Thank you and welcome to our first group of followers!
The pilot episode of the Playa Provides Podcast is out, you can listen at: www.soundcloud.com/playaprovides
We are looking for stories of a Burningman moment when you really felt "playa provides" or stories about living a 10 principle lifestyle in the default world have made things better for you or your community.
I think by telling these real stories that we all have at some point lived we will spread positivity and encourage others to be the better versions of themselves.
If you think of anything particularly "magic" that has happened to you in the past and want to share it... you can either write the story and send it to me to read it, or we can arrange a time when you are available to record it live in NY or do an online interview, whatever is easier for you 🙂 Reach out!
[email protected]
Playa Provides is a podcast with stories about Burningman magic moments and how living a 10 principle lifestyle in the default world makes it all better. Hosted by Jorge Madden. Spread positivity, bur