Looking for volunteers for folklife this year! DM me your email and which role you’re interested. Rewards, prizes, food and beverages will be provided to volunteers. Thank you 🙏🏽
Roles 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
Sustainability Volunteer- Contribute to the integration of sustainability practices in a social setting.
Flex Volunteer- Flex Volunteers get to help with all aspects of the Festival by filling in for no-shows and helping with last-minute requests!
Greeter Fundraisers- Greeters are the immediate faces (and sometimes first impressions) of our Festival; staffing our entrances and acknowledging [patrons as they enter and exit the Festival grounds.
Hospitality Assistant- Hospitality Assistants help hand out and restock snacks and refreshments in the hospitality area for performers, volunteers, and other participants.
Lost Child Attendant- Searches and stays with lost child and follows set guidelines to help reunite child with adult they came with.
Performer Registration Assistant- Volunteers in performer registration will check in performers and direct them to the location of their performance.
Programming Office Festival Assistant- Volunteers will assist the programming crew with various needs that arise during the Festival.
Production Setup Assistant (Pre-Festival)-Volunteers will assist the production crew by helping them set up fencing, hang signs, carry tables, chairs, and more!
Production Strike Assistant (Post Festival)-Volunteers will assist the production crew by helping take down fencing fabric, signage, and more.
Programming Venue Assistant- A fantastic way to be behind the scenes and on stage!
Visual Arts Assistant in Makerspace- Serving our artists at the Makers Space Help our visual artists monitor the gallery space and ensure art is safe.
Volunteer Registration Assistant- Volunteers in the volunteer registration will check in volunteers and direct them to the location of their shift.
Welcome Station Volunteers- Provide festival information, answer questions, and guide visitors to different attractions.