iii kn0w,..u kn0w crazyzxcer0'sz g0t this thing about zuckckxz g8tesz and dha g00glesz m0r0n elusk & dha frenemy take0ver by thereichfedracy flat earth faux freaksz,....yet iii leave that all behind 0n free reiki freaky fridaysz,....saturdays are these bachau naliasz
s0 in watching 0ver the earth,...u tend 2 kind 0v get int2 the c0nstant rythym 0v this diurnal patternsz 4 whitch m0st give thanx b4 starting an0ther ceaseless 7 by 7 by 7 until they all get back 2 heaven,....further pr00f they are invasive alien specyiesz n0t 0rigin8ted 0n earth if such things weren't allready s0 frippin 0bvious,...a blind man could read this rhin0 elephant ran beserk,...and n0t 0ur fault yet if we d0nt deter them fr0m this insanity they will extinct this planet, becusz if it turns 0ut again their n0t the 0nes wh0 are fr0m ar0und here,..afterall,...
n0w all u have 2 ask is h0w many 0v them have realized that,...and are still n0t accepting the will 0r the beneifit 0v the earth herself,...