her determine that we were serious buyers and not just wasting her time. Her efforts paid off, as she was able to show us properties that were closely aligned with our needs.
Jaco: A Lesson in How Real Estate Agents Fail
In contrast, our experience in Jaco was a disaster. The realtor there failed to ask basic questions and relied on quick email exchanges to understand our requirements. She sent us a list of potential properties without proper vetting, leading to wasted time visiting homes that were not suitable for us. One notable incident was when she insisted we visit a property that was completely off the mark from what we wanted, showing a lack of understanding and wasting everyone’s time involved.
Key Takeaways from the Tamarindo Realtor

- Invest Time in Initial Conversations: The first realtor's success stemmed from her willingness to spend time in the office discussing our needs. This initial investment in time saved us and her a lot of frustration later.
- Ask the Right Questions: She asked about our timeline, our motivations for buying, our preferred home features, and even our financial readiness. These questions helped her filter out unsuitable properties and focus on those that met our criteria. That also helped her understand we were likely buyers.
- Understand the Client’s Definition: She sought clarity on what we meant by terms like "modern" or "secluded," ensuring there were no misunderstandings about our preferences. By asking clarifying questions, she new exactly what we were looking for.

Mistakes to Avoid: A Case Study from Jaco

- Avoid Assumptions: The Jaco realtor assumed she knew what we wanted based on minimal information, leading to multiple mismatches. It was frustrating for us and for the other realtor.
- Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Email exchanges are insufficient for understanding a client’s complex needs. A phone call or face-to-face meeting can provide much clearer insights.
- Respect Time: The realtor's failure to pre-qualify us properly resulted in wasted time for us, herself, other realtors, and homeowners. This not only affects immediate sales potential but also damages long-term relationships and reputations.

Why This Matters to You
As a salesperson, your time is valuable. You should not have your time wasted by prospects. You should vet them out quickly. By investing time upfront to understand your client’s needs thoroughly, you can avoid the pitfalls of showing irrelevant options and ensure a more efficient and satisfying sales process for both you and your client. This episode highlights the importance of proper client vetting and the dramatic difference it can make in the effectiveness of your sales efforts.
Key Takeaways for Sales Professionals

- Initial Vetting is Crucial: Spend adequate time in the initial stages to ask all necessary questions. This will save time and effort in the long run.
- Clarify Client Definitions: Don’t assume you know what the client means by certain terms. Ask for their specific definitions to avoid misunderstandings.
- Adapt Your Approach: Be willing to adjust your strategies based on client feedback. Flexibility can significantly improve client satisfaction and sales outcomes.

Listening to this episode of The Slow Pitch Podcast will provide you with real-world examples of how asking the right questions can transform your sales approach. Whether you are a realtor or in another sales profession, the principles discussed can help you become more efficient and effective in your interactions with clients.

Tune in to learn how to slow down, ask the right questions, and ultimately, close more deals.

For more insights and tip…

Why real estate agents fail to sell: Learn from my Costa Rica experience how asking the right questions can make or break a deal.

Sales Slump – The Pep Talk You Need Now! Notes:Overcoming Sales Slumps: Effective Strategies...

Sales Slump – The Pep Talk You Need Now!

Show Notes:
Overcoming Sales Slumps: Effective Strategies
This is the sales pep talk you need right now. In this episode, you'll find the answers to these questions:

- "How to overcome a sales slump in my business?"
- "What causes sales to slow down and how to fix it?"
- "Effective sales strategies for closing more deals"
- "How to identify and qualify high-quality sales leads?"
- "Best questions to ask prospects to uncover pain points"You've hit a wall.
- "Why is nothing is closing?"
- "Why am I hearing so many objections (than normal)?

What do you do? Panic? Call everyone back 6 more times? That likely won't work. You're here because it's happening to you RIGHT NOW. So, what can you do?

This sales pep talk is meant to help you get out of this pickle and into a new groove. We welcome you to listen to this as often as you need as we feel like it's helpful in many situations.

This sales pep talk includes the following items:
1. Deals aren't closing. Why and what to do.
2. Pipeline discussion. Many leads? Few leads? What to do about it.
3. Decision Stalling. How to move them off their neutral stance.
4. Call or Not To Call. When should you start calling again and what to say.
5. Top Reasons You Might Be In A Slump.

In this episode, Rob gets into the common issues of hitting a sales slump and provides actionable strategies to help overcome it. Whether your sales have slowed down or you're facing multiple objections, this episode is packed with tips and techniques to get you back on track.
Key Reasons for Sales Slumps

- Lack of Pain Awareness: Often, sales slow down because prospects don't fully understand the cost of inaction. It's crucial to highlight the pain points during sales meetings and demonstrate the financial and operational impacts of not using your product or service. Rob emphasizes asking questions like "How much is this hurting you?" and "Why is this important now?" to help prospects realize the urgency and necessity of your solution.
- Eagerness Due to Lack of Leads: When your pipeline isn't full, it's easy to come across as desperate. This eagerness can repel potential clients. Rob stresses the importance of maintaining a robust pipeline to avoid this issue. He advises regularly engaging in networking, cold calling, and asking for referrals to keep your pipeline filled with potential leads.
- Decision Stalling: Prospects may delay their decisions if all decision-makers aren't involved or if there's a lack of clarity on the next steps. Rob highlights the importance of ensuring all decision-makers are present and clarifying the next steps to prevent stalling.

Effective Solutions to a Sales Slump
To counter these issues, Rob suggests several effective strategies:

- Ask Probing Questions: Questions like "How much is this hurting you?" and "Why is this important now?" help prospects realize the urgency and necessity of your solution.
- Rank Your Leads: Use a numerical system to evaluate the quality of your leads. This helps prioritize high-potential prospects and avoid wasting time on low-quality ones.
- Maintain a Full Pipeline: Regularly engage in networking, cold calling, and asking for referrals to keep your pipeline filled with potential leads.

Additional Tips
Rob also shares valuable tips on maintaining a positive attitude and understanding the DISC profiles of your prospects to tailor your communication effectively. He stresses the importance of consistent follow-up and knowing when to let go of unqualified leads.

- Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive attitude and confidence in your ability to meet client needs.
- Understand DISC Profiles: Tailor your communication based on whether your prospect is a Dominant, Influencer, Steady, or Compliant personality type.
- Consistent Follow-Up: Regular touch points are essential for maintaining relationships and moving prospects through the sales funnel.

Everyone experiences sales slumps, but with the right approach, they can be overcome. Rob's practical advice and motivational insights make this episode a must-listen for any sales professional looking to boost their performance. Bookmark this episode for future reference and share it with anyone who might find it helpful.

If you found this episode helpful, please share it with your network. Don't forget to subscribe to The Slow Pitch Podcast.

Additional Resources
Revisit past episodes, such as "Top 3 Pain Points in Sales (," which digs deeper into the different pain questions. You can also listen to Using DiSC To Sell More ( to learn a bit more about the different DiSC Profiles and how to speak to each. As always, there are other resources out there related, but you can always listen to more at The Slow Pitch Sales Podcast channel on YouTube (https…

Overcome sales slumps with actionable strategies from The Slow Pitch. Learn to identify pain points, rank leads, and maintain a full pipeline. Listen now!

New Episode: Why Real Estate Agents Fail To Sell – My Experience Notes: In the latest episod...

New Episode: Why Real Estate Agents Fail To Sell – My Experience

Show Notes:
In the latest episode of The Slow Pitch Podcast, I share a personal experience from my recent vacation in Costa Rica that perfectly illustrates why real estate agents often fail to sell. This episode is a must-listen for any sales professional, especially those in real estate, as it emphasizes the importance of asking the right questions and truly understanding your clients.
A Tale of Two Realtors
My wife and I decided to take a break and visit Costa Rica, intrigued by its reputation for beautiful landscapes and friendly locals. We were so impressed that we started considering the possibility of buying a vacation home. This led us to engage with realtors in two different cities: Tamarindo and Jaco.
Tamarindo: The Right Way to Sell Real Estate
In Tamarindo, our experience with the realtor was top-notch. She took the time to ask detailed questions about our needs and preferences. Her approach was thorough, ensuring she understood exactly what we were looking for before showing us any properties. She inquired about our reasons for considering a purchase, our preferred home style, desired location, and specific must-haves. This initial vetting process helped her determine that we were serious buyers and not just wasting her time. Her efforts paid off, as she was able to show us properties that were closely aligned with our needs.
Jaco: A Lesson in How Real Estate Agents Fail
In contrast, our experience in Jaco was a disaster. The realtor there failed to ask basic questions and relied on quick email exchanges to understand our requirements. She sent us a list of potential properties without proper vetting, leading to wasted time visiting homes that were not suitable for us. One notable incident was when she insisted we visit a property that was completely off the mark from what we wanted, showing a lack of understanding and wasting everyone’s time involved.
Key Takeaways from the Tamarindo Realtor

- Invest Time in Initial Conversations: The first realtor's success stemmed from her willingness to spend time in the office discussing our needs. This initial investment in time saved us and her a lot of frustration later.
- Ask the Right Questions: She asked about our timeline, our motivations for buying, our preferred home features, and even our financial readiness. These questions helped her filter out unsuitable properties and focus on those that met our criteria. That also helped her understand we were likely buyers.
- Understand the Client’s Definition: She sought clarity on what we meant by terms like "modern" or "secluded," ensuring there were no misunderstandings about our preferences. By asking clarifying questions, she new exactly what we were looking for.

Mistakes to Avoid: A Case Study from Jaco

- Avoid Assumptions: The Jaco realtor assumed she knew what we wanted based on minimal information, leading to multiple mismatches. It was frustrating for us and for the other realtor.
- Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Email exchanges are insufficient for understanding a client’s complex needs. A phone call or face-to-face meeting can provide much clearer insights.
- Respect Time: The realtor's failure to pre-qualify us properly resulted in wasted time for us, herself, other realtors, and homeowners. This not only affects immediate sales potential but also damages long-term relationships and reputations.

Why This Matters to You
As a salesperson, your time is valuable. You should not have your time wasted by prospects. You should vet them out quickly. By investing time upfront to understand your client’s needs thoroughly, you can avoid the pitfalls of showing irrelevant options and ensure a more efficient and satisfying sales process for both you and your client. This episode highlights the importance of proper client vetting and the dramatic difference it can make in the effectiveness of your sales efforts.
Key Takeaways for Sales Professionals

- Initial Vetting is Crucial: Spend adequate time in the initial stages to ask all necessary questions. This will save time and effort in the long run.
- Clarify Client Definitions: Don’t assume you know what the client means by certain terms. Ask for their specific definitions to avoid misunderstandings.
- Adapt Your Approach: Be willing to adjust your strategies based on client feedback. Flexibility can significantly improve client satisfaction and sales outcomes.

Listening to this episode of The Slow Pitch Podcast will provide you with real-world examples of how asking the right questions can transform your sales approach. Whether you are a realtor or in another sales profession, the principles discussed can help you become more efficient and effective in your interactions with clients.

Tune in to learn how to slow down, ask the right questions, and ultimately, close more deals.

For more in…

Why real estate agents fail to sell: Learn from my Costa Rica experience how asking the right questions can make or break a deal.

Gain Control of the Sales Meeting Notes:In this episode, Rob shares invaluable insights on h...

Gain Control of the Sales Meeting

Show Notes:
In this episode, Rob shares invaluable insights on how sales professionals can gain control in their sales conversations using subtle yet effective techniques inspired by a visit to the dentist. This episode is a must-listen for those looking to refine their sales approach and achieve better outcomes.

The main focus of this episode is an analogy between the actions of a dentist and the strategies of a successful salesperson. Rob recounts a recent visit to his dentist, where he observed a technique that is incredibly applicable to sales. The core idea is how the dentist keeps the patient informed about each next step, thereby maintaining control and ensuring the patient feels comfortable and understood. This principle is crucial for salespeople to gain control in their conversations and guide clients effectively.
Gain Control in Sales Conversations

- Gain Control of the Sale: Salespeople must maintain control of the conversation to avoid merely reacting to the client's demands. This involves subtly guiding the discussion and ensuring that your agenda is addressed.
- Set Clear Expectations: Just as a dentist explains the next steps to a patient, you should inform the client about what will happen next. This technique not only sets clear expectations but also establishes you as a trusted advisor.
- Ask for Permission: Phrases like "Would you mind if I asked you a few more questions?" help in transitioning control back to the salesperson. This polite request ensures the client is comfortable and more willing to follow the your lead.
- Be Prepared with Questions: Anticipating the client’s responses and having follow-up questions ready is crucial. This preparation allows you to delve deeper into the client's needs and uncover underlying issues or desires.
- Maintain Equality in Dialogue: Throughout the conversation, it is important to ensure that both parties feel equal. This balance fosters a collaborative environment rather than a hierarchical one, enhancing mutual respect and understanding.
- Eliminate Surprises: Ending meetings with a clear understanding of the next steps prevents surprises and ensures both parties are on the same page. This clarity reduces the likelihood of being "ghosted" by the client and keeps the sales process moving forward smoothly.

How To Apply This Information
After listening to this episode, sales professionals can implement these strategies to improve their control over sales conversations and build stronger client relationships. Here’s how to apply the key takeaways:

- Prepare Your Conversations: Before a sales meeting, outline the key points you need to cover and the questions you need to ask. This preparation will help you steer the conversation effectively.
- Set Clear Expectations: At the start of the meeting, explain the agenda and what the client can expect. This sets the tone and helps manage the client's expectations.
- Use Transitional Phrases: Incorporate transitional phrases that gently guide the conversation. For example, “Is it okay if I explain our next steps?” helps in gaining control without being forceful.
- Equal Partnership: Treat the conversation as a partnership. Ensure that the client feels heard and respected, and position yourself as a knowledgeable advisor rather than a pushy salesperson.
- Follow-Up Clarity: End every meeting by summarizing the discussed points and clearly outlining the next steps. This practice ensures both parties leave with a clear understanding of what will happen next, reducing the risk of miscommunication.

Using these strategies you can maintain control of your conversations, set clear expectations, and build stronger, more effective relationships with your clients.

Additional Resources
Revisit past episodes, such as "Sell How People Buy (," which digs deeper into the different ego states involved in the sales process. You can also listen to What Makes A Great Salesperson? And What Makes a Good Salesperson? (How are they different?) ( to learn a bit more about how to separate yourself from the competition. As always, there are other resources out there related, but you can always listen to more at The Slow Pitch Sales Podcast channel on YouTube (

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NOTE: Some links may be affiliate links, which means we get paid a commission when you purchase, but it the cost remains the same for you.
Music: "Clydesdale Funk" by Cast of Characters, written by: Dustin Ransom.

Gain control in sales with subtle techniques inspired by a dentist’s approach. Guide conversations, set expectations, and build stronger client relationships.

Sales Slump – The Pep Talk You Need Now! Notes:Overcoming Sales Slumps: Effective Strategies...

Sales Slump – The Pep Talk You Need Now!

Show Notes:
Overcoming Sales Slumps: Effective Strategies
This is the sales pep talk you need right now. In this episode, you'll find the answers to these questions:

- "How to overcome a sales slump in my business?"
- "What causes sales to slow down and how to fix it?"
- "Effective sales strategies for closing more deals"
- "How to identify and qualify high-quality sales leads?"
- "Best questions to ask prospects to uncover pain points"You've hit a wall.
- "Why is nothing is closing?"
- "Why am I hearing so many objections (than normal)?

What do you do? Panic? Call everyone back 6 more times? That likely won't work. You're here because it's happening to you RIGHT NOW. So, what can you do?

This sales pep talk is meant to help you get out of this pickle and into a new groove. We welcome you to listen to this as often as you need as we feel like it's helpful in many situations.

This sales pep talk includes the following items:
1. Deals aren't closing. Why and what to do.
2. Pipeline discussion. Many leads? Few leads? What to do about it.
3. Decision Stalling. How to move them off their neutral stance.
4. Call or Not To Call. When should you start calling again and what to say.
5. Top Reasons You Might Be In A Slump.

In this episode, Rob gets into the common issues of hitting a sales slump and provides actionable strategies to help overcome it. Whether your sales have slowed down or you're facing multiple objections, this episode is packed with tips and techniques to get you back on track.
Key Reasons for Sales Slumps

- Lack of Pain Awareness: Often, sales slow down because prospects don't fully understand the cost of inaction. It's crucial to highlight the pain points during sales meetings and demonstrate the financial and operational impacts of not using your product or service. Rob emphasizes asking questions like "How much is this hurting you?" and "Why is this important now?" to help prospects realize the urgency and necessity of your solution.
- Eagerness Due to Lack of Leads: When your pipeline isn't full, it's easy to come across as desperate. This eagerness can repel potential clients. Rob stresses the importance of maintaining a robust pipeline to avoid this issue. He advises regularly engaging in networking, cold calling, and asking for referrals to keep your pipeline filled with potential leads.
- Decision Stalling: Prospects may delay their decisions if all decision-makers aren't involved or if there's a lack of clarity on the next steps. Rob highlights the importance of ensuring all decision-makers are present and clarifying the next steps to prevent stalling.

Effective Solutions to a Sales Slump
To counter these issues, Rob suggests several effective strategies:

- Ask Probing Questions: Questions like "How much is this hurting you?" and "Why is this important now?" help prospects realize the urgency and necessity of your solution.
- Rank Your Leads: Use a numerical system to evaluate the quality of your leads. This helps prioritize high-potential prospects and avoid wasting time on low-quality ones.
- Maintain a Full Pipeline: Regularly engage in networking, cold calling, and asking for referrals to keep your pipeline filled with potential leads.

Additional Tips
Rob also shares valuable tips on maintaining a positive attitude and understanding the DISC profiles of your prospects to tailor your communication effectively. He stresses the importance of consistent follow-up and knowing when to let go of unqualified leads.

- Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive attitude and confidence in your ability to meet client needs.
- Understand DISC Profiles: Tailor your communication based on whether your prospect is a Dominant, Influencer, Steady, or Compliant personality type.
- Consistent Follow-Up: Regular touch points are essential for maintaining relationships and moving prospects through the sales funnel.

Everyone experiences sales slumps, but with the right approach, they can be overcome. Rob's practical advice and motivational insights make this episode a must-listen for any sales professional looking to boost their performance. Bookmark this episode for future reference and share it with anyone who might find it helpful.

If you found this episode helpful, please share it with your network. Don't forget to subscribe to The Slow Pitch Podcast.

Additional Resources
Revisit past episodes, such as "Top 3 Pain Points in Sales (," which digs deeper into the different pain questions. You can also listen to Using DiSC To Sell More ( to learn a bit more about the different DiSC Profiles and how to speak to each. As always, there are other resources out there related, but you can always listen to more at The Slow Pitch Sales Podcast channel on YouTube (https…

Overcome sales slumps with actionable strategies from The Slow Pitch. Learn to identify pain points, rank leads, and maintain a full pipeline. Listen now!




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