God is so faithful. Last night was an amazing night of class, love, and excellence. Thank you Indiana Black Expo Fort Wayne Chapter for honoring me as an unsung hero! Thank you to my amazing husband, Pastor David Moore, who loves me so well and always has my back. You are truly the wind beneath my wings! Thank you Jesus for choosing me to showcase your glory, letting people know that they don’t t have the last laugh or say so. You do! You have prepared this table and I’ve been eating real good LOL 😂 Thank you Lord for fighting for me! Thank you for seeing my behind the scenes work. You said what we do secretly, even our prayer life, you will reward us openly. You used some special people and decided that it’s time to tell my story such as, Joe Jordan, President of IBE, Joseph Ayers, & Terra Brantley in a mighty way! I want to say thank you to everyone who genuinely supports me. God had sent my tribe and made it very clear, it’s up ⬆️ from here! I love YOU. ❤️