The Spring 2024 NRHA - National Reining Horse Association Pro Trainer is live, and it has me feeling a bit nostalgic. In it, NRHA Professional Josiane Gauthier Performance Horses speaks about her Professional Horsewoman of the Year award and says this about the hardest lesson she's had to learn:
"When things end, you have to learn to let it go. People come and go in our business, and so do their horses. We put so much heart into each horse and have goals and dreams for them."
For me, that's true of my own business, too. This is the final installment of the Pro Trainer as a magazine. During the last eight years, it's evolved from a print publication we produced three times a year to a quarterly print magazine to a digital magazine. Each of these moves were strategic and involved many considerations. The same holds true with this latest evolution of the brand to serve NRHA's strategic plan as well as NRHA Professionals' needs.
This summer, there'll be a whole new NRHA Pro Trainer website, featuring legacy content that's updated and broken into easy-to-read, short-form articles with lots of links and resources for more information.
I admit, this stings a little for my magazine-loving self, the same way it stings a horse trainer to have a horse they started move on. I was part of the team that created this project and have seen it through many changes in our world. That said, this next step makes sense for the audience. In everything I do, create, and share, the audience remains the most important factor—not my own vanity. Every project must fulfill a void, serve a need, and be appropriate for the intended target if we want to achieve success.
Please enjoy our final installment. As always, thank you to my superstar partner in Pro Trainer crime, art director Sandy Cochran; the incredible freelancers who've lent their writing and photography skills to this endeavor; NRHA for supporting this for so long; and the professionals who've supported us, shared content, and given your ideas and best practices. It takes a village!
On to the next phase!
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