Missing in Kauai-Daniel Lee Reich

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Missing in Kauai-Daniel Lee Reich Daniel Lee Reich dob 2/26/1953 5’10 140-175 lbs strawberry blonde hair, white beard, blue eyes and

I’ve notiticed in the last few weeks since I made this is the , “heath show,” there’s been a lot more views to this page...

I’ve notiticed in the last few weeks since I made this is the , “heath show,” there’s been a lot more views to this page. Not shocked really, it’s just alarming how many of you are willing to vouch for a man you really do not know. How you willing and ignorantly claim that you know something about Danny Reich, when In fact, you never had any contact what so ever with him.

The amount of people who pour into this page to claim they have some, “proof,” that Danny was the bad guy and poor Heath Scher of Po***ck Pines California, currently residing in Kauai since 2014 has done no wrong. The family finds that oddly absurd. Why is it that Mr Scher told so many he, “would never return to the states, ever, you couldn’t pay me enough to!”

Sounds like you have something great going for you down there. Something you didn’t want anyone to mess up for you. Something so important you would do anything to prevent it from ceasing to exist. The odd part about it is, as many people that come into this page’s inbox to claim they know this or that, when it comes to Danny, a few come in to shed light on Heath. Must be nice when you get it from the island and the uniform right? I hope it was worth it Heath. What’s done in the dark will come to light right mate?

Let’s not forget who Heath Scher is ok? This is the poor unfortunate Heath Scher of Po***ck Pines California who left to Kauai in 2013 with his Buddy Danny Reich. Only Danny, who planned to return to his daughter and grandkids never got to see the light of day in California. Heath however is living it up in “paradise” with so many randoms willing to vouch him. This includes rich people from Alaska, multi millionaires from Hawaii, people out of San Diego and Silicon Valley, what are you up to down there Heath? Did you think we didn’t know? People didn’t rat you out? Karma will come to Heath. It’s just a matter of time braaahhhh.

Happy 4th to everyone out there. Especially our Vets. The ones who didn’t just ask what their country could do for them ...

Happy 4th to everyone out there. Especially our Vets. The ones who didn’t just ask what their country could do for them but what they could do for their country.

Danny should be at home, as he intended and wrote home to his daughter about often, he should be lighting fireworks off with her and his granddaughters.

Maybe that could have been a reality but his so called friend Heath Scher of Po***ck Pines California who has been residing in Kauai since 2013 made sure that will never happen.

Heath Scher still to this day refuses to assist police in locating Danny or what we now believe could only be his remains. Danny could have a proper military burial, one that he deserves as he was a Vietnam Vet but Heath would have to stop being a heartless coward.

Instead of just talking with police to potentially solve this case and give Danny’s family closure, Heath has his friends he made well after Danny went missing, message and harass his family and this page.

Heath If you/your friends are going to attempt to text Danny’s family have the guts to say something. Still being a sack of cowards even when you have the slightest bit of courage to try and rustle our feathers. We are a military family through and through. None of you can shake us and we will not rest until Danny is found and justice is served.

Happy 4th Heath. Welcome to the Heath show.

This is Heath Scher of Po***ck Pines California, born in Sacramento California where Danny Reich is from and where they ...

This is Heath Scher of Po***ck Pines California, born in Sacramento California where Danny Reich is from and where they met and became friends. They lived on the streets in California on and off for years before together coming up with the plan to move to Hawaii. Why Hawaii? Heath had never gone farther than a few hours from his small hometown of po***ck pines. He was also 20 years younger than Danny. What made them decide there? Oh that’s right it was Danny’s idea. Why? Because Danny and his family had gone to Hawaii as clean up crew/volunteer aide during different national disasters. That’s where Danny really felt drawn to going because he had been there helping the community a few times before.

Heath Scher doesn’t seem to like the attention this page is getting. His cronies have been coming out of the woodworks (yes I know who you all are I take note of every one of you and all the info you leave on your profiles-stupid people) to claim Heath is just a sweet good guy. That it’s my uncle who is the thief. Crazy this arrest log from hawaii you can find on newspapers dot com shows Heath was arrested for theft in 2014 in May. That’s the year Danny went missing. There’s no arrest record in Hawaii for Danny though. And this isn’t to point out omg Heath is a criminal like Danny was a perfect Angel. It’s to point out stop being a bunch of hypocrites who point the finger at everyone else but theirselves. Especially when you’re claiming something against Danny that is hearsay and can’t be proven but clearly we can prove Heath is a thief.

Heath is no damn Angel either so who gives 2 shts if you met him, got to know him for a time and think he’s just sweet a pie, people said that about Ted Bundy once too. Heath is the literal thief on record. He’s the one who keeps changing the story of Danny’s last seen event. He’s the one evading speaking to police and for what? Why are you so scared Heath? Why do all your friends always start with, “heath isn’t a violent man”. Who said you were violent? Did something happen Heath? Did you emotions get the best of you? Did you see something violent happen Heath? Did you make the wrong type of friends think you were a poor innocent victim and Danny was the big bad guy? What are you trying to hide?

Welcome to the Heath show 😉

This will be long so bare with me because I also won’t be paying close attn to grammar, punctuation or typos. It’s been ...

This will be long so bare with me because I also won’t be paying close attn to grammar, punctuation or typos. It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. even before the last time, I really had not posted much recently. To be honest no one is more aware than Danny’s family that Kauai Pd has no real intentions on actively searching for him. There’s a homeless crisis going on in that state that is reaching the levels, or has reached that of California and New York. Many locals who should have never ended up on the streets have due to the continual overwhelming desire of the elite to buy up the land and continue the tourism driven adult Disneyland type vacation. He is one of over 100 people missing on that tiny island and search efforts for those not rich and famous don’t seem to go anywhere.

However what I can say is; as little as I have touched this page recently, it does notify me of all views and comments and I do check those frequently. I may not reply back or reach out to the red flag profiles that are viewing the page but I can see your profiles. The droves of people who come in periodic waves that are clearly Heaths people/friends etc I usually just take note of and go about my business but today I’ve had enough. The amount of different stories I’ve been told by Heaths friends is ridiculous. It’s always a different version of Danny taking money from poor Heath and running away, sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes not, sometimes he took his bike sometimes he didn’t. Each person claiming they got this directly from Heath or they were there. The years are always different too. Like maybe study the facts before you try to sell me your version of a lie.

I get it you all think Heath is a sweet loving guy, no one called him a serial killer but he is keeping the truth hidden. Heath has even told the story him self on his cell phone to a few members of Danny’s Family and even then with each conversation the details changed among the people he was talking to. Heath is 100 percent a liar. I don’t care how sweet he is. He is a liar. He knows more than he will share and what he does share the details constantly change. Then in comes the now 10 different friends with their different variations all claiming this is what health told them.

Heath now for years has refuse to speak with police. He wasn’t a suspect. He is just the last known person who spent many many years with Danny in California and Hawaii and could have given information that might have helped. He was what we thought was a friend but he is no friend.

People don’t rob someone, leave all their possessions on an Island, miss their Welfare appointment they had been waiting a year for and then later miss their opportunity to get social security. That doesn’t happen Heath.

Danny was a vet and the VA would have been taking care of him. He wanted to come home, he wrote LENGTHY DETAILED-KEY WORD DETAILED letters of his comings and going the entire time he was on that island. His family is not dumb in any assumptions we have, we are not mislead or as someone had the nerve to say today, grasping at straws due to grief.

Heath I’m aware you follow this page, you have 4 different profiles all linked to your family back in po***ck pines so I know they are your profiles. You send in your pals to comment or msg me (his niece) from time to time and all you’re doing is making yourself look more and more guilty. Your friends are even worse than you at telling your story of what happened. It would have been smarter to just avoid this page and have your buds not interact at all. All you have done is make it clear to me I need to post more and constantly so I will.

This is Heath Scher from Po***ck Pines California. He was a “friend” for many years in California with Danny Reich. These two decided to move to Kauai back in 2012 or so. They sold jewelry together on the island (as in letters written by Danny himself) and other such souvenir type things to get by while Danny waited to collect welfare and Social Security/Va Benefits. Danny went missing in 2014 and since then Heath has told at least 6 different variations of how Danny went missing directly himself. Always that he is the victim of a robbery of 800+ (the money changes in each story)and that Danny abruptly left leaving different versions of belongs in different locations in each version. Heath has spoken to Danny’s Family and Danny’s family has spoken to Heaths family (I mean did you think that wouldn’t happen we all live in the same areas Heath, in fact oddly enough most of us know the same people or even each others family members from various places). The contact info has been given to police and they have reached out to Heath numerous times. He will not aide the police in any info for search efforts. You know exactly what you’re doing Heath and so do I. You want the attention to stopped being focused on you? Contact the Detective for missing persons for Kauai PD and tell them the info you know. Show any sign that you aren’t actively trying to prevent people from finding Danny. Enough with the lies, I have flat out set you up with false details and questions myself (you just didn’t know it was me) and you took the bait and showed me the liar your are. You’re not a sweet innocent man to me Heath Scher. Whatever info you know about Danny’s disappearance from this world, I won’t let this rest until the truth comes out, so just know that. At this point we really can’t expect to believe he is even alive in his elderly age. You’re preventing closure from his daughter and his granddaughters, that he never got to meet, thanks to whatever it is you know happened that you won’t share. You’re a coward Heath Scher and whatever god or higher being you believe in, may they have mercy on your soul.

There seems to be a lot more people viewing this page recently. There have been no new updates in a year. Danny is still...

There seems to be a lot more people viewing this page recently. There have been no new updates in a year. Danny is still missing and theres no leads on his “friend” Heath Scher who will not cooperate with the Investigation/search efforts.

Some websites have it listed Danny wasn’t spoken to since he made it to Kauai and that’s not true. He was actively in contact with family, primarily his daughter, by phone or letters. while he did plan to come home at some point he wasn’t intending to for another a year or longer.

He did not take off in the middle of the night to go back to California as some people in Kauai claim. He missed his appointment with the county to get assistance and with SSI to claim that and VA benefits. These were things he would not miss and wanted established before returning to California. This was stated in letters and is a fact.

Danny is nearing 70 years of age now and has been missing for almost 9 years. It would be pretty hard for him to get around the island at this point and he wouldn’t go unnoticed. By now he should be fully white in beard and hair even though it’s still listed that he has blonde hair.

The people that lived around Danny, like Heath Scher, know the truth and know the story that has been told is not true. May those who really know not find themselves in the same scenario as I’m sure your family would be heart broken too. To have no answers, no peace, no closure, nothing justifies the silence amongst those who lived around him. Shame on you all and may god show mercy to your souls.

Here’s a very rough app edit for potential age progression paired again with a picture of his father who he looked a lot alike. If you have any info please reach out to Kauai PD. I can no longer confirm Det Nesbitt is the lead on the case as he no longer replies to my email inquires on any updates. Kauai has roughly 100 missing persons cases for such a tiny tiny portion of the state. I’m sure the police are very busy trying to solve all those cold cases.

These pics of Danny aren’t the best but this gives a better idea of what Danny would look like now. Being that over the ...

These pics of Danny aren’t the best but this gives a better idea of what Danny would look like now. Being that over the years we have been tagged in many posts of missing men who look fairly similar are elderly and all have white hair/beards. Danny was a tall and slender man. His blonde hair would be white now as well. A side by side of his father who he looked a lot alike to get an idea of the facial features in old age and how he could look today.

We the family been contacted by a few people about this post. While it looks very similar it is not Danny Reich. This ha...

We the family been contacted by a few people about this post. While it looks very similar it is not Danny Reich. This has been circulating in posts in Mexico and the Los Angeles area. We had never considered Danny could also be down there too in a similar situation where he does not remember his identity. Thank you for everyone who reached out to his daughter Danyell Winson and his niece Heather Marie to confirm if this was him. We greatly appreciate all the help and support and truly hope this man is reconnected with his family. Message translated by Danny’s Nephew in law Leo Garcia below.

Gracias por los que se han puesto en contacto con la página de Danny Reich, que está desaparecido. La gente se ha puesto en contacto con su hija y su sobrina para confirmar si este hombre es Danny Reich y, aunque se ven muy similares, este no es él. Espero que este hombre encuentre a su familia y de nuevo gracias por todos los que intentaron ayudar.

It’s been sometime since the last post. No new Info from local police. the main person of interest in providing any help...

It’s been sometime since the last post. No new Info from local police. the main person of interest in providing any helpful info on Danny’s disappearance, a Heath Scher originally from California, who currently resides in Kauai, is still refusing to cooperate. he continues to evade authorities and remain hidden amongst homeless encampments.

Today marks Danny Reich’s 69th birthday. Another year unheard of, 8 birthdays not celebrated with his family and 8 years missing. Below is the most update to date photos of his features. At his age he would be all gray/white in hair, likely a more thin build and possibly has a full long beard. He is 5’10 and somewhere around 140 lbs give or take and has blue eyes. Also below is pictures of Heath Scher. The only person who can help police in locating Danny.

He was last seen in Kauai in an encampment near float camp in 2014. Heath Scher needs to come forward and speak with Kauai Pd and Det Nesbitt on what he knows. Heath is the one and only person standing in the way of finding Danny and bringing him home to his family.

Again Below are photos of Danny and the only person who has any real info of where he went, Heath Scher. If anyone has any info please contact Kauai pd and/or Det Nesbitt at 808-241-1711

The last Thanksgiving spent with Danny in 2012 in Sacramento with the Reich side of the family. Pictured here with his g...

The last Thanksgiving spent with Danny in 2012 in Sacramento with the Reich side of the family. Pictured here with his great nephew Justin. Another year passes without him. Another year passes without pics taken of him with his granddaughters on his lap. Another year passes that Heath Scher remains silent, the only person who knows the absolute truth. The so called friend who’s been spreading false stories since his disappearance to try and take any potential heat of his name. I see you Heath, we all do. We know you’re hiding something and are having all your buddies protect your falsified stories online. You have been caught in numerous lies over and over. Whether it be from your friends repeating what you’re telling them, to Danny’s family speaking to you directly. The time has come for you speak up and tell the truth. Dateline NBC please add this story and the many others from Kauai to your missing in America segment.

Happy Veterans Day and thank you for your service Daniel Lee Reich. We are still looking for you! We will never give up ...

Happy Veterans Day and thank you for your service Daniel Lee Reich. We are still looking for you! We will never give up hope until we can bring you home to your family or lay you to rest at the Sacramento Valley National Military Cemetery. We won’t stop looking for answers and if something happened to you we won’t stop until justice is served. This year let’s hope Heath Scher, your “friend” you traveled with, who is refusing to speak the local police and the Detective assigned to your case, finds it in his heart to do the right think and cooperate. You deserve to be honored for your service during the Vietnam War. You are not forgotten and you are loved and greatly missed.

Repost of the info but below is a more updated picture of him. Years have past since this picture so he may be more whit...

Repost of the info but below is a more updated picture of him. Years have past since this picture so he may be more white or grey and look a bit more aged. Please continue to share and help @ to Dateline NBC to get their attn to add Danny to their missing in American series. Thank you.

Please share anywhere you can

This is my uncle, Daniel Lee Reich, born 02/26/1953. Last seen in Kauai Hawaii on float camp near donkey beach in 2015.
5’10 160lbs blonde hair blue eyes. Namus case #17-04698 Kauai Pd poc Detective Nesbitt 808-241-1711

He made hand crafted jewelry with his friend Heath like many do and called theirselves the da’beach combers

Danny is from Sacramento but in 2012 he flew to Hawaii with his friend Heath who is also from Sacramento and in the pictures below. Heath Scher claims my uncle may have left Kauai in 2015 but that is probably unlikely as no one has seen or heard from him(which is out of character for him) Danny is Vietnam vet and registered on the missing veterans website as well as namus. He has a small tattoo of a ma*****na leaf and usually has long hair and wears a leather jacket. If anyone in California or Hawaii has seen Danny please let Kauai pd in Hawaii know. There’s an active missing persons case that a detective in that area is working on. If anyone happens to know this man Heath Scher please tell him to come forward and speak to Detective Nesbitt who’s been trying to reach him for a very long time with no success.

It’s been some time since this page has made a post. it was a decision to remain silent as to not impede the investigati...

It’s been some time since this page has made a post. it was a decision to remain silent as to not impede the investigation into Danny’s whereabouts. Unfortunately those efforts came up short yet again as well as the numerous attempts to get ahold of Heath Scher who is the last person to have any contact with Danny.

Due to the fact that Mr Scher has been repeatedly contacted by law enforcement by voicemail to return their call or come into the station and has chosen not to do so, even at the request of family who have also reached out to him by phone and text, it’s no longer a decision to remain silent on this page any longer.

If anyone recognizes this man as friend or family please urge him to do the right thing and contact Kauai Pd to give a statement, it’s the least he could do. As of today Danny still remains missing, last seen in Kauai. He did not show up to his appointment to get government assistance or make any attempts to set up social security or VA benefits. This was something Danny wrote to his daughter about often, he was counting down the days to that appointment and to the age when he could collect ssi.

Being that those time frames came and went has been a great concern for the family and made the entire thing that much more suspicious. Heath I have a feeling you follow this page to keep tabs, you or your friends/family, so maybe now is the time to come forward with any information you have.

This page has been in contact with Dateline NBC as they now have a missing in America series, we are just waiting to hear back from them in regards to doing a segment on Danny.

If anyone has any leads to the whereabouts of Daniel Lee Reich or Heath Scher please contact Kauai PD. Namus case #17-04698 Kauai Pd poc Detective Nesbitt 808-241-1711

Please continue to share and help us.

Late post but today marks Danny’s 68th bday. He shares this Bday month with his only child, his daughter Danyell along w...

Late post but today marks Danny’s 68th bday. He shares this Bday month with his only child, his daughter Danyell along with his younger sister and niece. The family still has not received any news on his whereabouts or any leads in this missing persons case. please continue to share and spread the word. Any info helps. We need all the help we can get. Missing but never forgotten.

It’s been about a month since our last post. No new information has come from the missing persons investigation. There’s...

It’s been about a month since our last post. No new information has come from the missing persons investigation. There’s been so many people who have reached out, even recently, with tid bits of information that have been very helpful but we are still stuck at a stand still. Please if you know anything at all, that you think could be helpful, don’t hesitate to reach out to this page or the local authorities. You never know what might be the info for a huge breakthrough in this cold case. We know Danny would have never just vanished into thin air, to have never said a word again, especially to never reach out to his daughter. This month is the month of love and the birth money of Danny, his only child Danyell, his little sister and his niece. Please continue to share so we can get real answers for the family and make this birthday month an even more joyous celebration.


Continue to help us share and get the word out! We are still looking for our Danny Reich. It’s abundantly clear that many in the state of Hawaii have a disdain for “transplants” or non locals and even more so for those who are classified as homeless. Everyone is a human being and deserves a certain level of respect. No one should ever be discarded simply because they don’t have an official residential address. You don’t know their story, you don’t know what it’s like to walk in their shoes or to see what their eyes have seen. Remember every person is someone’s somebody and just because they might not be of any importance to you it doesn’t mean they aren’t important to the ones they love. Please keep sharing our posts and continue to treat people like the human beings that they are, especially our veterans who have sacrificed in ways other could never comprehend. We are still looking for Daniel Lee Reich who went missing in Kauai near donkey beach and float camp. Last seen with his friend Heath who we cannot locate to assist with the local authorities investigation. We will never stop looking, we will never give up this fight, can’t stop won’t stop!


As we all ring in the New Year please remember there are still so many missing people, missing veterans, that families n...

As we all ring in the New Year please remember there are still so many missing people, missing veterans, that families need your helping finding. Please continue to share our posts in hopes it will reach someone who has a tip, a clue, an answer that will lead to finding Danny Reich. Let’s make 2021 the year he comes home to his Daugther Danyell and his two young granddaughters. Let’s reunite him with his sisters and brother, let’s bring him home to be able to embrace his remaining parent. He wasn’t able to say goodbye to his father, please make sure that never happens to his mother. There are so many people in his family missing him and worrying about him and his safety, happiness and general well being.

This Christmas Danny was missed. The world keeps turning and yet the family still has no answers. homelessness is on the...

This Christmas Danny was missed. The world keeps turning and yet the family still has no answers. homelessness is on the rise in Hawaii
and the missing persons crisis is one of the worst in the United States. Hawaii’s population doesn’t compare to most states yet they are the 8th for most unsolved missing persons. Please continue to share to help us gain attention to an an issue that needs remedy. Danny isn’t the only missing person out there. There are so many families waiting for answers who have not received one. The police are doing their best but the cases are piling high. Help us advocate for our missing relative and help the Kauai Pd in locating Daniel Reich. It takes seconds to share and doing so causes a ripple effect that could lead to the right person. Someone somewhere knows something. Help us find Danny Reich!

After graduating from a private catholic high school Danny Reich enlisted in the service. He was never a draft dodger or...

After graduating from a private catholic high school Danny Reich enlisted in the service. He was never a draft dodger or someone who sought out how to be disqualified. He became a fire fighter for the 60th CES and was eventually honorably discharged. Danny was always proud to say he served his country. Prior to him leaving for Kauai he participated in the Stand down. This is an organizational event where veterans help other veterans who are struggling, especially with homelessness. They help get them set up with legal, dental, medical/psychiatric help and etc. Danny loved being able to work in a program for veterans giving back to other veterans. For a man who gave back we as the family are asking you to do the same. Share wherever you can and come forward if you have any tips that can lead to finding Daniel Lee Reich.

Danny’s senior pic from the 70s. He is a Christian Brothers private Catholic HS alumni. Danny has always been a very int...

Danny’s senior pic from the 70s. He is a Christian Brothers private Catholic HS alumni. Danny has always been a very intelligent man who did well in school and then went on to join the services during the Vietnam war. A persons status in the world or not being a Hawaiian native is no reason for anyone to look past them. One of the biggest struggles in this county and all around the world is humanity. We look at the things we see as some sad story that doesn’t change our lives so we look past it and carry on. Most people won’t take the time to show some empathy, to really consider what they would do if this was happening to them. Try to take a minute when you see these pics and posts to think about what you would do if you were living the Reich families reality. Wouldn’t you want all the help you could get? Wouldn’t you want people to come forward with tips? As a family we do. Bring our veteran home

Danny and daughter Danyell. Continue to share and help us bring our veteran home to his daughter. We need answers and we...

Danny and daughter Danyell. Continue to share and help us bring our veteran home to his daughter. We need answers and we won’t stop fighting until we get them. There is no more relentless family than we. If you have any tips please call Kaua'i Police Department 8081241-1711 case #17-04698 attn to Detective Colin Nesbitt

Namus # mp42260

A candid photo shared from Danny’s Daughter of a loving embrace and dance at his Nieces wedding. Another photo of father...

A candid photo shared from Danny’s Daughter of a loving embrace and dance at his Nieces wedding. Another photo of father and daughter enjoying time with family at the wedding. Continue to remember who Danny is; a father, a brother, a son and a uncle. He is dearly missed and the family needs all the assistance we can get to find him or heath to get information that may help us get answers. Cant stop won’t stop, veteran family strong 💪 ❤️🇺🇸❤️

Veterans Day wasn’t too long ago. Keep in mind who the person is and what they did for this country. Look at the man and...

Veterans Day wasn’t too long ago. Keep in mind who the person is and what they did for this country. Look at the man and not the status in life. From their services others are still here, walking, living, thriving and able to be whatever it is or was that they wanted to be. Remember the human being and not the judgment that is passed by the heartless, the entitled and the ignorant who have only ever taken in life and never given. JFK said, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!” And like many Americans Danny asked himself that question and answered with his service during the Vietnam war. Help bring this missing vet home




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