Curated Click LLC

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Curated Click LLC Remember what weekends are? Ready to get those back?! Let's schedule a call and see if we're a good fit! Why? Ready to Automate, Delegate, Eliminate & Concentrate?

At Curated Click, our mission is to help small businesses engage with their ideal clients with a tailored online experience & business process optimizations which help to automate, delegate or eliminate the tasks you can live with & without. If you still track all your clients by memory or in a spreadsheet...

If you look at your brand and say "that's not really me"...

If you know you need a new

website & don't know where to start...

If you look at social media & all the advice and get immediately overwhelmed...

It's time to automate, delegate, eliminate & concentrate! ...And maybe even a little procrastinate...

Let's make your business feel and function like you've always wanted it to.

* Have one system to manage potential clients, proposals, contracts, payments & projects!

* Clarify your business & brand so you get more of the clients you want.

* Have a website that you're proud to share & can easily maintain (I'll show you how!)

* Blow prospects out of the water with Social Profiles & initial content that ties all of your business parts together.

Need more convincing?

- 60% of searches are from mobile (your website should be optimized)
- 88% of consumers read reviews online before purchasing (do you have reviews online)
- Nearly everyone buys something that's not a "store-brand". They like the other brand better, it "speaks to them". Your brand should too!
- Approximately 20% of our time is wasted during business searching for information or documents needed to do our work. That's nearly 1 whole day per week!
- Nearly all of your potential clients will look you up online before selecting to do business with you!

Want this done for you? YOU GOT IT! Here's what you can expect:
- No more "can you resend that? I can't find it"
- No more wondering where those project files are
- No more sitting down to start your site or profiles and giving up in frustration and overwhelm
- No more wondering what your brand could be
- No more being embarrassed by your website, business cards, or social profiles
- No more overwhelm from tedious repetitive emails & project tasks

Are you buried under task lists, under-optimized client management systems, social media, and an under-performing website? I can SOLVE that. Message me here or shoot me an email to get started ~ [email protected]

Marketing is a WASTE of MONEY 💰IF you don't know if it's working.With today's technology, you should be able to track th...

Marketing is a WASTE of MONEY 💰
IF you don't know if it's working.

With today's technology, you should be able to track the success of your least on some level...

If you aren't tracking it, why not? Use an emoji to tell us why....
😕 Didn't know it was possible...
🚫 I don't do marketing...
🙈 I don't want to know...

Follow us for marketing tips.

What makes your business unique might help your search rankings...With Google's March Spam Update complete and the Core ...

What makes your business unique might help your search rankings...

With Google's March Spam Update complete and the Core Update still going we've seen incredible shifts in rankings, search rankings that is...

From top ranking sites getting de-indexed for spammy behavior & unhelpful content to entire search results pages changing up, this update has been wild and enlightening.

Google stepped up to address what it's users needed: better search results.

But it also potentially helps small businesses too.

With an emphasis on providing better quality results (rather than quantity), a small business can take the time to focus on creating helpful and unique content.

Because small businesses truly can be helpful and unique better than most large businesses!

What's that mean?

Get to know your ideal customers and what they need during their search for your service.

Then create content to give them just that...

But don't forget to add in your unique touch.

After all, you are better or different from your competition is some way, why not show it in your content.

It might even help you rank...unique & helpful...that's what the people want. And by proxy, that's what Google wants.

Follow us to learn more.

If you're writing for robots (or google...)You're doing it wrong!In their own explaination of the March 2024 Update, Goo...

If you're writing for robots (or google...)
You're doing it wrong!

In their own explaination of the March 2024 Update, Google stated they're "refining some of our core ranking systems to help us better understand if webpages are 𝘂𝗻𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽𝗳𝘂𝗹, have a 𝗽𝗼𝗼𝗿 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 or feel like they were 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲."

They're literally and politely saying write good content that helps pur customer (the searcher).

When creating your website or embarking on an SEO campaign, be sure the content you're publishing is intended and crafted for the user first, and the search engine second.

Now I'm not saying throw out your keywords...
But I am saying write content that helps people, not just content that takes up space.

Be helpful. Be creative. Be unique.

SEO done right helps you get more clients, not just website views.

Follw us for more tips.


We all need a break...
Sometimes it's to sharpen our axe or our knowledge, but sometimes it's to actually take a break.

It's not just ok to take a break, it's a mental health necessity. Take it when you need it.

Ever heard of being de-indexed?! Well quite a few more sites got familiar with the term this week as it happened to them...

Ever heard of being de-indexed?!

Well quite a few more sites got familiar with the term this week as it happened to them. Google's most recent algorithm and policies update focused on search content quality is changing the SEO game quickly.

SEO or search engine optimization has become the hot topic for businesses in the last few years. In fact, I've had more inquiries from small businesses about SEO than any other service I offer.

Showing up on the first page of Google can be life-changing for some businesses and quality SEO work can get you there.

But good SEO requires content and content takes time. Time most business owners don't feel like they have.

In our "post everyday"-"content is king" marketing world, small business is feeling the pressure to keep up in the content game.

Enter AI.

And while things like ChatGPT make writing content easier, it doesn't always enhance the content quality.

And that is what Google is trying to address.

They've sent a clear message with this new update: Create low-quality content at scale and we'll send you packing...

Result: Being de-indexed. Or in other words, google won't send ANY traffic to your website at all. It won't show it in search results at all. Even if people plug in your website.

So can your website get kicked off Google? YEP.

Content strategy and original content just got a leg up from the search giant!

But let's keep in mind, this update is only just beginning. It's supposed to take almost the entire month of March to fully roll out. I can't wait to see what else happens.

Follow us to learn more.



You can see data about how far into your website page a visitor scrolls?!

I get it, you're probably thinking "Well ok great, I can see how far they scroll. Why does that matter?".

Your website should always be working for you. And if it isn't, you should be able to see data that helps you figure out why.

For example: If you've got a lead magnet at the bottom of your home page and you aren't getting a lot of signups, it might be useful to know if people are even seeing it...

IE: did they scroll down far enough on your page to know it even exists?

If no, consider moving your lead magnet up the page or adding some enticing content to get them to scroll further.

If they scrolled far enough but aren't opting in, maybe its time to reword or redo your lead magnet.

Like this tip?! Like and follow for more website and marketing tips!

Need help setting this up for website? Comment SCROLL below and let's chat.

Tour your business like a customer...When you say you have great service...better than your do you kno...

Tour your business like a customer...

When you say you have great service...better than your do you know?

As a service based business, you should tour your business like a customer. Go through your process of service on yourself or a friend to see how the customer actually experiences your work.

You're sure to find at least 1 thing you could improve upon and make your clients that much happier.

I know I did!

In a world that is constantly evolving, it pays to be consta.tly learning! Went to an event put on by Ten at the Top - U...

In a world that is constantly evolving, it pays to be consta.tly learning!

Went to an event put on by Ten at the Top - Upstate South Carolina about using Local Media to expand the reach of your business.

Got to hear from experts in the field from Sherry Jackson of the journal and WSPA's Kyle Brinkman and Kathryn Harvey of Neue South Co. about how to get local media attention for a small business.

Thw main message: It's all about creating a unique perspective to tell your story!

Thanks Craig Scharton and his team for putting this together!

Minimize the manual!Stop doing the same things over and over. Save your sanity and automate the things about your servic...

Minimize the manual!

Stop doing the same things over and over.

Save your sanity and automate the things about your service that don't really require you to make them happen.

Ready to automate?
Let's chat.

Can automation be more like romance?Most people think automation will make their business seem stiff or that it's for bu...

Can automation be more like romance?

Most people think automation will make their business seem stiff or that it's for businesses out there but not theirs.

Automation gives you the freedom to focus on dedicating attention to your clients. It doesn't have to be stiff.

Automation can:
- setup project management templates at the start of a new project
- respond to messages so you don't have to give the same answer over and over
- assist you in sticking to your processes and your rules
- give you peace of mind so that you have faith that the details you've worked so hard to create are actually happening

Give your clients and customers the royal treatment with the attentiveness and dedication they deserve without driving yourself insane.

Ready to automate?

Are you the disorganized boss or teammate who is asking for others to cover you at the last minute...often?Do you wait u...

Are you the disorganized boss or teammate who is asking for others to cover you at the last minute...often?

Do you wait until the night before to ask? Cutting into their weekend or family time to be prepared to take on your task?


I know, I know. Sometimes it's unavoidable...but more often than not, last minute is just a lack of communication in a team.

Set up a system...or a meeting... that helps you communicate upcoming deadlines and projects and commitments on a REGULAR basis.

Your habits are only as good as your systems.
- James Clear

80 passwords! That's the average number of passwords we have to remember in 2022 and beyond. As a business owner, that n...

80 passwords!

That's the average number of passwords we have to remember in 2022 and beyond.

As a business owner, that number is even higher than that.

Don't expose your business and clients to data breaches with weak passwords and constant password resets.

Using a password keeper like Dashlane or 1Password can help you retain your passwords, create secure passwords, and have them on any of your devices.

My password keeper has been an incredible asset for maintaining all of my logins.

Try one out and let me know how it goes. What do you like about them? What don't you like?

There will be days...As a small business owner of entrepreneur, there will be days when you need a "hype girl". Someone ...

There will be days...

As a small business owner of entrepreneur, there will be days when you need a "hype girl". Someone to remind you of all the good things and the great impact you're making.

If you've got a team, maybe your "hype girl" is your assistant or your partner. If you're a solopreneur, maybe it's a best friend.

But sometimes, you need to hear it from the people you've helped.

On days like that, I open my "Hype Girl" file. A file of praise and great feedback that has come from colleagues, clients, and other business owners.

Sometimes you just need a refresher from other people of the good work you do.

Do yourself a favor and create one today and start collect the tidbits over time.

Being small is no excuse. Do you have SOPs? Do you deliver your service the same way every time?Consistency of service k...

Being small is no excuse.

Do you have SOPs? Do you deliver your service the same way every time?

Consistency of service keeps customers coming back, referring friends, and becoming raving fans.

If you don't have a process or a system, it's time to set it up.
Start the new year strong. Set yourself up to be successful.

Don't know how? I can help.
Let's talk about your processes. And I'll help you create useable SOPs and systems to help you do more with less.

Automating a bad system won't make it better!Make sure that the process you try to automate, makes sense. Take the right...

Automating a bad system won't make it better!

Make sure that the process you try to automate, makes sense.

Take the right to write out the process and ask yourself if every step is necessary.

We often do things one way because thats "how we've always done it". Review and refine your process to make it not only better for you but also easier to automate.

Need help reviewing your process? Ask a friend, fellow business owner, or me.

Let's optimize your process!

Automation can be a life saver. Automation creates the mental space to allow yourself to be creative and know that - the...

Automation can be a life saver.

Automation creates the mental space to allow yourself to be creative and know that
- the emails will still get sent
- the invoices will still go out
- the leads won't be forgotten about
- and your team will have what they need to do their job
..each and every time.

Automation and workflows are becoming more and more accessible for small businesses.

Check out tools like Clickup, Dubsado, Honeybook,, and others for quick and easy ways to start automating.

STEP 1: Before you jump into a system, take the time to write out each of the steps of your process.
STEP 2: Create the templates and collateral you'll need.
STEP 3: Plug that into your newly selected system.
STEP 4: Test it out...on yourself.
STEP 5: Roll it out.

Got questions?
Let's chat!

Do more, earn more, serve more with the same or less effort than you currently put it. Automate. Delegate. Consolidate. ...

Do more, earn more, serve more with the same or less effort than you currently put it.

Automate. Delegate. Consolidate. or Eliminate.

Let's focus on automate.

A few quick tips to get the perks of automation with no additional tech - TEMPLATES!
- Email templates: Create email templates for common emails.
- Create templates and save them to the notes section of your phone. Makes posting on the go a lot faster. You can even create keyboard shortcuts for them too.
- Create referral templates for businesses you refer often in your phone notes app.
- Canva social post templates. Create a few layouts that you can reuse.

Follow for more.

Your potential client hits the "submit" button on your contact form. Then what happens?Is your business making an amazin...

Your potential client hits the "submit" button on your contact form. Then what happens?

Is your business making an amazing first impression?

Do you ever forget to check those website messages?

Ever too busy to get back to them right away?

Tip: Set up a simple automation to send a "Thanks for contacting us" email.

Systems Bonus Tip: Create something for them to do while they wait to hear back from you. For ex:
- Look over a services guide
- Send them a website freebie with tips
- Have a video in your email that says hello and gives them a little insight into who you and your business are.

Follow for more tips.

Progress over perfection. As a recovering perfectionist, this one can be hard for me. I started this year reading Atomic...

Progress over perfection.

As a recovering perfectionist, this one can be hard for me.
I started this year reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and his concept of 1% better struck a chord.

As someone who helps businesses get processes and systems organized, optimized and automated, I often don't take the time to do just that for my own business. I haven't been great at stopping work for clients to go all in on doing it for myself.

So this year, I'm going with progress, incremental progress.

First 1%: automating one offboarding process for one offering. It took about an hour and now I don't have to worry that I'll forget to send the write information at the right time.

Next up: Automating the offboarding process for websites. Part 1 - writing out the steps of the process. Here goes.

Need help getting out from under the manual and menial tasks? I can help.

Want to DIY? Start small. Choose one offering and start with writing out your process.

1% better each day, week, month.

Just do it. That's not just a phrase for athletes or nike. If you own a business, what have you been procrastinating on ...

Just do it. That's not just a phrase for athletes or nike.

If you own a business, what have you been procrastinating on doing?

For me, it's social media. Even though I help businesses setup and strategize for social media, I just haven't been able to force myself to do it.

But that stops now. Stop convincing yourself that you need more practice or more training. Stop creating multiple plans only to do nothing more than stare at your plans.

Do it now. The business obits are filled with planners who waited.

Let's take on 2023 together.

Whatever you've been holding back on, do it now.

Get started. Go. Right now!

Logging in to De{code} this morning! Excited for my first virtual developer conference.

Logging in to De{code} this morning! Excited for my first virtual developer conference.


What does your pricing say about you? Are you a good deal? A great value? Second rate? Too good to be true? Way too high? Way too low?

It's always hard to tell when you're price is right. We're all afraid to price too high and lose customers. Well most of us are, at some point anyway.

So how do you know if your price is good? Is it that it makes you enough that you're not just scraping by but not so high that you have no business? Here's a few indicators to help with your trial & error method.

Make sure you know what it costs you to provide that service. Take the time and do the math...easier said than done. I know! But knowing what something costs you to provide/create, will give you the absolute least you can charge for it. If you take a job on for less than that, you're LOSING MONEY.

If you get no resistance to your's too low. If potential clients hear your price and say wow that's a good deal or you need to charge more for that... raise your price on the next one.

If more than about 20% of prospects resist than you might want to readjust. Why 20%? Well there will always be people who argue a price...that's 10%...maybe even a little more than that these days. The other 10% gives you a bit of room to know you're not undercharging.

There will always be someone who is willing to race you to the bottom of the price war...don't get sucked in. Being the cheap option will often leave a small business in a really bad spot. Know your work and it's worth. Charge it's worth. Don't be greedy. Charge a price that says you are worth it and that is worth it.

Where do your prices fall? Too low? Too high? Or just right?

Design your service & client experience so that your clients know you care about them!Ever go to put that pesky fitted s...

Design your service & client experience so that your clients know you care about them!

Ever go to put that pesky fitted sheet on your queen or king-sized bed and put the fitted sheet on the wrong direction?!?

I know I have! It's frustrating! You have to fight with the sheet and then figure out you get to start all over again!

someone finally created a solution: two little sewn-in tags in the corners saying "short-side" and "long-side"

GENIUS!!! But why does it feel so genius?!

SIMPLE to implement...
EASY to use...
SOLVES a frustrating moment for the customer that tells me "they get it!"

BUSINESS OWNERS - Does your client experience do that? What have you implemented in your process to say "I get it. I know your struggles"? Tell me below.

JUST GETTING STARTED - what could you implement that would say "I get it. I know your struggles"? Tell me below.

WHAT's THIS 'BRAND' STUFF?I created a custom proposal and when I reviewed it with the client, they didn't think the "Bra...


I created a custom proposal and when I reviewed it with the client, they didn't think the "Branding" line item was necessary. They didn't really know why it was there.

After all, they already had someone design a logo and already had a business name. Why would they need branding?

Branding is more than the pretty parts (visual assets), it's the representation of the core of why your business exists and how you bring your purpose to life. But more than that, it's how that is communicated to your clients.

Does your brand have a voice? Does your business look and sound like you? Let me know below.

I have to tell you something, Greenville... Last year I got a chance to try out Dill Tree Care  and I. am. floored. They...

I have to tell you something, Greenville... Last year I got a chance to try out Dill Tree Care and I. am. floored. They're amazing! I've had multiple different contractors do work on our property and Austin Dill & Dill Tree Care were absolutely the best! They were curteous, prepared, and took really good care of not only my trees, but also making sure they left our yard in better shape than when they showed up!

Have you worked with them before? Have trees in your yard that need a little help? Be sure to reach out to Austin & his team or comment below and I'll connect you with them!

With a new year comes new goals... and more reviews like this is high on my list!

With a new year comes new goals... and more reviews like this is high on my list!

WEBSITE REDESIGN!Sometimes a website redesign is just what you need! Shainin, a technical problem solving company, need ...


Sometimes a website redesign is just what you need! Shainin, a technical problem solving company, need just that.

"We need a website that helps us get qualified leads. One that is narrow and deep."

They were looking for a website that spoke to the type of clients they were hoping to serve. Their redesigned website features:

- A Customer-centric message
- Streamlined Navigation & Menus
- Imagery that reperents them and their clients
- A layout and flow that assists potential and current clients in finding what they need efficiently

Does your website look and sound like you and your business? If not, let's chat! Let's make your marketing assets look and sound the same across all your platforms.

Have you been thinking about a new website? Leave a comment below & tell me what you think you're website needs.

Recently, I took a few minutes...well maybe re-read The Infinite Game. I originally got turned on to this book...

Recently, I took a few minutes...well maybe re-read The Infinite Game.

I originally got turned on to this book shortly after I left corporate. It hit home really hard then and I recalled it as a great book when a friend asked me for a book recommendation.

Sadly, he didn't immediately see the immense value I described. But as I re-read it, I was definitely intrigued to read the book from a new perspective, as a small business owner.

The main thing for me...the Just Cause and we're playing an Infinite Game.

We look at business and politics and industry now and say what happened to a business existing to serve it's clientelle. Well this book touches on how we can restore that mentality.

Here's a few questions that it brings to my mind:
• What's your Just Cause?! Do you have one?
• What's your Why?
• Are you playing a Finite or Infinite game?
• Does your business serve a greater purpose than putting money in your pocket?
• How do finite goals help you achieve infinite success?

Comment below. If you've read it, what did you think?
If you haven't, are you interested in it?

New Year, Better Me!I know, I know, that's not how the saying goes. But here's the thing...I'm pretty proud of everythin...

New Year, Better Me!

I know, I know, that's not how the saying goes. But here's the thing...

I'm pretty proud of everything I accomplished last year and I'm looking forward to an even better 2022.

This year, I want to make it a point to celebrate ALL my wins — big and small. And let me just tell you, I have some pretty big goals:

• Help 20 small business owners make their business work FOR them and give them more time to enjoy their life
• Invest in and improve my website and systems to better reflect and represent what I do
• Find 2 charity projects to which I can donate my time and skills to better their mission

What about you, Upstate? What goals are you looking forward to crushing this year?

It's pretty incredible how much small business systems continue to improve! I use of number of systems to help small bus...

It's pretty incredible how much small business systems continue to improve! I use of number of systems to help small business owners get their time back. One of my favorite's to work with is Honeybook!

It's an online business management tool that organizes your
• client communications
• bookings
• contracts
• invoicing & payments
• automations & workflows
-- all in one place.

And if you're a small business owner that feels like they have too many systems or does A LOT of repeptitive tasks, then it might be time to consider a system like Honeybook. And Honeybook is super simple to use!

If you want to try it out, use code 'curatedclick' to get 50% off your first year.

If you're hesitant to try something like this, comment below and let's chat. There are multiple systems out there that manage multiple functions. Let's find the one that's right for you!

Let me know in the comments if you've ever thought about trying a system like Honeybook.



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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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