Hanna McGee Marketing

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Hanna McGee Marketing I help business owners get unstuck and see outside the box when it comes to marketing. Specializing

Confession, I have been avoiding REELZ! 😬Yep, I am an Instagram Coach and teach you how to do all the things, but this t...

Confession, I have been avoiding REELZ! 😬

Yep, I am an Instagram Coach and teach you how to do all the things, but this tool seemed a little too time consuming to me; anyone else with me?

But, I know either way it’s an important tool to use, to gain more exposure for my business in a creative way and I just need to take the time to do it.

So here are 3 tips that I am implementing to get going, why don’t you try them along with me?

📽Watch a couple pros that give good advice like &
📽Make it your own. Did you know know some of you won’t have music? So just talk! You don’t have to use music or lots of captions.

📽Just start making them, feature your fave products, tips, how your services can help others. You are never going to figure it out until you start!

Friends, let’s get on board with Reelz. As we do this together I will be letting you know what I learn and how I start implementing them for my business. Tag me when you make yours.

Your too much!Did you know I have never heard that said about me?  You think, lucky you!  But I would say, shame on me!I...

Your too much!

Did you know I have never heard that said about me? You think, lucky you! But I would say, shame on me!

I have worked my whole life to protect my ego so I don’t create a scene or stick out. I want everyone to like me and and no one to thing whoa that’s too much! I want everyone to like me and agree with me. But that is not how I impact a world.

I admire those bold women who stand out, who are too much because they may be afraid of what people say but they do it anyway. They know they will get the comments and maybe some criticism but they will say it anyway.

So I wore this crazy floppy hat, oversized glasses and leopard mask the other day and as I was walking into have lunch with the hubs I asked do I look too much?
And he says, “you look fine, it doesn’t matter, you have one life to live, my dear.”
And you know what, no one said anything except, I got compliments on my hat and mask!

I realized the more I step out and wear the damn thing or say things I believe that most of the time no one is thinking anything or will say something, they are too worried about themselves. Life is too short to worry about if I’m too much or think about people not liking me. Plus it encourages others to step out.

Who else worries about being too much?
What do you do to overcome it?

I am grateful for my family.  I am thankful for their health, for their love and compassion.  What a blessing I get to b...

I am grateful for my family. I am thankful for their health, for their love and compassion. What a blessing I get to be John’s wife and Madalyn and Maxwell’s mom.
I am grateful for the Lord providing for us this year and we got to help and bless others in need this year.
I am thankful for all of you, my friends, family and clients.
I am thankful we have another year to look forward to and make the best of!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Create Guides for Your Product or Services 📖There is a newer feature for Instagram that will help your business market y...

Create Guides for Your Product or Services 📖

There is a newer feature for Instagram that will help your business market your products and services, it’s an IG Guide!

This is such a great opportunity to feature and categorize your posts about your products, tips & tricks, about you and more! With the Instagram updates it can now be apart of the icons you see above your feed along with your feed graph, Reelz, IG TV, Shopping and Tagged.

Anything you have posted on your feed you can create into a guide. Think about it, if you own a business that sells a variety of health care products 🧖🏻‍♀️💆‍♀️you could create a separate guide on the products to use for oily skin, dry skin and sensitive skin based on the posts that you created for those products. Or a guide for looks using your eye shadows or lip 💄colors. Another idea is if you are a graphic designer and you have created posts on how to find your branding colors, fonts or looks you could create a guide on Branding. Realtors, if you offer great tips in your feed on preparing your house 🏡 to sell and other valuable information, oh the guides you could create!

There are endless possibilities for you to create another opportunity for you to become the expert in your industry for your ideal followers and clients in a simple way without having to use more words or text. It’s an added tool to help you grow, market and a monetize your business on Instagram.

If you need help coming up with the best guides your business page, check out the 1 on 1 intensives I am offering right now in the link in my bio.

You can checkout what I have created so far with more guides to come shortly.
Let me know if you have started using this tool I’d love to check yours out!

I Can’t Get Out of this Box!📦I just got off a call with someone I paid to brainstorm with. I felt like I have been on a ...

I Can’t Get Out of this Box!📦

I just got off a call with someone I paid to brainstorm with. I felt like I have been on a hamster wheel 🐹 in my mind these last few weeks and couldn’t get out!! What a relief it was to talk to someone from the outside that could help lift the lids of my box and show me another way of how to get out.

To be able to dump all the thoughts out and have someone else help arrange them in a way that makes sense to me and to the outside person was such a weight lifted off my shoulders.

I feel lighter, clearer 💡in my mind, more space to be creative again and to think!!! Brain dumping and brainstorming is so powerful. It allows you to step outside of the box that you put yourself in and see what is possible again!

Where in life do you need a good brain storm session? Where in your businesses do you need help lifting the lid on your box to see another possible way of growing or marketing?

If you would like your own intensive 90 minute Holiday🎄 brainstorming session, I am opening some sessions throughout the holiday season. You will have an opportunity to brain dump, brain storm and then work through the solution. I will also give you feedback on your business from what I see and give you recommendations that will help you keep your business moving forward.
Check out the link in my bio.

Let me know how you feel about brainstorming below and if you need help!

Don’t Tell Me, Show Me!I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I just need someone to hold my hand and SHOW me how to do ...

Don’t Tell Me, Show Me!

I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I just need someone to hold my hand and SHOW me how to do something.
Right now, for me, that is hiring someone to hold my hand and show me HOW to break down my work into batches each day and learning now to batch schedule my week. This may be easy for some of you and you wouldn’t need help on this. But my friends, I struggle with organizing and coming up with a plan on my own.
For so long people would TELL ME, “plan out your week, come up with a launch plan, organize your week, put together a plan for this and that…” It would cause me so much anxiety, I didn’t know where to start, I thought I was dumb and I always asking myself, “how do I come up with a plan?” Instead of asking for help or even know what to ask, I would just give up and wing it.
Finally, I realized in order to continue to grow the way I want as a leader and business owner, and frankly for my own sanity, I need to learn how to have a plan and I need to hire someone to SHOW me how to do that. It has been one of the best investments I have made!!
A weight has lifted now that I have a template that I can plug my life into. All because I invested in someone who SHOWED me how to do it! Now I am empowered with the tools to know what to do when it comes to planning out my week!
What is something you have always struggled with and wished someone would just SHOW you how to do it?
Share with us, you never know who might be able to help you! 😉

🚫Get Rid of Your Fancy Fonts🚫If you want to market your business and make sure your Instagram Business Page is discovera...

🚫Get Rid of Your Fancy Fonts🚫

If you want to market your business and make sure your Instagram Business Page is discoverable when people are searching, don’t🚫 use those fancy fonts in your Instagram Name.

The reason is that IG algorithm does not recognize fonts outside of Instagram and so those key words, name or descriptives will not show up in the search bar.

For example ➡️ I have a good friend who has a fancy font for her Instagram Name “Angela M” and her handle is “” so if I don’t remember what her handle is, and I don’t remember her lastname and all I remember is her first name, “Angela”, I will not be able to find her page because she used the Fancy Font for her name. (Swipe over in the photos to see an example)

Because if this, is could hurt her discoverability 🔍 when people are trying to find her when they want to work with her or even when someone is looking for a business within her industry.

You want to be found by your Instagram Handle & Instagram Name as a business.
If you want to use fancy fonts, put them in the text of your bio or a feed post.

➡️If you would like more feedback on your Instagram page or need help with your bio, comment below.

➡️Save this post for help whenever your editing your bio.

➡️Share this with a friend who has fancy fonts in their Instagram Name.

Is your business page discoverable on Instagram?🔍When people go to the search button on Instagram, will you come up when...

Is your business page discoverable on Instagram?🔍

When people go to the search button on Instagram, will you come up when they search for your industry?

For example, let’s say you specialize in maternity, portrait photography 📸 When someone is looking for a maternity photographer in their area, like Boise, Idaho, will your Instagram account pop up?

HERES the TIP: Instead of using your handle in both your Instagram Handle (User Name) and Instagram Name ( Name) in your profile, change your “Name” to something else that describes what you do, BECAUSE, those words are searchable. You already have your “name”and “photography” in your IG handle. So change your “IG name” to “Maternity photographer| Idaho”. That way you are searchable by location and what you specialize in.

This is a great way to be able to maximize your business when people are searching for your industry. Think about those key words that people would try to find you. By your name, industry, specialties, location. Think about your ideal client and what they would be searching for to find you. Then use those key words for your “IG Name”.
You can also change your “IG Name” to see if different words work better. Like “Idaho Photographer” or “Baby Photographer” depending on what your handle has in it, you don’t need to be redundant.

The key is utilizing the the searchable space on your Instagram Business Page that you have available for people to find you when they search your industry.

Is your handle and name under your profile picture the same or different? Swipe over to see the examples that I give.
If it is, what are you going to change it to?

Share this with a friend who could use this tip. Save ✔️it to use as a reference tool in the future. And message me if you have any questions or need help with this.

“My product can sell its self,  I really don’t need to show my face on social media”.While that may be true in person, w...

“My product can sell its self, I really don’t need to show my face on social media”.

While that may be true in person, when someone can hold, touch and try your product, it is totally different on social media. We can touch, feel or try on your product, we need more than that! We need connection.

In today’s society there are so many varieties of the same product out there. They are sold by many different retailers and consultants, that people are changing the way they purchase.

Let’s be real, even though you have an exceptional product, someone else has something like it. So the question is 🤔when you are trying to sell on social media, how are you going to stand out with the same product that other people have as well?

The answer is you 🤗my friend! It’s YOU they want to connect with to purchase that product. They want to know who YOU are, why you sell or make this product. They want to connect with YOUR story, YOUR why, YOUR behind the scenes.

The way you do that, is to connect by showing your face, creating videos 📽with you in them, showing up on stories on a regular basis. Help your followers and future clients, connect to your why and who you are. Show them behind the scenes, using, wearing and sharing your product.
Give them YOU and they will buy YOUR product.

If you are struggling 🆘 with this, let me know, I have created something just for you coming soon!

Do you have peace✌️ of mind knowing your business is growing on Instagram?Are you sure your business page makes sense to...

Do you have peace✌️ of mind knowing your business is growing on Instagram?

Are you sure your business page makes sense to people to go to check out your page?

Do you have a plan in place to connect with your current followers in your feed and on stories?

Do wonder each day when you are going to post?

If you can say “Yes” to any of these let’s get your business page on the right track and get you growing!

I have created a 90 minute workshop just for you to help you:

👉Give clarity about what you do in your bio/profile
👉Create a strategy on what you should be posting on your feed and stories
👉And Undertstanding how to connect with our followers and ideal clients.

Doors are open now, just for you to register for, Tuesday, Sept 22nd 6:30pm-8pm

Don’t waste 🚯 anymore time waiting to figure out Instagram for your business let me help you get growing now!

Registration and more info is in the link in my bio.


Who is ready to start growing and connecting with your ideal clients on Instagram?!The next round of, Start Growing on I...

Who is ready to start growing and connecting with your ideal clients on Instagram?!

The next round of, Start Growing on Instagram workshop is September 22nd!
This is for any business owner who knows they need to use Instagram as a marketing platform but has no idea where to start. Either you are brand new to Instagram or you have tried to figure it out on your own and your lost, this workshop is for you.
In 90 minutes You will learn:
☑️ Create clarity for your ideal clients and customers about what you do.
☑️ Create content for your feed and stories that connects with your ideal clients.
☑️ Connect to your ideal clients in IG stories.

If you are ready to take these simple steps to start growing on Instagram, check out the link here: https://mailchi.mp/18bbd4920bc6/igworkshoppm

📸 Heather M. Webster Photography

Something you may not know about me…I grew up hunting and fishing with my dad and still enjoy it to this day.  I went to...

Something you may not know about me…

I grew up hunting and fishing with my dad and still enjoy it to this day. I went to Hunter’s Ed Safety class when I was 12. I would get in early in the mornings and freeze my butt off to duck hunt with him. I drew a couple tags, Antelope, never got one, Elk, never got one, but will always having fond memories of ALWAYS doing it with my dad.

Last year, We got go to up to the Family Lodge in Port Alsworth, AK, my parents dream home and did some amazing Greyling and Salmon fly fishing, once again with my dad and with my family. I also got to go back up to hunt for Brown Bear last fall. And even though, once again, I never got anything, the experience spending the time with my dad was a priceless one.

May dad has taught me so many life lessons through hunting and fishing that I would never learn anywhere else, here are a few:
I will survive even if my feet are cold❄️
Prepare and have everything laid out the night before you go hunting✔️
ALWAYS pack candy to help pass the sitting time🍫
Learn how to squat and p*e without getting it on your feet when there is no bathroom🧻
Appreciate the world and what God has created🌎
Never hunt on ANY land without permission🚫

There are so many I could go on, but what I love is that I can pass them on to my kids.

What is something you have learned from your parents that you couldn’t have learned anywhere else?

Friends, I finally have an official website!  https://hannamcgeemarketing.com

Friends, I finally have an official website!

Empowering You With The Tools You Need To Grow, Monetize, and Market Your Business on Instagram!

👊🏻The Feeling of a Goal Hit👊🏻This was a big deal for me to post a goal for all to see, what if I didn’t make it?   What ...

👊🏻The Feeling of a Goal Hit👊🏻

This was a big deal for me to post a goal for all to see, what if I didn’t make it? What would people think, if I didn’t?

Because I am a recovering People Pleaser, I am choosing not to care what people think if I don’t make a goal. This is about me being consistent and showing up and doing what it takes to meet my goals, NOT about who I need to please!

What about you? How easy is it for you to share your goals with the world?


Loved taking with Women's Council of Realtors - Canyon County Thank you for having me!

Bringing it for these ladies, this Friday!  Can’t wait!

Bringing it for these ladies, this Friday! Can’t wait!

Come hear Hanna McGee with Iheart2C. She'll share how she supports local businesses and helps continue the positive growth in Canyon Cty

Your Instagram Business Page is Confusing People!My friend, stop🛑 what you are doing right now! Look at your Instagram B...

Your Instagram Business Page is Confusing People!

My friend, stop🛑 what you are doing right now! Look at your Instagram Business page, do people know what you do and how you serve them when they look at your page?

Do you take time to connect who you are, what you do and why you do it on your page?

Are you showing your face on your page? Or just your logo and products?

Are you seeing the needle moving when it comes to people purchasing what you have to sell? Do you have people interacting with your posts?

If Any of these are struggles for you, this 90 minute Workshop is perfect for you and I am here to help!

In this workshop you will learn:

✔️How to create an clear Bio
✔️How to have astrategy when it comes to creating content for your feed and IG stories
✔️How to connect with your followers and what that looks like on a regular basis

EXTRA!!! You will also receive a business page audit and feedback from me, Hanna.

🤔Think about this: Who knows what will happen this Fall. No matter what, people will still be buying, looking to who will connect with them and their needs, in Instagram, then the holidays hit. Why not have the tools now, you need to know how to market to your ideal clients & customers before all of this hits. This will in turn, lead to more opportunities for sales and money💰 in your pocket.

Are you ready to get started now and get ahead of everyone else?
Reserve your spot for only $107 mark your Calendar🗓 for August 18th at 6:30 mountain standard time.
More info and registration are here: https://mailchi.mp/18bbd4920bc6/igworkshoppm
📸 Kk’s Creative

🎉I’m Doing It Again!🎉I launched my last Instagram workshop about a month ago, I promoted it and did all the things and I...

🎉I’m Doing It Again!🎉

I launched my last Instagram workshop about a month ago, I promoted it and did all the things and I had only 1️⃣ person officially sign up! I am not going to say that I wasn’t disappointed or thought, “what did I do wrong?” And also wondered if I should be doing this, all the mind drama🤦🏼‍♀️

But then I remembered something I have been taught by my wise coaches, Lindsey Nadler (paraphrasing) don’t take it personally, it’s not a reflection on your character. Keep showing up! And from Natasha Freeman Hemmingway (paraphrasing) you can’t expect to launch one time and have the whole world know about it, you need to do it again, and again and again.

So that’s what I am doing, I am launching my 90 minute workshop AGAIN! For those of you who need to get your business growing on Instagram, this is for you.

We will focus on:
📱Clarity in your bio, for your followers/future clients to know what you do and how you will serve them.

📱Content strategy with your followers/future clients in your feed and stories and how you connect with them.

📱Consistency in how often should you show up on Instagram for your business and followers and what that looks like for you.

If you feel like you are struggling with these issues for your Instagram Business page and want to start using Instagram as a business tool to promote your business and gain new future clients, I invite you to join my 90 minute Workshop, for $107, Tuesday, August 18th at 6:30pm mst.

Please visit below to sign up and more info:


🎉FREE Friday IG Feedback!🎉Something I do with clients is a zoom call where I have audited their Instagram business page ...

🎉FREE Friday IG Feedback!🎉

Something I do with clients is a zoom call where I have audited their Instagram business page and I give them feedback on what they can change or fix to make it more clear about what they do. I suggest rewording their bio/profile, give them feedback on how they might add to the look of their feed and if it makes sense for what they do, as well as other ideas that would help tell others what they do , who they serve, and how they are going to help those they serve.

This is very helpful for my clients because it gives them an outside look at their page and an understanding of what impressions they are making on followers and potential clients or customers.
Many times, little fixes and awareness can make all the difference and bring more clarity to your page for you and others. I have realized the more we are willing to receive feedback the more we will grow and be successful in our business.
Who’s ready for feedback on their IG business page?
Simply comment below or message me with, “feedback, please” and I will post a short feedback video for your business 📱page in my IG stories on Fridays, and tag you, starting tomorrow.

Some days, all I can do is laugh at my fears! 😂Your guys fear is real, God made it for a reason.  It can protect us at c...

Some days, all I can do is laugh at my fears! 😂

Your guys fear is real, God made it for a reason. It can protect us at certain times and keep us out of danger.
But I don’t know about you, I have let it control so much of my life and my business. I have believed the lies about I’m not good enough to be your marketing coach, I don’t know everything about Instagram, so I shouldn’t great a workshop that could help your business. There are way more qualified and experienced people out there who do it better than you.

Who’s with me? 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️ Do you fight the lies fear tells you? Do you give in? How about we face the lies together and do it anyway. Fear will never go away, but the more we reject those lies, the more they become muted and overcome but the truth.

The truth is, We ARE capable, we ARE worthy, just the way we are. I AM qualified to coach, I have the experience business women need to learn from me. There is room for me and everyone else on the platform.

What lies have believed about your business that has held you back from growing? Please share below.

And if one of them is that your business isn’t good enough to be on Instagram, overcome that and sign up for my 90 minute workshop, July 21st for $107.
Details are in my bio.


So, how long are you going to wait?Your ideal clients and referrals are looking for you here, on Instagram!  Your frustr...

So, how long are you going to wait?

Your ideal clients and referrals are looking for you here, on Instagram! Your frustration on not knowing what to post or your hate for being on video so you don’t show up on stories is not an excuse anymore.

How great would it feel to know every day that you have a plan, a strategy that doesn’t take so much time. What about a peace of mine when you hop on stories to connect with your followers and future clients and customers?

That is where my 90 minute Instagram Workshop comes in. I give you the tools and clarity to know where you need to focus.
We will focus on:
💭A clear message in your bio for your followers.
💭Help create a strategy for your content in your feed and stories.
💭Help you know how to connect with your current followers and ideal clients.

If you are ready to ditch the overwhelm and create a plan for your business on Instagram. Join me, Tuesday July 21st, for 90 minutes, through Zoom. You have 2 times to choose from, 11am and 6:30 and $107 to get you started!

Choose what time works for you:

Tuesday, July 21st, 11am-12:30pm
Tuesday, July 21st, 6:30-8:00pm https://mailchi.mp/18bbd4920bc6/igworkshoppm

Space is limited!

Ditch Your Instagram Overwhelm!🆕 Ok small business owners, I have talked to enough of you to know that you are overwhelm...

Ditch Your Instagram Overwhelm!

🆕 Ok small business owners, I have talked to enough of you to know that you are overwhelmed with Instagram.

You know you need to use this platform for your business. You have even started, but you don’t have a plan or strategy so it’s just a time sucker and your frustrated🤬

I have created a 90 minute virtual workshop just for you. You will learn about the 3 areas of Instagram to focus on and the tools you need to be empowered to finally start growing your business on Instagram.

You will learn 3 key concepts as well as the tools to implement them:

👉 How to create clarity about what you do in your bio for your followers.
👉 How to create a strategy on effective content for your feed and IG stories.
👉 How to connect with your followers and what that looks like on a regular basis.

EXTRA‼️You will also receive a page audit and feedback on your current Instagram Business Page.

Are you ready to start growing your business on Instagram and ditch the overwhelm? Then I invite you to invest $107 (price will increase next month) into your business, gain tools and find clarity.

Choose what time works for you:

Tuesday, July 21st, 11am-12:30pm
Tuesday, July 21st, 6:30-8:00pm https://mailchi.mp/18bbd4920bc6/igworkshoppm

I can’t wait to get you growing🌿

Please share/tag this for business owners you know would need this for their business.

Ditch your Instagram Overwhelm!🆕 Ok small business owners, I have talked to enough of you to know that you are overwhelm...

Ditch your Instagram Overwhelm!

🆕 Ok small business owners, I have talked to enough of you to know that you are overwhelmed with Instagram.

You know you need to use this platform for your business. You have even started, but you don’t have a plan or strategy so it’s just a time sucker and your frustrated🤬

I have created a 90 minute virtual workshop just for you. You will learn about the 3 areas of Instagram to focus on and the tools you need to be empowered to finally start growing your business on Instagram.

You will learn 3 key concepts as well as the tools to implement them:

👉 How to create clarity about what you do in your bio for your followers.
👉 How to create a strategy on effective content for your feed and IG stories.
👉 How to connect with your followers and what that looks like on a regular basis.

EXTRA‼️You will also receive a page audit and feedback on your current Instagram Business Page.

Are you ready to start growing your business on Instagram and ditch the overwhelm? Then I invite you to invest $107 (price will increase next month) into your business, gain tools, find clarity and choose which time works best for on July 21st, 11am or 6:30pm. Links are in my bio.

I can’t wait to get you growing🌿

Please share/tag this for business owners you know would need this for their business.


You guys I am so excited and honored to be on The Podcasting Party podcast, hosted by my friend Alana Dawson  I was so h...

You guys I am so excited and honored to be on The Podcasting Party podcast, hosted by my friend Alana Dawson I was so honored to be able to give helpful advise to podcasters on how to utilize Instagram to grow their brand, exposure and audience. These tips can also be applied to your Instagram business page. Take a listen. Where do you struggle most when it comes to Instagram?
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-podcasting-party/id1478778525 =3fdeccf3-20b2-4b29-a614-6f6947964861

Happy Father’s Day to you, John!   You pour into our kids give them your love, time and dedication.  I love how much the...

Happy Father’s Day to you, John! You pour into our kids give them your love, time and dedication. I love how much they want to be with you, spend time with you and be like you. We love, honor and respect you!

Calling all Business Owners!!!  Do you hear your phone ☎️ ringing? Because I am calling YOU!Just because the world 🌎 see...

Calling all Business Owners!!! Do you hear your phone ☎️ ringing? Because I am calling YOU!

Just because the world 🌎 seems a mess doesn’t mean you need to quit your business.

Yes, there is change to be made, listening, learning and action to be had, but don’t stop what your are called to do because if it, we need you!

Guy’s, this is a new normal and the ones who figure out how to thrive through this change will be the ones standing later down the road. Who wants to be there with me?

How do you get there you ask? You keep showing up HERE, for your followers, clients and future clients. I have to admit I have had to take some time to figure this out too. But one thing I know is that businesses like you, need me and my services to empower you with the tools to know how to market, monetize and grow your business on this platform and in your local community.

So don’t stop, find ways to thrive and serve your community and schedule a 30 minute strategy call with me to figure out what your next step is for me to help you with. Remember this is our new normal and we need you here.

I am so honored and excited to share this with you!My beautiful, black, friend and mentor  will be co-hosting a Zoom cal...

I am so honored and excited to share this with you!
My beautiful, black, friend and mentor will be co-hosting a Zoom call, Thursday, June 18th, 1-3:30pm mst.

If you are one who is learning and listening right now and still have some questions and you don’t know a SAFE, non-judgmental place to ask them, this call is for you.
If you have lived your life, like me, in a state where the black community is very small and you honestly don’t have very many black friends, not because of choice, and are trying to understand what is taking place in the world this call is for you. I know I understand better when I talk it out.

This is our new normal and we need to figure out where our place is moving forward. God is calling us higher, who’s going to step up?
Please register for this FREE Zoom call link is in the bio.

We are never too old to learn and listen and it is our responsibility to teach our children what we are learning.  I thi...

We are never too old to learn and listen and it is our responsibility to teach our children what we are learning. I think is healthy to show our kids we may not always have it right or that we feel ignorant, and admit where we need to do better.

What are my kids seeing me do instead of telling them? That’s what they will most likely end up taking away. Shouldn’t it go, “Do as I do, not as I say.”?
These are some questions I have been asking myself regarding my kids right now:
Do they see me have black friends as well as friends from other races?
Do they see us support and honor our local and state police?
Do they see us thanking them for their service?
Do they see us support locally owned business by all races?
Do they see us calling out inappropriate comment about all races?
Do they see and hear us praying for those who are hurting?

Whatever that looks like for you, it starts here, in the 🏡 with our kiddos!

Listening and learning.

Listening and learning.

Friend, this is about you and your business, how can I help?I would love to know, where are your struggles in business?W...

Friend, this is about you and your business, how can I help?
I would love to know, where are your struggles in business?
What frustrates you about marketing your business?
What overwhelms you about social media?
Where do you feel stuck and can’t see through?
I want to hear from you and what you see and feel. What are your pain points?

My goal is to listen and figure out how I can help you. If it’s not my services you need, I am a connector and will find the right person. I’d love to chat, check out the link in my bio under 30 minute discovery call and get you growing in the right direction.



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