I’ve been asked the following question many times over the course of my career: “Cantor, how do you know all that music and keep it in your head? I mean, I know it’s part of your job, but it’s just so much!”
Of course I studied and sat at the feet of giants for many years, but the answer is simple: I had great teachers. Each year as I get ready for my Seder I play the stereo one of the oldest albums I remember hearing which taught me so much. I can sing all of the harmonies and I love thinking back to my sweet childhood hearing these songs.
Which album am I talking about? “A Singing Seder” by Cindy Paley! (And you can hear it, too, on Apple Music or Spotify!)
May it be a song filled holiday for all. May we raise our voices even louder this year as we think of those who are unable to sing. And may be brought home soon so they, too, can sing the songs of freedom.