knicks media LLC

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knicks media LLC knicks media LLC is a Social Media Agency offering a variety of services ranging from consulting to full account management.

All original content, created from strategic planning, designed specifically for your target audience, to grow your brand.


A great listen! 🎧


Small reminders to keep working towards your goals in 2022! ✨

Christmas Eve ✨❤️

Christmas Eve ✨❤️

Not a creature was stirring after these nighttime stretches… 🐭💤

Ease yourself into a deep slumber tonight with help from Reset with Megan and Bustle!

Adding stretching in to your wind-down routine is an excellent way to help calm the body from its daily excitement or stressors. Grab a family member, roomie, pet, or embrace this act of self-care solo and stretch your way right to sleep💤

Forward Fold⭐️
Beginning in downward dog, walk your hands slowly towards your feet as you make your way to a standing forward fold. Allow your arms to hang heavy with your head, you can grasp the elbows if that is comfortable for you. This one is great for neck and back tension, releasing the shoulders, and stretching out the calves and can also be done leaning your seat against a wall.

Legs up the Wall⭐️
You can even do this one in your bed! Lie flat on your back with your butt touching the wall, lift your legs placing them onto the wall, heels making contact and allowing your head and neck to relax. This one is great for circulation, releasing the hamstrings, and easing the lower back.

Supta Baddha Konasana⭐️
Lay flat on your back with your knees bent and then allow the knees to gently stretch out to opposite sides with the souls of the feet together. Bring one hand to your heart and one to your belly. You can place some pillows under your knees to help you relax here if you like. This restorative posture is great for helping to relieve stress and providing constructive rest.

Tell us about your favorite nighttime routine rituals in the comments and then visit the link below for all 12 nighttime stretches!

Simple mindset shifts ✨

Simple mindset shifts ✨

A little reminder for the start of your week 🖤

A little reminder for the start of your week 🖤

: First I must show myself kindness before I can gift it to others.

Offer yourself some kindness today, just as you might offer it up to a good friend. Sending love to our YM family this Sunday. xoxo


It’s all about that self-care ❤️

It’s all about that self-care ❤️

Do you ever feel like you are running on fumes with the check engine light on?

Not to worry if this speaks to you, after we dig into the research ↓ we’ve got just what you need to refill that tank☺️

Our bodies are meant to adapt to stressful situations and for the most part, they can achieve this goal. It isn’t until the stress becomes too great or too persistent that we can actually come to a place where our bodies begin to manifest that stress in ways that affect our overall health and well being.

This is called our allostatic load - the consequences, the accumulation of stress can present across individuals in a vast variety of symptoms. These symptoms however, stem from our two main response systems to stress…

The Nervous System response and The Endocrine System response - leading to things like increased blood pressure & heart rate, a constant state of fight or flight, disrupted sleep, sleepwalking, weight gain, and so forth…

So when you think you’ve hit this point, what can you do?

Offer your body a variety of mindfulness practices to try and ease the stress and find your reset button.

For some, getting on the mat can feel a chore, while others crave a long sweaty practice. Some crave restorative and some find restorative to be too calm for their very active minds at the moment.

Valerie Knopik Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist, PhD and E-RYT500 has crafted ‘The Burnout Series’ to help amend those overwhelming feelings of being burnout, in whichever way you might need.

“Some who will want meditation and some who will want flow. This series encourages some exploration to determine what suits you best when managing and healing from burnout and chronic stress, yet is simple enough to take thinking out of the equation if you're finding that you cannot focus on making a decision. My hope is that you can use this series to support and heal, to revive, reflect, and refresh YOU.”

You’ll begin this series with a brief introduction and then be swept away into a place of ease through her stress reducing curation of practices.

To get started click the link here > 🙏 and just a quick reminder to remember to grant yourself ease and forgiveness through the process, a positive being starts from within ❤️

This article left me feeling exposed 😅 never knew how much I needed a cord organizer until today!

This article left me feeling exposed 😅 never knew how much I needed a cord organizer until today!

When I’m scrambling to meet a writing deadline, the condition of my work environment almost always takes a backseat to the work itself. As long as I get everything done, I figure, who cares how messy my home office or my desk look? Do you do this, too? If the answer is yes, you may be missing an o...


I’ve been quiet on the gram because I’ve been working HARD in real life 🤓 and I am so excited for what’s to come this Fall ✨
More details soon but don’t you just LOVE when the work syncs up directly with your daily health and wellness practices? 🧘‍♀️🙏💫

What have I been up to? Onboarding new clients, creating massive amounts of content for current clients (+ myself 😉), developing + redefining my company’s branding, and getting myself organized as hell to be able to continue with all of this growth!

Feeling so so grateful, energized, refreshed, refocused, and ready to hit the ground running!

⇡ 31 days of yoga ✨✅

I love this! Great little reminder on how to help find that WFH/Life balance 💛

I love this! Great little reminder on how to help find that WFH/Life balance 💛

Boundaries are important now as much as ever.


For our rivers, lakes, ponds, the beautiful island I grew up on, the waterfalls, the oceans, the estuaries, the glaciers, the streams, the rains… we can’t live without clean water people, it’s just that simple.

🌊Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper is out there fighting to keep our Western New York fresh waters clean and protected 🙏I am so fortunate to have grown up on the Niagara River, it holds such a special place in my heart and the conservation of these rivers is essential to life as we know it in WNY.
Learn some more about the great work they are doing ⤵️
💖It’s never a bad time to donate to an amazing cause!


“Give 716 will provide a unique opportunity for this community to discover and support causes they are most passionate about”
For the parks and the kids: 🙌
Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy Inc, Girls On The Run Of Buffalo Inc, Explore And More...A Children's Museum
🌳Parks make people happy! The more green on this earth the better in my opinion and what better way to encourage community activities other than ensuring our parks stay beautiful and accessible.
🤸‍♀️ In the past 2 years I’ve fallen in love with running and also have loved watching my nephew learn and grow through hands-on experiences - aka just figuring it out - and so what two better causes to support than a Run Club for Girls and Children’s Museum focusing on developing a better sense of our world through sensory experiences. ⚡️

To celebrate 716 Day this year, our boys with the  and  brought together individuals, groups, and businesses in support ...

To celebrate 716 Day this year, our boys with the and brought together individuals, groups, and businesses in support of any nonprofit headquartered in eight surrounding counties! The goal of Give 716 was simple, to unite Bills and Sabres fans with the Western New York community in an epic day of giving. And just like always, the City of Good Neighbors really did their thing raising $1,133,621.56!
“Give 716 will provide a unique opportunity for this community to discover and support causes they are most passionate about while providing local nonprofits the opportunity to increase awareness, expand their donor database and funding.”
It was hard to narrow down which nonprofits to even pick, there are so many amazing resources out there fighting for our community. I narrowed it down to 4 that I really connected with - causes that have shaped my life and make me feel connected to our earth, home, and family.

With Fourth of July picnics in full swing, everyone should take a moment and plan ahead for the clean-up after...pack it...

With Fourth of July picnics in full swing, everyone should take a moment and plan ahead for the clean-up after...pack it in, pack it out!
➡️ Request or bring extra Tupperware for friends to bring home leftovers
♻️ Grab one bag for garbage and a separate for recyclables

Make your next hang as green as possible.



According to community leaders and event planners.

Because love is love...🌈✨💕👭👬💕✨🌈And people are people...👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿And kindness is everything...❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍

Because love is love...
And people are people...
And kindness is everything...



During the Five-Year Pulse Remembrance Week, which will take place from Saturday, June 5 to Saturday, June 12, 2021, a variety of community-wide activities are being held. Kicking Off the Week The Five-Year Pulse Remembrance Week begins on Saturday, June 5th with the 5th Annual 4.9K CommUNITY Rainbo...

All of our 'little' habits can add up to some big changes!It's a work in progress that's for sure but I am actively tryi...

All of our 'little' habits can add up to some big changes!

It's a work in progress that's for sure but I am actively trying to be more conscious about my day to day activities. I've been eating a more plant based diet, composting, reusing all sorts of plastic containers for things, and walking to as many places/stores as possible!

We love our little planet Earth and we have to take care of her! What are some of your eco-friendly habits? 🌎♻️

According to experts.

Working with Michael is a dream! I am so fortunate to have him on board as one of my first clients. The freedom he gave ...

Working with Michael is a dream! I am so fortunate to have him on board as one of my first clients. The freedom he gave me to build his brand has truly allowed me to grow as a digital creator, all while expanding his real estate business. Thank you for the kind words, Michael!

Align: Working with clients with similar core values...that’s the goal! As the voice of Michael Boland Real Estate, I take so much pride in knowing that I am able to produce content that represents what we BOTH find important, inside and outside of the real estate world… eco-friendly home choices, equal housing opportunities, supporting Buffalo’s small businesses and of course that hometown pride!

Grow: I use to my advantage that I am an individual that is in the age demographic of a first-time homebuyer… What catches my attention about a home? How long will I actually watch a listing video? What are the home’s best features (large kitchen, outdoor space, pool)? All of these factors are used in the creation of Michael’s ‘New Listing’ videos to capture the attention of the younger generation, first-time homebuyers. We are such visual creatures, especially in the realm of social media, and so I strive to highlight a home’s assets while remaining 100% transparent about the essential details of the home. In doing so, we are expanding the audience that will view his properties and growing his clientele!

✨Align: The strategy before the strategy. ✨As a small business that is just getting started, I believe that it is now mo...

✨Align: The strategy before the strategy. ✨
As a small business that is just getting started, I believe that it is now more important than ever to align myself with businesses, brands, and individuals that are bringing positivity into our world. My goal is to align knicks media with business owners that are as equally passionate about working towards a better tomorrow. Together, we will build an all-inclusive community stemmed from common core values; spreading positivity, protecting our planet, fighting for equality and social justice, supporting local businesses, advocating for mental and physical health, and being kind. Each step in the right direction will cause a domino effect of positivity that will continue to grow as we do.

✨Connect: The truly ‘social’ aspect of social media. ✨
The power of conversation and the opportunity to connect...this is how I will be able to bring your vision to life in a way that is truly organic and unique to you. We’re going to get to know each other quite well during the onboarding process. Not only will I learn the ins and outs of day-to-day business but I will get to know you, your employees, your company culture, what your clients are saying, what your competitors are up to, and what makes your business well, your business! Developing a brand that is authentic comes from a deep understanding of each client and their goals, and that is what I set out to accomplish.

✨Grow: Build an all-inclusive community that reaches far beyond your initial scope.✨
This is where strategy meets creativity. All of the information collected from our conversations is implemented into the creation of your brand vision + design. Through our collaborative process of brand identity development, content creation, website development, and copywriting you will watch your new and improved social identity unfold into a cohesive social strategy. Your brand has now been reinvented and accurately represents the future of your business… the next step is to let the people know! You now get to “kick back” and leave the marketing to me. Through a quiet launch, organic marketing strategy, and community outreach, I will draw in an entirely new demographic of customers, create excitement in existing clients about the future, and invoke long-term relationships through meaningful media.


Content Creator:
I truly believe every aspect and facet of my life has brought me here. As I look back on all of my experiences, jobs, internships, projects, ideas, career paths, life changes, cross-country moves, and opportunities, I can start to see the path that was unfolding before me. I have always been an enthusiastic, adaptive, and creative human being but quite honestly had never found that “true direction”...until now that is. I am now discovering my voice in more ways than I ever thought possible. The ability to create, design, and bring to life a brand vision is only the beginning. I want to use this voice and the power of social media to shed light on to the positive changes businesses and brands are making in our world.

I’ve always had big dreams of “we need to save the planet, we need to fight against racism and inequality, and we need to make this world a better place for everyone!” but never imagined it could all possibly tie into one vision. It is now my mission to use the many platforms of social media to bring to light the positive impacts humans are creating to better our world.

Social media in itself is a beast. We spend our whole lives online these days. We are constantly comparing ourselves to others, checking our likes, grappling after influencers’ lifestyles, and trying to get the next best thing….but it doesn’t all have to be like that, does it? How about instead, using the power of social media to illuminate the good. My goal is to align with the companies that are fighting for social justice, to work with that small business that has eliminated plastic from their products, to represent an all-inclusive clientele that fully demonstrates what it means to be a good human today.

The fight to better our world will be ongoing until the end of time but every step in the right direction will cause a domino effect of positivity. Let’s keep that going. Let’s keep fighting the good fight. Let’s work together to bring your vision to life online and expand your outreach...

Are you thinking this is how you would like to represent your business, elevate your brand, grow your online presence, and attract customers that are true to your calling? Then, let’s get social! Reach out today and together we can keep working towards our common goal: Grow your business, expand your community, and work towards a brighter and more inclusive future.

💻: [email protected]

This past year I have gotten to see more of this amazing country than I ever dreamed I would. Spending 3 months in the w...

This past year I have gotten to see more of this amazing country than I ever dreamed I would. Spending 3 months in the woods and sleeping on the earth will really bring to light some perspective. This beautiful planet that we call home has given and given and given, while we take, and take, and take, but the time has come. This has to stop. It is our responsibility now, to give back. We live in a world where it sort of feels like the sky is falling and our fight for social and environmental justice has been slow and grueling, but we can’t give up.

We need to keep the conversation going. Climate change is real and it is scary. It needs to be at the forefront of our minds to help us make better and more conscious choices every day.

We need to educate ourselves and others around us. We need to fight for legislation that will invoke clean energy and a decrease fossil fuels. �
We need to save our planet.

Read these;

I love this planet. I love the great outdoors. I love spending a night under the stars. I love camp life. I love the vas...

I love this planet. I love the great outdoors. I love spending a night under the stars. I love camp life. I love the vastness of this country. I love the magic of the desert. I love the ability to use my legs to scramble up a mountain. I love leaving it better than I found it. I love the sun on my face. I love the adventure. I love the heart-shaped cacti in Sedona. I love nature.

And I vow to do better this year.

What can you do?
Pick up trash on the trail! - you love to hike too huh? Fantastic, now bring a garbage bag next time and leave it better than you found it.
Drive less, bike/walk more. - Bring that mountain bike with you and instead of driving into town from camp…bike!

And also read this;

I’ve been hugging trees and loving nature for as long as I can remember. Growing up with Environmental Chemists as paren...

I’ve been hugging trees and loving nature for as long as I can remember. Growing up with Environmental Chemists as parents definitely sparked a “save the planet” attitude at a young age. We would volunteer as a family to pick up trash from the highways/parks and my mom was constantly in my classrooms with goofy safety goggles trying to educate us kids on recycling. These principles have instilled lifelong habits of conservation and awareness, but we’ve come to a point where we need to do more. All of us, together.

What can you do?
Volunteer to pick up trash!
Or don’t volunteer and just go do it….its everywhere!
Use less plastic!
Figure out what actually gets recycled and dispose of your plastics properly…it’s alarming actually how much plastic doesn’t get recycled.

Read this:

From where it started, to where it's landed...Thank you Mikey for the endless opportunities and of course, the kind word...

From where it started, to where it's landed...

Thank you Mikey for the endless opportunities and of course, the kind words!

All original content, designed to illuminate your brand or business.

All original content, designed to illuminate your brand or business.


Let’s get creating!
Need help with your brand vision, content plan, and social growth? I’ve got you covered. With knicks media you will watch your brand flourish through a content strategy designed to stay true to you!

If we’ve learned anything in the past year it’s that life can and will change completely and unexpectedly. However, bein...

If we’ve learned anything in the past year it’s that life can and will change completely and unexpectedly. However, being able to adapt to some of those changes wasn’t so easy. Leaving the bar industry and New York City just sort of happened because it had to and I was in a whirlwind of “what the hell is next?” Fortunately, an entire summer with my family and friends brought some much needed clarity into my life. With a little help from my best friend Lisa, I had the opportunity to begin freelancing as a social media manager in Buffalo. Quickly after, my love of travel and adventure brought me on the road for a 3 month camping excursion through the National Parks. All of a sudden, it clicked! I figured out that I could work from anywhere that had enough service, afford to keep traveling, and LOVED being my own boss. And so here we are…I’ve started a social media marketing company! I am so grateful for the wonderful things that can happen when you decided to lean into the unknown and trust the process.

With a fresh take on what I want out of life and knowing fully that I have the power to make it all happen, I am beyond excited to begin this journey! Thank you to all of the pals who have endlessly supported, encouraged, and cheered on the process. Your grammar skills and proof reading abilities will not be forgotten!

Check out, tell your friends, give us a follow, a share if you would be so kind, and then let’s get social!


Here, There, Anywhere


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