God bless you all, a Word on my heart to yours, the Lord is up to something good for everyone, this is the year of perfect vision, let the Word Produce fruit in your heart by the Spirit
God bless you all, some revelation in here, God is up to something good with everybody, take it and receive, He wants you to participate in what He’a doing, He will see you through
The white blood cells in our blood take away the intruders in our immune system, the red blood cells supply oxygen from our lungs, and in the same way, Jesus’ blood takes away our sins, and supplies our righteousness from Him, Under grace, God is always supplying to you, not demanding of you like the law, grace can be compared to hot, the law is cold, be on Fire with Holy Fire for Jesus, be Jesus to the people around you
God Loves you, He has a good plan for your life, every promise in the Bible is for you, don’t ever let the enemy convince you out of your identity in Christ, whether due to sin or rebellion or circumstances or situations, you’re a Child of God
The blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit are light and life to our spirits and souls, trust in Jesus to heal you, He has a good plan for your life, He is working on everything, feed on the Word and be blessed in every area, God bless you
Healing scriptures, seek Jesus and His Presence, and you will find your healing, He sent forth His Word and healed us, and delivered us from our destructions Psalm 107:20
The Word of God is health to all your flesh and healing to all your bones, look on Jesus, the Word, and believe in Him, and you will have eternal life, and can be made whole, healed in His Presence
God bless you, He is Good, and He Loves you!