Powerful You Publishing

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Powerful You Publishing It's our honor to have helped 350+ women become published and bestselling authors. We're here to empower and raise consciousness of people and the planet.

We love assisting people fulfill their dream of being published professionally and with ease.

IMAGINE LIVING A TRANSFORMATIONAL LIFE. On December 12th with the new book titled “Transformation Triumphs”, you’ll read...

IMAGINE LIVING A TRANSFORMATIONAL LIFE. On December 12th with the new book titled “Transformation Triumphs”, you’ll read about the possibility that exists for you.

This book is filled with powerful stories by 15 inspiring souls who have made shifts and changes in their lives to move from living unconsciously and in pain, to a life of truth, purpose, and empowerment, heart, soul, and grace. Read their stories and be motivated to make your own transformation, experience triumphs, and to empower and inspire your life!

Dec. 12th ~ ONLY 99¢
Plus you’ll receive lots of fabulous and free gifts from the authors and their partners.

BUY NOW AT>>> www.transformationtriumphsbook.com

FIFTEEN AUTHORS SHARE deeply personal stories of transformation, healing, personal growth, and even the sometimes crazy or unimaginable circumstances of their lives in the new book titled “Transformation Triumphs”. As you read, you will see yourself in their words, you will feel their joy and pa...

IT STARTS TODAY - REGISTER NOW!https://tinyurl.com/TOTsummitDO YOU WANT TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE? Yes, it is possible. You...


DO YOU WANT TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE? Yes, it is possible. You can live in alignment with your heart and learn how to master this way of being. Save yourself years of struggle and allow yourself to live more consciously, openly, and confidently.

YOU'LL LEARN from the experience of these beautiful authors who have made it through some delicate, expansive, challenging, and even unspeakable times. They are now living in a state of well-being, enjoying life, and even thriving. They’re sharing themselves and their stories with you because if they can do it,


REGISTER NOW for The Teachers of Transformation Summit. As a BONUS, you’ll receive an empowering e-book filled with tips, guidance, practices, and lessons for personal success. See you there!


Congratulations to Linda Christine on her amazing book and reaching Amazon Bestseller. This book is a gift for those on ...

Congratulations to Linda Christine on her amazing book and reaching Amazon Bestseller. This book is a gift for those on a journey with cancer and all their loved ones and caregivers. It is also for those wondering how a spiritual awakening can come from a difficult circumstance.

99¢ Kindle - $12.99 paperback
CLICK HERE >>> https://www.amazon.com/B0CH8YKT9Q

Get yours now. You'll be grateful you did!

BOOK LAUNCH TODAY~with 99¢ Kindle and $12.99 paperbackABOUT THIS BOOK:Could You Ever See Your Cancer as a Gift?In 2013, ...

BOOK LAUNCH TODAY~with 99¢ Kindle and $12.99 paperback

Could You Ever See Your Cancer as a Gift?
In 2013, Linda Stansberry was creating an amazing new life for herself. Her divorce was behind her and she had been reunited with the love of her life. She was on top of the world. Then, just weeks before her forty-ninth birthday, the unthinkable happened. Linda was diagnosed with stage-three colon cancer.
This is a no-holds-barred, raw, and raucous portrait of Linda’s search for zen within her diagnosis, including excerpts from her journals and blogs written during her treatment. Now, ten years later, she reflects on that journey that has expanded her conscious awareness and awakened her to the spiritual path she walks today.
The intention of this book is to inspire, illuminate, and expand the mind and heart of those embarking on their own cancer journey, as well as the loved ones and caretakers of cancer patients.
An honest tale filled with ugly truths and deep dives, as well as the light side of cancer.
"Tragedy and trauma hold lessons for us. I believe traumas can be great teachers. My cancer journey taught me perseverance, bringing out my inner warrior. And, as I healed from cancer, many glorious gifts unfolded, revealing my true purpose and setting my soul free." - Linda Stansberry
BUY NOW ON AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CK3Q8MWX
You'll be grateful you did! ❤

We're celebrating these amazing authors and there  #1 ranking on Amazon! We are grateful for each of them, and we are so...

We're celebrating these amazing authors and there #1 ranking on Amazon! We are grateful for each of them, and we are so happy to put their stories out into the hands of so many readers!

Thanks to all who supported our launch!

IMAGINE LIVING A LIFE YOU LOVE. A new book titled “Heart Whispers”, shares stories to show the possibility that exists f...

IMAGINE LIVING A LIFE YOU LOVE. A new book titled “Heart Whispers”, shares stories to show the possibility that exists for you. This book is filled with powerful and inspiring stories by 20 heart-centered souls who have made shifts and changes in their lives to move from living unconsciously or in pain, to a life of truth, purpose, empowerment, and grace. As you read, you’ll be motivated to make your own transformation to empower and inspire your life!

On Launch Day, June 22nd, this book is ONLY 99¢- Plus you’ll receive lots of fabulous and free gifts from the authors and their partners.

TWENTY AUTHORS SHARE deeply personal stories of transformation, healing, and personal growth, in the new book titled Women Living In Alignment. As you read, you will see yourself in their words, you will feel their joy and pain, and you’ll be inspired to live with a higher level of consciousness a...

MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLISHER...IM AM SO HONORED to share these women with YOU. Their energy is incredible and their spirit...


IM AM SO HONORED to share these women with YOU. Their energy is incredible and their spirits shine through. Each interview provides subtle guidance, practices, and tools used by the authors that YOU can use too.

HAVE YOU SIGNED UP YET? Get unlimited access now through June 22nd and choose the interview topics that resonate.

AND, RECEIVE A BONUS E-BOOK! 20 Tips for Listening to Your Heart!

REGISTER NOW at: https://heartwhispersbook.com/summit/


**UNLIMITED ACCESS** DO YOU WANT TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE? Yes, it is possible. You can live in alignment with your heart ...


DO YOU WANT TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE? Yes, it is possible. You can live in alignment with your heart and learn how to master this way of being. Save yourself years of struggle and allow yourself to live more consciously, openly, and confidently. You’ll learn from the experience of these beautiful authors who have made it through some delicate, expansive, challenging, and even unspeakable times.

They are now living in a state of well-being, enjoying life, and even thriving. They’re sharing themselves and their stories with you because if they can do it, YOU CAN TOO!

REGISTER NOW for The Heart Whispers Summit.

YOU’RE INVITED to listen in as 20 inspiring authors share their stories, thoughts, wisdom, and guidance FOR YOUR EASE. They will tell you how they made it through some challenging times and came out on the other side—living more fully present and soul-inspired! Register for The Heart Whispers Su...

TODAY'S FEATURED GUESTS AND TOPICS are Nicole Carey on the Secret of Happiness, Pamela Emmert on Life Purpose & Healing,...

TODAY'S FEATURED GUESTS AND TOPICS are Nicole Carey on the Secret of Happiness, Pamela Emmert on Life Purpose & Healing, and Carol Doerr Collins on Using Your Intuitive Abilities.

They’re sharing their unique lessons and their stories of listening to their hearts with you. Their journeys are inspiring and you'll love listening in.

REGISTER NOW for The Heart Whispers Summit. As a BONUS, you’ll receive an empowering e-book filled with tips for listening to your heart. See you there! www.HeartWhispersBook.com/summit

The Heart Whispers Summit is here for YOU!WANT TO FEEL MORE IN THE FLOW as you move through each day—no matter what’s in...

The Heart Whispers Summit is here for YOU!

WANT TO FEEL MORE IN THE FLOW as you move through each day—no matter what’s in front of you? Would you like some guidance and inspiration to help you live with more confidence, strength, vibrancy, and a true sense of well-being? Do you want to live with more purpose and meaning?

TODAY'S FEATURED AUTHORS are Sue Campanella on Being Authentically YOU, Beverly Akhurst on the Rhythm of Life, and Kathy Sipple on Nature's Messages. You'll love their simple and profound wisdom.

SIGN UP NOW & as a BONUS, you’ll receive an empowering e-book filled with tips for listening to your heart. www.HeartWhispersBook.com/summit

THE HEART WHISPERS SUMMIT provides insights, tools, & practical wisdom from inspiring, heart-centered women. TODAY'S FEA...

THE HEART WHISPERS SUMMIT provides insights, tools, & practical wisdom from inspiring, heart-centered women.

TODAY'S FEATURED GUESTS & TOPICS: Sarah Hauth on Electric Living, Melissa Griffiths on Navigating Career Pivots, and Millie America on Listening to Spirit. These women will inspire and empower you with their stories and messages.

SIGN UP NOW and as a BONUS, you’ll receive an empowering e-book filled with tips for listening to your heart. www.HeartWhispersBook.com/summit

Breathe it in. Find the lesson and the beauty (it's always there). And find something to be grateful for where you are. ...

Breathe it in. Find the lesson and the beauty (it's always there). And find something to be grateful for where you are. Because life is here FOR you.

THESE WOMEN ARE HERE FOR YOU!  You’re invited to join these incredible women as they share their stories, strategies, to...


You’re invited to join these incredible women as they share their stories, strategies, tools, and wisdom for YOU! Today's guests are Linda Christine on Authenticity, Sharon Montes on Tuniting Science and Soul, and Virginia Sampson on Being Empowered VS Imposter. They are 3 of the co-authors of the soon-to-be-released collaborative book titled Heart Whispers.

REGISTER NOW at: www.HeartWhispersBook.com/summit

AS A BONUS, you’ll receive an empowering e-book, Tips for Living from the Heart! You'll love it!

Are you ready to listen more closely to the messages of your heart and body? Then, you'll love listening to the Heart Wh...

Are you ready to listen more closely to the messages of your heart and body? Then, you'll love listening to the Heart Whispers Summit.

TODAY'S FEATURED GUESTS and topics are Debbie Seligman Weiss on the topic of Control of Your Destiny, Heather Dare on Yoga Therapy, and Tsuki Imie on Healing Forward.

REGISTER NOW and get access to all 21 guests. It will be a gift for YOU and you'll be grateful you did!

EMPOWER YOURSELF! with knowledge, insights, & wisdom from inspiring, authentic, awakened, heart-centered souls.Today's F...

EMPOWER YOURSELF! with knowledge, insights, & wisdom from inspiring, authentic, awakened, heart-centered souls.

Today's Featured Guests are Lara A. May on Courage, Carrie Clark on Saying Yes, and Amy Fiero Budd on Wholeness.


You'll love it!


We are celebrating Shannon N. Smith and her  #1 Amazon Bestseller!

We are celebrating Shannon N. Smith and her #1 Amazon Bestseller!



YOU'RE INVITED TO PARTNER WITH US! Spread the Good Word ~ Be a book launch partner for the new book, Heart Whispers. As ...


Spread the Good Word ~ Be a book launch partner for the new book, Heart Whispers. As a partner, you’ll get lots of exposure AND help to empower the world one individual at a time.

**As a Launch Partner, YOU’RE contributing to a global consciousness of empowerment, well-being, and grace simply by spreading the word about this inspirational and powerful book, titled HEART WHISPERS ~ Stories of Women Listening to Their Innate Wisdom and Designing a Life They Love.

You’ll also help us become an Amazon #1 Bestseller.

In partnering, we all get where we’re going faster and easier—it’s mutually beneficial. That’s why we’re inviting you to partner with us. We’re here to provide exposure for you to an aligned and targeted audience through an incredible book launch that brings to light many keys to conscious business growth. That’s the intention of this book and that’s why you’ll want to share it with others.


As a joint venture partner, your bonus gift will appear on our promotional website to be seen by hundreds of thousands of people as well as the media. This is great visibility and exposure for you, your products and services! Your gift may be a downloadable product and must be accessible from a designated page on your website. Gifts may be an e-book, special report, audio recording, video recording, workbook, etc. Your gift will be available to hundreds of thousands of book buyers from this campaign.


1) Let us know “You’re In” and easily provide your partner and gift info https://tinyurl.com/PYpartner

2) On Wednesday, June 22nd, you’ll spread the word about the book launch to your list (we’ll provide the content to you). This may be a solo mailing, inclusion in your newsletter, social media posts on Facebook, Twitter. etc. Your list will be grateful to you for sharing this incredible book with them!

Don’t wait! It’s a WIN-WIN-WIN!

To sign up as a Partner, visit https://tinyurl.com/PYpartner


Are you a coach, healer, entrepreneur?
It's time to write a book!
We'll publish it.

Congratulations to Uma for her  #1 Bestseller!

Congratulations to Uma for her #1 Bestseller!

We are grateful to announce the release of this fascinating new book ~ Chronicles of a Spirit Walker written by Uma Alex...

We are grateful to announce the release of this fascinating new book ~ Chronicles of a Spirit Walker written by Uma Alexandra Beepat. It is an intimate account of Uma's personal stories of sharing her mediumship abilities with the world. This beautiful unfolding will serve as an inspiration to upcoming psychics and mediums who struggle to find their way in this world with their unique abilities.
Kindle: $0.99
Paperback: $9.99
Hardcover: $17.77

Dating Violence and Domestic Violence effect more people than we know. Awareness is the first step to stopping it. Share...

Dating Violence and Domestic Violence effect more people than we know. Awareness is the first step to stopping it. Share this book with people you love. The author, Carmeletta Joseph, is a survivor and thriver of domestic violence and she is an advocate for those who have been abused. This book is her story.

ARE YOU AT A DECISION POINT? Would you like some guidance & insights from extraordinary individuals who have made some b...

ARE YOU AT A DECISION POINT? Would you like some guidance & insights from extraordinary individuals who have made some big changes on their own paths, and who now live life on their own terms & aligned with their own heart and soul? These authors share how they choose to live more consciously every day! EMPOWER YOURSELF! You will learn from their experiences, lessons, and wisdom. And I’m personally grateful to be the host for this inspiring summit! Register Now. https://tinyurl.com/t4summit

We are so grateful to announce our newest author Lin Moctezuma and her new book, Manage Your Stress, Master Your Life. I...

We are so grateful to announce our newest author Lin Moctezuma and her new book, Manage Your Stress, Master Your Life. It launches today and I'm thilled for Lin. Here's some info about the book and Lin:

Do you often feel stressed, tired, or maybe even anxious?
Pay attention. That feeling of stress determines the quality of your life.

Dealing with your stress is not the same as dealing with the stimuli and triggers that cause you stress.

STRESS is the neurological and phycological shift that happens in the body when we encounter a perceived threat.

STRESSORS are triggers that activate the stress response in the body. They are activated by our five senses or by external factors like money, work, family, time, expectations, body image, and self-criticism.

This book provides the necessary tools and practical resources to help you manage stress in a more positive and productive way in the following areas of your life:
• pressures at work
• relationship difficulties
• finances
• physical illness
• emotional well-being

As you read, you will gain confidence to dig deeper into specific stressors, thoughts, and actions causing your mental anguish and you will learn to see them in a new light to Manage Your Stress and Master Your Life.

PURCHASE BOOK on Amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/Manage-Your-Stress-Master-Life/dp/1732812896/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=lin+moctezuma&qid=1597688112&sr=8-1

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lin Moctezuma discovered many things over the course of her personal journey, but none more important that her passion for helping others overcome situations they think are impossible. The pursuit of this passion has not only helped her coaching clients shift their lives; it has also facilitated her own healing. Lin encourages you to ask yourself the tough questions that break the loop of negative thoughts and provoke positive change. If you’ve ever felt stressed, depressed, or that you’ve been dimming your light for others, read on. Lin ignites the truths that lie deep within, helping us to stop playing small and to start living authentic and empowered lives.

WOW! It starts on Monday, so sign up now for this FREE Summit. You'll hear some high impact and inspirng interviews of t...

WOW! It starts on Monday, so sign up now for this FREE Summit. You'll hear some high impact and inspirng interviews of these beautiful individuals that will help you on your journey of awakening. They'll share daily pracrtices, simple tools, and motivating stories that you can easily use in your everyday life to have better health, relationships, and to grow your business and maximize your personal power.

Would you like to feel more AWAKE & AWARE as you move through each day—no matter what’s in front of you? Do you need some guidance and inspiration? These featured guests will help!

Welcome to Powerful You! Publishing on facebook! We're here to share information for writing, publishing, and promoting ...

Welcome to Powerful You! Publishing on facebook! We're here to share information for writing, publishing, and promoting your book to help EASE the way for you so you will get more fulfillment from your experience as an author. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss your book, your questions, and our alignment.




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