Press conference to denounce NC HB10
Trio Huasteco 2020 performs #PanDeVida. Video by @iximchemedia 2022
Trio Huasteco 2020
The Trio Huasteco 2020 will be performing at #SaturdaysInSaxapahaw this Saturday at 6pm! Video by Iximché Media, 2022
The Haw River Ballroom
SomosNC - Wendy's story
“Tener que manejar a algún sitio, y saber que una simple parada y puede que no vuelvas a ver a ese familiar. La policía detrás de nosotros, eso podría cambiar nuestras vidas.” La familia de Wendy comparte lo que la colaboración policial con ICE significaría realmente para las familias de Carolina del Norte. El aumento de la presencia de ICE amenaza a los miembros de nuestra comunidad e incluso a nuestras industrias más importantes. #StopHC10 #SomosNC
“Having to simply drive somewhere, knowing that one simple stop and you might never see that family member again. The cops behind us, that could change our lives.” Wendy’s family shares what police collaboration with ICE would truly mean for NC families. Increased ICE presence threatens our community members and even our most important industries. #StopHC10 #SomosNC
Video by Iximché Media
So Much Fest is a grassroots community music festival dedicated to the memory of Soheil Mojarrad, who shot and killed by the Raleigh Police Department in 2019. Organized by Soheil's family and friends #SoMuchFest is a beautiful celebration of life through music and community and a continued call for justice in the face of police violence and U.S. militarism around the world. Justice for Soheil
Camera by Dorian Gomez, Video editing by Iximché Media
So Much Fest 2024
So Much Fest is a grassroots community music festival dedicated to the memory of Soheil Mojarrad, who shot and killed by the Raleigh Police Department in 2019. Organized by Soheil's family and friends #SoMuchFest is a beautiful celebration of life through music and community and a continued call for justice in the face of police violence and U.S. militarism around the world. Justice for Soheil
Camera by Dorian Gomez, Video editing by @iximchemedia
SomosNC - Yolanda Zavala
Yolanda is a community leader whose teenage son was one of the first people to be deported under 287(g). Today, May 8th, NC lawmakers are voting to bring back ICE - police collaboration through proposed law HB10.
During the time 287(g) was in Wake and Mecklenburg County, over 23,000 people were placed in deportation proceedings, separating thousands of families. This Mother's Day week, as the NC General Assembly prepares to pass HB10, organizations across the state have come together to oppose the legislation.
Video created by Iximché Media for the #SomosNC campaign.
Yolanda es una líder comunitaria cuyo hijo adolescente fue una de las primeras personas deportadas bajo la 287(g). Hoy, 8 de mayo, los legisladores de Carolina del Norte están votando para traer de vuelta la colaboración entre el ICE y la policía a través de la propuesta de ley HB10.
Durante el tiempo que la 287(g) estuvo en los condados de Wake y Mecklenburg, más de 23.000 personas fueron puestas en proceso de deportación, separando a miles de familias. Esta semana que se celebra el día de las madres, mientras la Asamblea General de NC se prepara para aprobar HB10 organizaciones de todo el estado se han unido para oponerse a este proyecto de ley.
Vídeo realizado por Iximché Media para la campaña #SomosNC.
#StopHB10 #nadieesilegal
We’re excited to collaborate with Carolina Migrant Network , Just Futures Law, Inc. , ACLU of North Carolina , and Student Action with Farmworkers in their campaign, The Faces of North Carolina, illuminating the immigrant stories of North Carolinians and their families. The first video features two Carolinians, mother and daughter, as a part of National Farmworker Awareness Week. Farmworkers contribute around $69.6 billion annually to NC. Here’s the story of one of many. #somosNC
Estamos emocionados de colaborar con Carolina Migrant Network, Just Futures Law, ACLU of NC y SAF en su campaña, Los Rostros de Carolina del Norte que ilumina las experiencias inmigrantes de habitantes de NC y sus familias. El primer video cuenta la historia de una madre e hija, como parte de la Semana Nacional de Concientización sobre los Trabajadores Agrícolas. Los trabajadores agrícolas aportan alrededor de $69.6 mil millones anualmente a Carolina del Norte. Aquí está la historia de una de muchas. #somosNC
#WaterWalk with 7 Directions of Service along the Dan River in Eden, NC.
Protect Sacred Places, Phase Out Fossil Fuels!
La caminata para el agua con 7 Directions of Service sobre el Río Dan en Eden, NC.
Proteger espacios sagrados, acabar con los combustibles fósiles!
Únete a la “Caminata de Agua” Feb 17 en Eden, NC para sanar el agua y proteger el Río Dan de amenazas como el gaseoducto Mountain Valley. Para más información y para registrarte: 7 Directions of Service
arte y animación por Iximché Media
Join the “Water Walk” Feb 17 in Eden, NC to heal the water and protect the Dan River from threats like the Mountain Valley Pipeline. For more information and to register:
Art and animation by @iximché Media
#stopmvp #waterisalive #waterislife #aguaesvida