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Salty3 Pancak3s Real Life Talk-

We will explain our theory tonight.  .

We will explain our theory tonight. .

Join us for an in-depth investigation into the mysterious disappearance of Chance Englebert. Based on meticulous analysis of publicly available data, CCTV footage, phone pings, and eyewitness accounts


Our Timeline of Chance Englebert's Disappearance

Based on all publicly available data, here is the timeline of Chance Englebert's movements on the evening he disappeared:

6:50 to 7:00 PM
Chance allegedly started walking west on "O" Street to 10th Street. From 10th Street, he headed north. CCTV footage confirms this with a timestamp of around 7:45 PM when he walked last Dominoes. Google Earth and GPS data indicate that walking this 1.3-mile distance would take an average person about 45 minutes, placing Chance's departure from Baylee's grandmother's house at approximately 7:00 PM.

7:50 to 7:55 PM
Chance was seen on CCTV walking west on Martha Rd. This change in direction is significant because it indicates he was not heading towards Torrington, Wyoming, but instead towards a gas station called Big Bat's. After carefully examining the details, we concluded that Chance was likely meeting someone he knew at this location. This conclusion is supported by the fact that he then headed back south, retracing the direction from which he had just walked.

8:40 to 8:50 PM
Chance arrived at Big Bat's after a 1 hour and 40 minute walk from Baylee's grandparents' house. Phone pings and CCTV footage confirm his route and the time, indicating he was walking casually with no signs of having been given a ride or picked up by someone.

8:55 PM
Based on statements from the gas station clerk to police and the private investigator, Chance was seen walking back south, the same direction from which he came.

9:05 to 9:15 PM
Chance's phone last pinged near a truck stop, three bodies of water, and a bridge over the Platte River, which has a deep spot below the base of the bridge. The phone went off within three minutes in this area, which does not indicate foul play. On the contrary, considering Chance's route, his pace, and his premeditated destination, there are no signs during these two hours that point to murder or sabotage.


Given the lack of evidence indicating foul play and the logical sequence of Chance's movements, we conclude that a tragic accident is a more reasonable explanation for his disappearance. Here are the key points supporting this conclusion:

1. Planned Route and Meeting: Chance's change in direction towards Big Bat's (HUGE key to this puzzle) indicates a planned meet-up with someone he knew, possibly for drugs, (why the determination to reach this point) and evidenced by his need to reach this out-of-the-way location.

2. Phone Records and Pings: The phone records and pings show Chance's consistent movement, supporting the theory that he was not picked up or abducted but was walking on his own.

3. Storm Conditions: The weather conditions on the night of his disappearance could have contributed to a tragic accident.

4. Lack of Evidence for Foul Play: The extensive police investigation, including multiple searches over 5 years and interviews, has not uncovered any evidence of foul play or murder.

5. Reasonable Assumption: Considering all the available data, it is reasonable to assume that Chance Englebert had a tragic accident near the area of his last phone ping, potentially involving the bodies of water or the bridge.

Our conclusion is based on current evidence and is speculative. However, given the circumstances and the lack of any indicators of foul play, a tragic accident seems the most plausible explanation for Chance Englebert's disappearance.

Final Thoughts

We hope for closure soon and for the recovery of Chance's remains so that both sides of the parties involved can finally have some peace.

Please note that this conclusion is just speculation and our opinion based on the current evidence and using advanced AI tools.




Based on the evidence and analysis, it seems likely that Chance Engelbart's disappearance was a tragic accident rather than foul play or a conspiracy. Here’s why this theory makes the most sense:

1. Planned Route: Chance using Google Maps to navigate to Big Bat's Convenience Store indicates premeditation. This aligns with the idea that he was meeting someone at this location. Chance knew where he was walking..There was a plan set in motion to this location. But for what? Possibly for drugs. His walk here shows purpose and intent, supporting the theory that his movements were deliberate.

2. Drug Arrangement: If Chance was arranging to meet someone for drugs, it fits a plausible narrative, especially if he was under stress or seeking an escape. This could explain why he was not acting in his usual manner and why he was out walking at that time.

3. Fentanyl Overdose: The possibility of him taking drugs laced with fentanyl explains a sudden collapse or disorientation. Fentanyl overdoses are tragically common and often lead to accidental deaths. This adds a significant layer of risk to his actions that night.

4. Phone Pings: The phone pings near the river support the theory that Chance was in that area, possibly trying to make his way back to Baylee's grandparents’ house. His presence near the river suggests he might have fallen in, either due to disorientation from the drugs or an accidental slip.

5. No Arrests: The absence of arrests or solid leads in a murder investigation after five years strongly indicates that foul play is less likely. If there were any substantial evidence of murder, it would likely have led to arrests or at least strong suspects by now.

6. River Search: Given the theory of a potential overdose and accidental fall into the river, searching the river is a logical next step. It could potentially yield evidence or remains, providing closure to this tragic event.

7. Tragic Accident: Considering all the points above and the lack of evidence for more nefarious scenarios, a tragic accident seems the most reasonable conclusion. It fits the known facts and provides a coherent explanation for Chance’s disappearance.


Baylee's story and behavior also make more sense under this theory:

1. Protecting the Drug Dealer: If Baylee knew about Chance’s meeting with a drug dealer, she might have been trying to protect both the dealer and herself from legal trouble. This could explain why her story doesn’t align with the emerging facts.

2. Pre-Knowledge of His Intentions: Baylee’s certainty that Chance wasn’t coming back could stem from her awareness of his plans and the risks involved. If she knew he was meeting someone for drugs, she might have anticipated the potential danger.

3. Instructing Him to Walk: By telling Chance to walk instead of driving him, Baylee might have been distancing herself from his actions. Driving him would have made her more directly involved and potentially implicated.

4. Lack of Concern and Search Efforts: Baylee’s seemingly indifferent attitude and lack of proactive searching might be because she already had an idea of what happened. If she suspected he overdosed or had an accident, she might have felt there was no point in looking, or she might have feared finding incriminating evidence.

5. Weird Sense of Knowing: Baylee’s behavior and statements could be interpreted as signs of guilt or knowledge she was withholding. This fits with the idea that she had more information about the circumstances of his disappearance than she revealed.


Based on the available evidence and the extensive police investigation, several facts point towards ruling out murder in the case of Chance Englebert’s disappearance. Here’s a breakdown of why murder is an unlikely scenario:

1. No Arrests or Solid Leads: After five years, the investigation has not led to any arrests or identification of strong suspects for murder. If there were any credible evidence pointing to foul play, it would likely have resulted in more concrete leads or arrests by now.

2. Lack of Evidence for Foul Play: The police have not found any physical evidence indicating that Chance was the victim of a violent crime. No signs of struggle, blood, or other forensic evidence have been discovered that would typically be associated with a homicide.

3. Thorough Investigation: Law enforcement has conducted extensive searches, interviews, and reviewed surveillance footage. Despite these efforts, they have not uncovered any evidence supporting the theory of murder. This thoroughness suggests that if there were foul play, it would likely have been detected.

4. No Motive Identified: Investigators have not identified a clear motive for anyone to harm Chance. While personal disputes or random acts of violence are possible, the lack of any motive makes the murder theory less plausible.

5. Witness Statements: There have been no credible witness statements or testimonies indicating that Chance was involved in an altercation or was seen with someone who might have harmed him. The absence of such accounts further weakens the murder hypothesis.

6. Phone Pings and Movements: The phone pings show Chance’s movements consistent with someone walking rather than being forcefully taken or driven. His path towards the river aligns with the theory of an accidental drowning rather than an abduction or assault.


1. No Physical Evidence of Violence: The absence of any forensic evidence suggesting a struggle or attack.
2. Extensive yet Inconclusive Investigation: Despite thorough police work, no leads or suspects have emerged.
3. Lack of Motive: No clear reason why someone would want to harm Chance.
4. Consistent Movements: His phone pings suggest voluntary movements rather than coercion.
5. No Witness Accounts: No credible witnesses have come forward with information pointing to foul play.


Additionally, Chance's movements and GPS route indicate he was not making his way to Torrington, Wyoming:

Southward Route: After visiting Big Bat's Convenience Store, Chance was making his way back south, which aligns with the direction towards Baylee's grandparents’ house, not towards Torrington, Wyoming. This suggests he was not attempting to flee or head to a different town.

Intent to Return: His southward movement indicates he was intending to return to a familiar location (Baylee's grandparents' house) rather than venturing further away. This supports the idea that he was not trying to escape or disappear but rather return.


Given these points, the theory of a tragic accident involving drugs and an overdose appears more consistent with the available evidence. The absence of any clear indicators of foul play, combined with the comprehensive police investigation that has yielded no results supporting the murder theory, makes it highly unlikely. Thus, the simplest and most plausible explanation remains that Chance’s disappearance was a tragic accident, not a murder.

Please note that this is just an opinion and allegedly based on artificial intelligence data of possibilities.

Occam's razor, suggesting that the simplest explanation---Chance’s accidental overdose and subsequent fall into the river—is likely the correct one.

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Today @12:30pm mst

Today @12:30pm mst

Welcome to todays groundbreaking episode: "The Disappearance of Chance Englebert." Today, we dive deep into the science of Artificial Intelligence and its transformative potential in solving missing p


If people knew the truth there would be a revolution, that's why they censor it.

We could jump on this one?

We could jump on this one?

Owl Road.......    Chance Englebert Disappearance

Owl Road....... Chance Englebert Disappearance



I got bombarded with emails, texts, and pictures about Chance Englebert from so many of you. Thanks, it really put thing...

I got bombarded with emails, texts, and pictures about Chance Englebert from so many of you. Thanks, it really put things in perspective.

Now, I've pieced together what I think happened to Chance that night, and trust me, it's not what you expect.

Catch my final thoughts on Saturday at 6PM MST on Rumble or right here on Facebook.

Where Chance Englebert Was Allegedly Last Seen...

Where Chance Englebert Was Allegedly Last Seen...


Public Information on Ryan Daniel's will BLOW your mind. Private Investigator? 🤣🤣
More like a private fraud


I think after 3000 filed complaints (Thank you Rubber Ducky Squad) on Ryan Daniel's, he will think twice about harassing us again


Not a Podcast
HUGE differences


Not all the people from the Chance Englebert page are trolls, distractions, or trouble makers. I've come to meet some genuine people who really care. Let's welcome them



Ready to dive into the circus that is the Chance Englebert case? We're breaking down the timeline to see if Baylee's story holds water or if it's just another fairy tale. And here's the kicker: Privat

What does Ryan Daniel's and Jim Terry both have in common 🤔 Patterns

What does Ryan Daniel's and Jim Terry both have in common 🤔


Please Share..... LIVE Saturday @ 6PM MSTThis one is going to be HUGE, our best ever..

Please Share..... LIVE Saturday @ 6PM MST

This one is going to be HUGE, our best ever..

Ready to dive into the circus that is the Chance Englebert case? We're breaking down the timeline to see if Baylee's story holds water or if it's just another fairy tale. And here's the kicker: Privat


Calls Salty3 and literally harassed him.

Ryan Daniel's pulled a background check on Salty3 and used it to harass him with all because Miss Daniel's had her feelings hurt. What a fckn loser.

Today we file over 1000 complaints on Ryan Daniel's

Today we will flex our power since he's unaware.


We warned everyone in our video discriptions we DONT tolerate bu****it or idiots.

F**k Around and You Sure Found Out

Round 3

Round 3

Ready to dive into the circus that is the Chance Englebert case? We're breaking down the timeline to see if Baylee's story holds water or if it's just another fairy tale. And here's the kicker: Privat



In this livestream, we dive deep into the mysterious disappearance of Chance Englebert. We will scrutinize the timeline of events and question if Chance's baby was really his, alongside examining the

Round 2

Round 2

In this livestream, we dive deep into the mysterious disappearance of Chance Englebert. We will scrutinize the timeline of events and question if Chance's baby was really his, alongside examining the


Last night's Chance Englebert case was crazy interesting 🤔
Would you like to hear more? Let me know in the comments


We all know Todd Glen Corbin is a fraud. However, this last story he told is golden.

Todd called into Jim's live stream last night. Said the only reason we don't call him is because the cops called us and scared us. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sure they did Todd... Sure they DIDNT. .

This dude can't even lie right. Jim Terry, it was actually the other way around 😂 😉 FACTS

The question we ask ourselves is what reasons do we need to contact that bum for? He's a closed chapter in our book.

Try harder Ty...

Facebook. If you're not communicating with someone you personally know or have spoken to over the phone, there's a stagg...

Facebook. If you're not communicating with someone you personally know or have spoken to over the phone, there's a staggering 99.9% chance you're interacting with AI-generated pages, posts, comments, and even likes. The line between reality and deception has never been so blurred.


Anyone in Nebraska? I'm flying out to be boots on the ground.

I'm Curious........

I'm Curious........

Welcome to the Salty3Crew, where we don't just cover stories—we dissect them. Join us, hardcore deep divers and serious thinkers, as we take on the mysterious disappearance of Chance Englebert. Summon


Attention: When the next major YouTube case arises, I am looking for assistance. I will compensate anyone for their time if they are willing to help deep dive and gather information on the case.




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