Pinnacle of Creativity Media

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Pinnacle of Creativity Media PC Media is a Digital Marketing Agency and a Media Agency. We help firm maintain a steady and visible online presence. We do still and motion graphics.

PC Media also organizes virtual training in different areas, as it relates to digital.

Hey guys. I just dropped an amazing short film on YouTube, please go view it. Like and share 🙏

Hey guys. I just dropped an amazing short film on YouTube, please go view it. Like and share 🙏

In this interesting short film, justice was twisted and betrayal was the driving tool. A young man already filled with pain got to the end of his journey by ...


😂 😂😂😂Applicants shares the wrong update. Funny |Comedy | interesting

Are you still in the DARK about affiliate marketing with which you can make as high as   monthly just by pressing your p...

Are you still in the DARK about affiliate marketing with which you can make as high as monthly just by pressing your phone.

I'm a 6-figure earning Affiliate Marketer who had tried several means to make money online as a Nigerian until I got a break through last year.

I am organizing a free WhatsApp training where I would explain everything you need to know about affiliate marketing and how you can start making money just with your smart phone.

Click on the link below to gain access to the free WhatsApp training; as the slot are limited.

The story of wizkid & the poor boy.    It hit the news today.    Wizkid was at a show.   The boy got the lucky chance to...

The story of wizkid & the poor boy.

It hit the news today.

Wizkid was at a show.

The boy got the lucky chance to come up to sing (from the crowd).

Wizkid loved the sound.

Promised him 10M naira.

Fast forward to some years later, the boy appears from nowhere & begins to drag wizkid.

Accused him of not fulfilling his promise…

…that he never got the 10M & that was why his dad died.

People jumped in and dragged wizkid, called him names & compared him to Davido (in the usual Instablogja crowd fashion).

Wizkid’s body guard comes up and tells the story of what really happened.

Turns out they put the boy in a school.

School fees was 3M per year.

The boy got involved in cultist activities & got expelled.

Wizkid cut him off.

Now the boy wants to go public, smear his name and get his attention.

You see -

10 million can never change the life of ‘’A Zazoo Portable’’

It will only accelerate their downfall.

Because now you can have more girls…burn more money on drugs…waste it on nightly dorimes…

A pig on suit is still a pig.

20 - 30 minutes of every training i sell is dedicated to mindset training.


Because your life will follow the path of your most dominant thoughts. No training can save you. If you believe that xyz does not work - you will self sabotage.

It is amazing how simple this is yet people miss it.

Have you heard of the ‘’The docile Elephant’’

…it is an experiment where an elephant was tied to a chain for 3 months.

It’d pull on the chain and get snapped back.

Every day it tried.

And every day it got snapped back.

The third month they replaced the chain with a tiny rope.

But now the Elephant isn’t even trying to break out anymore. He could snap the rope in two if he wanted but his mind was fried.

''The Docile Elephant''

The question is -

How fried is your mind?

What are your most dominant thoughts?

To replace self-sabotaging thoughts - there is ONLY ONE SOLUTION.

Mingle with the people living the life you want to live or consume things that contain the mindset you want to get. Block out everything else (Stop fighting motivational speakers, you are not silly)

Want to live the good life? Consume good life content.

It is what it is.

You are an elephant, the chain is how you were raised & the life you were born into - but you are an adult now with full control over your life, the chain has been replaced with a rope.

Do you want to break out…or do you want to be the docile elephant?


WHY YOU ARE NOT SELLING ON WHATSAPP👇👇👇Are you selling products on WhatsApp? You need to read this attentively till the v...


Are you selling products on WhatsApp? You need to read this attentively till the very end.

Selling on WhatsApp usually looks a bit difficult primary due to the fact that it is a social media app but with the introduction of WHATSAPP BUSINESS. A lot of SMEs(Small and medium enterprises) have begun to use WhatsApp to generate sales and maintain a good relationship with their customers. But even with the advent of WhatsApp business, it is clear that there are still challenges associated with selling on WhatsApp. Some of them include;

1.LOW AUDIENCE: Sellers who use WhatsApp to generate sales for their business and have a low audience find it difficult to make enough sales. A lot of people have only contacts of family and friends and maybe a few strangers which often is not sufficient. There is a general rule in advertising which states that only 1-10% of your audience that you reached out to will likely by from you. So imagine someone that has 200 views with a 2% conversion...that means only 4 people bought from such seller which is very low. Although you can build your contact list (There are people with as much as 30,000 contacts on WhatsApp). The problem is that your products are only limited to your contacts, you can't share your products to others outside your contacts list except others share it for you.

2.FLOODING OF PICTURES: This is one of the major problems associated with selling on WhatsApp. A lot of people who sell on WhatsApp that I know sell through their statuses, Broadcast messages or by creating groups. In a bid to sell their products, a lot of sellers cause an inconvenience to their customers by posting too many pictures of their products at once making their WhatsApp status look like waistbeads. You can imagine, some people post up to 20 pictures of clothes, shoes and bags at once. Such sellers end up having their statuses muted simply because customers cannot waste data to view their entire products and the resultant effect for the seller is poor sales.

3.DIFFICULTY IN SEPERATING PERSONAL FROM BUSINESS MESSAGES: A lot of people who sell on WhatsApp use only one phone and because of that they receive both personal and business messages which can sometimes be tasking. This also affects the performance of the business since the seller has to focus on both the personal and business messages.

Having said all these, what is the way out and how can we solve these problems?

One of the biggest solutions that very few people know of is by creating a WHATSAPP ECOMMERCE STORE where customers can view your products, prices of your products and place their orders and you receive those orders directly to your WhatsApp DM. This is different from some features on WhatsApp business app such as Catalogue, quick repleies, away messages and so on. THIS IS BETTER. Creating an ecommerce store on WhatsApp is the only solution to these problems. A good ecommerce store costs nothing less than #150,000 but with just #10,000 you can create an ecommerce store that you can use to receive customer orders on whatsApp. By doing that you spend less and are able to use WhatsApp more profitably. This makes life easier for your customers too since they don't have to view pictures of the sam ecategories and they can spend less data to view more products. The WhatsApp ecommerce store does not require any money for hosting/domain registration, no upgrade money, no extra costs and it also makes you look more professional.

If you interseted in having a WhatsApp ecommerce store that overcomes those challenges stated before. Contact us today!

Facebook vs. Instagram : Which one has worked best for you? We are currently doing a survey to know the limitations and ...

Facebook vs. Instagram : Which one has worked best for you?

We are currently doing a survey to know the limitations and strengths of both social media handles.

Anticipate the article.

IS YOUR BUSINESS GROWING OR IT'S JUST ONLINE?As a firm that is online, handles businesses online and advises others to d...


As a firm that is online, handles businesses online and advises others to do so, it is necessary we say this... BEING KNOWN ONLINE IS NOT THE ONLY METRICS FOR BUSINESS GROWTH.

As important as getting the social media attention is, it is essential for every business to take into account the necessary metrics that shows proper business growth.

Every business owner must ask themselves; "what parameters truly determines growth for me?"

Some businesses unintelligently focus on likes, comments and shares as the test of their visibility and in-house analysis of their perceived market share.

This should not be.

As important as likes, comments and shares are, they are not the true determinant of the growth format for your business.

Businesses should consider these instead:

•Where did my highest demand come from this past week, month or year?
•At what time did I have this demand and what plans do I have to maximize it?
•Who were my consistent customers and how can we retain their loyalty?
•Who are my not consistent, but big spending customers and how can we prepare for those times?
•Did we get new customers? What brought them and can we keep them?
•Are we satisfying all the needs of our target audience?

The results from specific questions like these are better analysis for growth in your business than likes, comments and shares.

At PC Media, we can show you how to grow your business properly ONLINE.

“What is your business worth?”__Understanding how businesses are valued is a core financial skill for an entrepreneur!An...

“What is your business worth?”

__Understanding how businesses are valued is a core financial skill for an entrepreneur!

An entrepreneur who does not know how to value a business reminds me of a guy who works hard all week, then leaves his wallet on a bar table! Two weeks ago, a friend of mine listed his company on the NASDAQ:

1. It had not a single asset. Nothing! No buildings, no cars, no houses…

2. It makes less than $600m revenue, and $40m net profit.

Valuation? $8bn!

I thought he was going to get about $15bn!


It’s your job to know why, and bring yourself to a full understanding. There are many methods of business valuation. You all have to do your homework here. I can’t do it for you on a blog post.

About five years ago, I wrote a series here on the platform called “Buying and selling businesses, is also a business”. In that series I wrote that whether you’re buying a business for the first time, or you are a giant multinational buying a business, the same questions always apply:

1. What is your motive behind your decision to buy a business?

2. What will you do with it, to grow and expand it, once you’ve acquired it?

3. Do you have the capacity to run and develop the business you’re preparing to buy?

4. What will you pay for it and how did you reach that price?

5. How are you going to pay for it?

6. What are the challenges and risks outside your control?

Don’t look at someone’s reason for selling their business as a negative thing, I wrote in a comment to Jezreel back in 2016. Buying and selling of businesses is going on all the time. It is part of good business. It is rather like buying and selling players in soccer -- it’s part of the game.

I introduced this topic because I realized that many young entrepreneurs don’t always appreciate this fact of business.

Companies like Microsoft and Google are buying scores of companies every year, and those who sell to them are very excited to sell them, too. It’s business, and it’s good!

When you are asking yourself “What is my business really worth?” you need to know that appraising the market value of a business is also a business and can be complicated.

To help you price your company correctly [depending on its size], try to hire the best professional valuation expert you can afford. You might “believe” your business is worth X, partially based on emotion, but you could be very wrong – either on the high side or the low side. Like I said back then and as true today, especially for the :

__Pay attention because you may never have been this way before.

# Be ready to answer lots of questions [with facts and data] and always remember – honesty is the best policy. No one expects to be buying a perfect business!

# Make sure all your financial records [and all your legal documents] are in order. Most buyers want to see [and verify] revenues and profits. If you can, have available at least three years of financial information. Audited statements are best.

Whatever you do, don’t get excitable and sell yourself [or your business] short. Your professionalism and confidence can make all the difference between a win-win business deal and daylight robbery.


Pinnacle of Creativity Media

Introducing the  __"Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision". Peter DruckerOver ...

Introducing the
__"Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision". Peter Drucker

Over the years I have spoken to you about the and the entrepreneur. But a week ago, when Richard Branson went into space on his venture Virgin Galactic, I started to talk about the entrepreneur. These are the guys who don’t just play the game [of entrepreneurship] very well, but they have the ability to change the game completely!

Most entrepreneurs spend their lives simply trying to join and beat the pack in their industry. You hear them they say things like: “I want to be the best hotel” or “I want to be the best mobile network” or “I want to be the best palm oil producer”… But entrepreneurs in the MasterClass, they want to rip up the whole game and play by a different set of rules.

When I saw that rocket plan, I knew that the game of aviation and its related hospitality services had just been uprooted!

# What is “space tourism”?

# How many people will go up there?

We don’t know! What I do know is that it will start out expensive, but the cost will become more accessible over time, just like commercial air travel has over time [in many places, not everywhere]. And it will create a lot of other opportunities and jobs along the way.

I remember when I would tell people that one day they will all one use mobile phones, or that they would use Mobile Money. Most people back then did not how much consumers would love all the products and services made possible by these innovations! Did you?

To become MasterClass, there are no shortcuts; you must master the basics of Junior Class, followed by Senior Class; then comes MasterClass!

How will you know when you have done it?

MasterClass is not like MasterChef where you win a competition. You must be able to build a multi-billion dollar business from scratch! Most great businesses out there began with a MasterClass entrepreneur.

The MasterClass entrepreneur is not only someone who has the visionary ideas to start something, or even the ability to scale through 3Ps. There is something else you must have which is rarely ever mentioned, but which everyone knows is the decisive quality: !

Richard Branson knew that if anything had gone wrong, he would have lost his life, his legacy, and so much more. Some would have said to him: “Richard, you are over 70 years old; you have kids and grandkids. You have nothing to prove anymore.”


If you are a person who is afraid to fail, or you are always worried about what others might think if you fail, this is really, really not for you. Just know there is a !

That Virgin Galactic Unity22 spaceflight which lasted about an hour was 17+ years in the making. Those of you who have listened to Business Wars now know that this is the type of dedication it took to build some of the greatest companies. As an entrepreneur myself, I only shudder to think about what it really took.

Tomorrow [Tuesday 20 July], Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, will also go up into space on his own rocketship called Blue Origin. There is another Business War brewing which includes Elon Musk and several others you have not even heard of.

On the historic flight tomorrow, sitting with Bezos and his brother will be an 82-year-old aviator who's spent six decades of her life trying to reach space! She never gave up on her dream!

Are you asking yourself: Why Space? [Believe me, I have heard a lot of people ask that question lately!]

There is no limit to the wealth that is up there! Don’t get caught up in the media hype that space is just “billionaire vs billionaire”… Even the JuniorClass should be able to see the flaws in that simplistic analysis.

I think you all know by now that Jeff Bezos' first job, at age 16, was serving as a cook at McDonald's, frying eggs and burgers back in the kitchen! It was there under the famous "golden arches" as a teenager that Bezos said he first learned about the importance of customer service. He may be a billionaire now but look where he started!

Every lion was once a... yes, you know the answer.

What about you? What are you learning right where you are that you can apply to your entrepreneurial journey ahead?

Is the sky the limit anymore? Was it ever?


Why should I put my business online?Class 1.3 • Make it Easier to Build Relationships with Customers and Potential Custo...

Why should I put my business online?

Class 1.3

• Make it Easier to Build Relationships with Customers and Potential Customers.

Social media is all about building relationships. This is true for both individuals and businesses. Social media gives your brand a voice – it makes your company more “human” and relatable. Customers and potential customers can interact with your brand on a more personal level. It also gives you the opportunity to truly get to know your customers. If everyone is on social media except you, you are missing out on an invaluable opportunity to connect and communicate with your target audience. Social media is one of the simplest, yet most effective ways to get persons interested in your company and to form real relationships with real people.

to be continued...

Why should I put my business online?Class 1.2 • Make it Easier to Showcase Your Products and ServicesThe Internet gives ...

Why should I put my business online?

Class 1.2

• Make it Easier to Showcase Your Products and Services

The Internet gives businesses an effective platform for showcasing what they have to offer. Whether it’s a portfolio and testimonials from clients on a website, or an album on a page with photos of your newest products, it has never been easier to let the world know what you have to offer. With a few simple clicks, your customers can see what you’re all about. They can even do this outside of business hours! An online presence is an extension of your brand that never sleeps.

Why should I put my business online?Class 1.1.In the digital age, it is absolutely essential for your business to have a...

Why should I put my business online?

Class 1.1.

In the digital age, it is absolutely essential for your business to have an online presence. Whether it’s a website, an e-commerce platform, a social media page or a combination of all three, getting your company online will reap major benefits. Even if your company does not conduct business online, customers and potential customers are expecting to see you online. If they don’t see you there, you could be losing out on the opportunity to increase your customer base and get the word out about your business.
Here are just a few of the many reasons why your business needs to establish its online presence:

• Make it Easier for Potential Customers Come to You

Today, if someone wants more information about a company, they’re most likely to do their research online. Whether they’re specifically looking for your company, or they just want to find any company that offers the products or services that your company offers, having an online presence will give you a competitive edge. Potential customers will not put a lot of effort into finding you, and they should not have to. A simple Google search should provide them with all the information they seek.

Real life example: Your business distributes seafoods, meats, fine wines and other spirits. A potential customer is having an impromptu family get-together and needs a few bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon and some shrimp. She uses her smartphone to search for “wine and seafood in Jamaica”. Your company’s website is listed in the search results. After browsing your website, she’s satisfied that you can provide her with what she needs. You’ve just earned another customer!

Check out our other post for more reasons why you should put your business online.

5 Best online businesses in Nigeria to start and make moneyHere is a list of 5 online businesses in Nigeria that you can...

5 Best online businesses in Nigeria to start and make money

Here is a list of 5 online businesses in Nigeria that you can start today and make money. These online business ideas are the best out there.

1. Blogging
Without a doubt, blogging is top of the best online businesses to start in Nigeria. This online business is something anyone can do and make money. Gradually, regular newspaper and magazines are fading out, they are being replaced by blogs. And on the internet everyone has the ability to start up a blog, unlike starting up a regular newspaper or magazine that will involve lots of politics and expenses.

I cannot remember the last time I bought a newspaper or magazine. Whenever, I need information, I get online, visit some blogs and get all I need! Easier and more convenient.

If you are well informed about a particular topic and you have interest in it, you can start a blog and make money. Blogging is all about information sharing. It could be politics, entertainment, news, gossip, business, sport, technology, reviews, food, health, insurance. Anything at all! Just share information that people are looking for.

Once you start having visitors on your blog, you can start making money with it from Google Adsense, Affiliate marketing, Product sales and more.

In the beginning you may struggle because you are fresh, as long as you know what you are doing and keep growing your audience, you will be making over $1000 (over N350k) a month in a year or less.

Creating a blog is easy and it should not take you more than 20 minutes to create one.

Domain name should cost you N4000 or below. Hosting your blog should cost you about N3000 or less a month.

If you are looking for online business in Nigeria that pays then blogging is the way to go.

2. Affiliate marketing

This is a very lucrative online business that people often overlook. Affiliate marketing is all about referring people to buy a product or services for a commission.

The good thing about affiliate marketing is that you do not need to have any product. Just recommend products of other people and get paid for your effort. You are given a link and you share that link to your audience.

I know it sound so easy and less lucrative but let’s break it down. Let’s assume you recommend a product like a phone worth N80k. And your commission is 20% which is N16k. You share your links through your channels and at the end of a month, 1000 people purchase through your recommendation. That will be 80, 000 x 1000 = N80 million. Your commission will be 20% of N80 million which is N16 million! So in a month you have made N16 million. If the commission was 10% you made N8, million. If it was 5% you made 4 million!

The Affiliate marketing market is worth billions of dollars but in Nigeria and Africa, it is not well explored.

To become a successful affiliate marketer, you will need to target a particular product or industry. Then create a niche blog about that product or industry and recommend their products. You can also create a niche social media pages and push your affiliate marketing there.

There are many affiliate marketing networks that you can join and get products or services to promote. Some of them are Expertnaire, Jvzoo, Konga Affiliate, Commission Junction and more.

This is one of the best legitimate online businesses in Nigeria.

3. Online Videos

Online Video business also known as Vblogging is a very lucrative business that anyone can venture into and make money. Have you been on YouTube recently? Am sure that you have. Either to watch the latest music video, some comedy skits, football highlight or something interesting. That is what Vblogging is all about.

You can make videos on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other places but YouTube is the biggest market for online video business. YouTube is the second most used website on the internet after Google! Yes, YouTube is used by people worldwide more than Facebook, more than Instagram, more than Twitter. YouTube is all about video sharing. Only videos.

If you have passions for videos, you can start creating them and uploading on YouTube. You can do a comedy skit, short movies, you can do talk shows, you can do football reviews/previews. There are so many things you can make videos about. DIY, life hacks, games, music, entertainment, news, politics, tutorial, fashion. Very many.

Build your audience and you can start making money from it with Google AdSense, Affiliate marketing, sponsorship and much more.

If you are looking for online businesses in Nigeria that you can start with no money, then this is it! All you need is your phone to start making videos

4. Social media marketing

There are so many people on Social media. From YouTube to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat and the rest. People spend the best part of their days on these platforms.

Social media marketing help businesses leverage on the crowd of people on social media to drive leads. It has been proven that businesses who have good social marketing strategy, increase their sales by over 100%.

But there are very few social media marketers in Nigeria working with businesses. So many small businesses in Nigeria are not making use of social media to drive business leads.

You can become a social media marketer and fill the gap. You will make a lot of money helping businesses leverage on social media buzz.

5. Web Design
Many websites are created everyday. There are billions of websites on the internet and millions more are being added each month. In Nigeria, website creation is on the rise as more businesses and organizations look to tap into the power of the internet.

These businesses need web designers to help them build websites for their businesses.

To be a web designer, you need to have a knowledge of coding. You can learn programming online almost for free these days. Read: How to become a software developer. You also need to have a good understanding of the CMS that you are using.

Learn web designing, then create a website for your business and advertise it on social media. You will find customers.

To be a web designer, you need to have a knowledge of coding. You can learn to program online almost for free these days.

How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settl...

How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable. Take advantage of Social Media by contacting PC Media so we can help boost your online visibility.

Content marketing is the act of owning, as opposed to renting media.Basically, content marketing is designed to acquire ...

Content marketing is the act of owning, as opposed to renting media.

Basically, content marketing is designed to acquire and convert a very specific target market with a clear, direct, single action.

You shouldn’t do this because it’s sexy, because it’s cool, or because BuzzFeed is doing it.

The only reason you should use content marketing is to make a meaningful, measurable impact on your business.

Not everyone needs to invest in content marketing. But if it can help you grow your business, you should do it.

Content marketing means being the advertiser of your business and creating the content at the same time.

Done right, content marketing can help you generate massive growth for your business.

How do you currently use content marketing for your business?
Let us know in the comment session below.


For the first time Mr Macaroni doesn't look like "He is doing well"


Charlie charlie is a scam. Look at the trick.
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