Thank you for the love you've shown on my Podcast! God bless you for the now 124,410 impressions in 30 days, and the over 100,000 total plays on Spotify! Also.. the over 520,000 impressions in 24hrs via YouTube.
Did you hear Ep. 507 of my "Love Dr." Podcast Series? It's called, "You don't know what love is because you don't have a relationship with God." (Yall Gone Get This Truth, And This Truths Gone Set Yall Free!)
Listen to here on iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-justatouchofj-30426450/episode/you-dont-know-what-love-is-because-you-dont-have-a-relationship-with-god-this-is-justatouchofj-192353757?cmp=ios_share&sc=ios_social_share&pr=false
View the videos here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9Dry6TpnoT/?igsh=MWc4aTY5MjZ5dDVwMQ==
Here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9B7FioO-AP/?igsh=MWp6a3c4eWZpYTZsYg==
Y'all got my Podcast Poppin like Popcorn BABY! Thank you for making my JustATouchofJ Podcast & my JustATouchof_J App Trend #1 .. "What's Hot!" and "App Of The Day Again!" Also thank you for the (200,000 Plays) on my over all JustATouchof_J Podcast! The numbers don't lie. My podcast is currently playing in over 162 different countries in several languages, on over 70 podcast Networks Worldwide. Including but not limited to , plus more & it can be heard on my JustATouchof_J mobile app (ListenToV) section for free!
Check out the video here & thank you for making my JustATouchofJ Mobile - App.. "App of the Day" Again! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_j7GCbNvsS/?igsh=MTB1MXR1eWFqOTFydw==
Did you see how God healed me? https://www.instagram.com/mynameisroni76/reel/C826gN6prDh/?igsh=Mmg4bzQzYXg0OGFv
Here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-MQtfQt0by/?igsh=ZmRlZWY5OWQ2d3d3
Here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-odAlFp8IB/?igsh=MXFoOHZ0MjhkZWpzOA==
Here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_OexfDp9gV/?igsh=MXQ4YnQwbThiYXZ4Zw==
Also.. here's a shameless plug!
Did you miss Yesterday's Article & Blog Post, my of the Day, my of the Day, and my song/video of the Day on my JustATouchof_J Mobile App, and Blackvibes.com just to name a few? 😉 And https://beacons.ai/justatouchof_j too!
Yesterday's Post here: https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/justatouchofj-justatouchofj-jesus-i-10032910/
Prayer of the Day here: https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/justatouchofj-justatouchofj-jesus-i-4245510/
Mobile App Quote of Day here: https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/justatouchofj-justatouchofj-jesus-i-7912210/
Radio song/videos of the Day here. The Feat. are - American & Gunna
Listen here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DDamFI8yRPj/?igsh=a2R3M2V3cjRlZmpk
Did you hear about my 2nd Mobile App? Sign up for information about my App here: https://linktr.ee/mynameisroni76
Check out my Company for my Cannabis Papers! Remember, All you need is & Go Buy some of my 13 new waist trainers. Eight of them are for women & five of them are for men. Here: https://thisisjustatouchofj.com/
Also go check out my waist trainer videos and my latest fitness videos here: https://www.instagram.com/justatouchof_jsfitness?igsh=aHY4Z240ZTRwN2hr&utm_source=qr
And you must go listen to my JustATouchof_J Podcast called, Anchored? And it's all about "My BoyFriend Thing!" 31 years of me dating! 10 Boyfriends ~ 10 Different ways!
Listen here: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-justatouchofj-30426450/episode/anchored-and-its-all-about-my-boyfriend-thing-this-is-justatouchofj-pieces-4-u-163247364?cmp=ios_share&sc=ios_social_share&pr=false
Im telling you nothing but the truth about these relationships that I had with these men. Bible says: And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) So it's time I set them free!
See my Mobile App Quote of the Day in the (Tap4more) section on my JustATouchofJ
Mobile App (Post of the Day) to find out the TRUTH about why BoyFriend #3 could never take care of his responsibilities or face the reality of his consequences, and why on 8/9/24.. BoyFriend #2's death was so untimely.
To hear the intro's about my other 9 BoyFriends listen to my last 17 podcasts here on iHeart Radio too or my JustATouchof_J Mobile App: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-justatouchofj-30426450?cmp=ios_share&sc=ios_social_share&pr=false&autoplay=true
Also listen to my other recent podcast episode called, "My Broken Ex Le***an Pride & His Gay Thing." It's now playing on IHEART RADIO!
Listen here: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-justatouchofj-30426450/episode/my-boken-ex-lesbian-pride-his-gay-thing-ft-trey-songz-this-is-justatouchofj-pieces-4u--120608132?cmp=ios_share&sc=ios_social_share&pr=false
This is .. Everything else is God. I''m just tryna put it all out there in pieces for you Baby.
Thank you for supporting my JustATouchof_JsFitness Company! Did you miss the release of my His & Hers Fitness Line? My Fit is aka Her Fit! And is His Fit! It's made especially for you Fellas. View the sneak peak of my just released His & Her Fitness Gloves here! https://www.instagram.com/justatouchof_jsfitness?igsh=aHY4Z240ZTRwN2hr&utm_source=qr
And Yes baby.. it's almost time for the launch of my second clothing line too!
My FiT. Aka JsFiT Consist of 100 different pieces. 10 outfits.. 10 different ways! (They go with my 10 BoyFriend things!)
Weeks ago it was all about V, J, Green EnVy, BLEU, BAE'BE, Ronnie, Veronica, That Thing Hittin. , and WHAT!" Up next is Jillianne .. the last bonus. Lol..
Yall know I got thick! Listen to that song/video here:https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ijeBLJ2SR/?igsh=ajBoNTZ6Z3ZldmYy
I'm SlimThick now! Watch my SlimThick_JsFiT video with the Rapper here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7eGlSiuoO3/?igsh=MXBiZHB4djFreTJhbw==
Other Video Here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C34JffQNsAQ/?igsh=OHpzdnlkeDJlNjIx
Go check out my 9 latest SlimThick_JsFit "THANK YOU" fitness music video here https://www.instagram.com/justatouchof_jsfitness?igsh=aHY4Z240ZTRwN2hr&utm_source=qr
Watch me breathe here with "The Rapper Fabolous" https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwcvM1pA8tS/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
View my music video from the 4th of July! Because I Got Something Else To Say." https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuS7QyxAdZY/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
And play Episode 485 on my JustAtouchofJ mobile app, or click the iHeart Radio link below. This podcast is called, "This is JustATouchof_J and I got somethin else to say. Its 2023. Let me teach you how to sacrifice!"
Rapper Kendrick Lamar's and a host of other artists are helping me put it all out there in pieces for you.
Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6uGbOMbsKYR5QnMHBJvphn?si=rdz6edjBSMGGgAzDQ36_hw
View a sample of my JustATouchof_JsRadio show video here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkpM2kBAobj/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
What's been Trending Hot on my JustATouchof_JsRadio show? and more! View and listen to all of my JustATouchof_JsRadio show songs by interacting with my post on any social here: https://instagram.com/mynameisroni76?utm_medium=copy_link
And thank you for listening to my JustATouchof_J Radio Show. The Song of the Week got 1,277 plays. Its my remix of DJ Khaled "God Did".
Song of the Week: https://youtu.be/kEz3E4m8wB8?si=cX599K3tlMW9qLS_
Finally.. Did you hear my featured podcast of the week called, This is JustATouchof_J and I got somethin else to say. "Back then U didn't want me. Now Im Hot they ALL on me?"
Listen here too: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3YkbXDcQcH13wKimAYjAuF?si=7OMyfHT5TfqA1XBOB-HZ_g
And Omg! Thank you for the 2,275 podcast plays on my music tribute that I did for American R&B Singer Ms. Mary J Blige.
Listen to my remix of several of her songs here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0CccCO5YVy4HyzTj8BRvpG?si=S9Gn6YECRImp4PwgK8gTXQ
To see one of my food videos from my new Mobile cookbook called, "Recipes from God!" View me MakingLoveinVsKitchen here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CotCrSgJ-sD/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
And last but not least.. lol
For the book: https://paypal.me/ThisisJustATouchofJ/24.95
You can also listen to my JustATouchof_J Radio Show & my JustATouchof_J Podcast on my Mobile App. Just tap the (ListentoV) icon for to hear anyone of my 508 episodes for free.
Download my JustatouchofJ Mobile App by:
Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08JJV2463/ref=tsm_1_tp_tc
They're also available on all my social media platforms here:
Instagram Hashtag
Facebook Hashtag (JustATouchof_J)
- Veronica's Guide to making love in the kitchen: The cookbook of love
- Justatouchof_j
- werjustatouchof_j
- Justatouchof_J - JsFitness
- TheJaToj_Network
Other Hashtags:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/?_t=8oCrYALiIc2&_r=1
Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/tenderness76
For more of me on my personal Instagram page: https://instagram.com/mynameisroni76?utm_medium=copy_link
Google JustATouchof_J
For my entire JustATouchof_J experience: