486_Dorcus titanus palawanicus 107x50CBF1 19 L125 L2吖…表現不佳😑😑_____________________________________喜歡的話歡迎按讚、追蹤 @enbeetlejournal 🙏Double tap and follow @enbeetlejournal if you like the
440_One month transformation from pupa to adult beetle.Species Rhaetulus crenatus speciosus泰國黃金鹿角鍬形蟲PhotoVideo @enbeetlejournal ___________________________#rhaetuluscrenatusspeciosus #r
423_這組真的繽紛又精緻,該入手個吧?➡️LEGO® Ideas系列 21342 昆蟲集錦Check out the new LEGO® Ideas – The Insect Collection!@lego @legotw_official #21342昆蟲集錦#帶著樂高昆蟲去旅行 #台灣樂高#morphopeleides #dynasteshercules #t
73_Hexarthrius mandibularis mandibularis________________________________________喜歡的話歡迎按讚、追蹤 @enbeetlejournal 🙏Double tap and follow @enbeetlejournal if you like the content!#hexarthriu
16_Dorcus titanus yasoukai being feisty._____________________________________________喜歡的話歡迎按讚、追蹤 @enbeetlejournal 🙏Double tap and follow @enbeetlejournal if you like the content!#昆虫 #b
30_Species Dorcus titanus palawanicus_____________________________________________喜歡的話歡迎按讚、追蹤 @enbeetlejournal 🙏Double tap and follow @enbeetlejournal if you like the content!#昆虫 #beet
44_Protein or fatSpecies Megasoma mars戰神大兜蟲Join my Patreon for beetle breeding instructions and more!Link in bio.PhotoVideo @enbeetlejournal ___________________________#megasoma #megaso
81_Digging out a pupa.Species Chalcosoma atlas hesperusJoin my Patreon for beetle breeding instructions and more!Link in bio.Photovideo @enbeetlejournal __________________________#昆虫 #b
165_Just kidding, nobody really gets eaten here. They are too adorable to be food🥹🥹🥹Species Megasoma mars #megasomamars#戰神大兜蟲 PhotoVideo @enbeetlejournal ___________________________
334_Dorcus titanus palawanicus 107x50 CBF1 吃木屑的巴拉望,三齡中~末了,其他都掉克,就最肥的繼續長大~_____________________________________________喜歡的話歡迎按讚、追蹤 @enbeetlejournal 🙏Double tap and follow @enbeetlejourn
326_The last one is just built different 💩 西瓜皮長臂金龜L3 ♂Species Euchirus dupontianusPhotoVideo @enbeetlejournal ___________________________#euchirusdupontianus #euchirus #金龜子 #西瓜皮長臂金龜#昆虫
240_Dorcus titanus yasuokai 101.8x55 CBF1 Big female pupa.換血第一代,多數個體表現不佳或畸形,不過在角落爛爛的窄口中挖到驚喜^ ^_____________________________________________喜歡的話歡迎按讚、追蹤 @enbeetlejournal 🙏Double tap and
97_Bug jelly)Prosopocoilus motschulskii 58x35 CBF3Hemei Township, Changhua County, Taiwan (ROC)🇹🇼彰化和美產____________________________________喜歡的話歡迎按讚、追蹤 @enbeetlejournal 🙏Double tap and
421_Chalcosoma atlas hesperus老蟲比較適合上手把玩,雖然還是很兇,但鉤爪不會扣很緊,不太容易受傷。不過拿下手還是需要一點技巧啦😅😅Holding a rhino beetle with bare hands is usually a risky thing to do, it is very likely to get yourself
80_Dynastes hercules hercules, one of the world’s longest beetles.__________________喜歡的話歡迎按讚、追蹤 @enbeetlejournal 🙏Double tap and follow @enbeetlejournal if you like the content!#christ
268_Species Dorcus titanus yasoukai PhotoVideo @enbeetlejournal ___________________________#昆虫 #beetles #クワガタ #クワガタムシ #甲蟲#dorcustitanusyasuokai #蘇門答臘巨扁 #昆虫すごいぜ #フリード #ブリード #オオクワカ
37_Big D.Species Dynastes hercules hercules___________________________喜歡的話歡迎按讚、追蹤 @enbeetlejournal 🙏Double tap and follow @enbeetlejournal if you like the content!#dynastes #dynasteshe
456_It takes 1 and a half year from a tiny egg to a juicy pupa like this!Species Megasoma elephas elephasPhotoVideo @enbeetlejournal___________________________#megasoma #megasomaelephas