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chavez_creative_co Creative Creative Company, is a dynamic marketing agency located in the heart of Nashville, TN.

Chavez Creative Company is a Videography business that focuses on crafting engaging video content.

đŸ”„Book an Appointment with Chavez Creative Company Our primary focus is on crafting engaging video content that aligns seamlessly with your brand. We not only excel at creating captivating videos but also take pride in coaching businesses on the invaluable significance

of the content creation process. By leveraging our expertise, we help drive leads and significantly enhance the visibility of your offerings. Partner with us to unlock the true potential of your marketing strategy and harness the power of compelling storytelling.

Work-life balance.It's like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle. Nail it, and you’re a superhero; d...

Work-life balance.

It's like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle. Nail it, and you’re a superhero; drop one, and it all comes crashing down.

đŸ”„Remember, your job isn’t your life—so make sure you’re not working so hard you forget where you parked your life!

đŸ”„Why Your Business Needs a Story (Because 'We Sell Stuff' Is a Snooze)đŸ”„Alright, so you’ve got a killer product—high five...

đŸ”„Why Your Business Needs a Story (Because 'We Sell Stuff' Is a Snooze)

đŸ”„Alright, so you’ve got a killer product—high five! But guess what? So do a million other businesses. What’s really going to make you stand out? Your story. Think of it as the personality your brand needs to avoid being the business equivalent of plain oatmeal.

đŸ”„Your story is the magic that turns window-shoppers into loyal customers. Without it, you’re just another faceless company selling stuff. And let’s be honest, “We sell stuff” isn’t exactly a page-turner.

đŸ’Ș So, put on your storytelling hat and give people a reason to love you. After all, who doesn’t love a good story—especially when it’s about you?

đŸ”„Planning what you're going to say before stepping in front of the camera is essential. Picture this: you're at a confer...

đŸ”„Planning what you're going to say before stepping in front of the camera is essential. Picture this: you're at a conference or a graduation, and the first words out of your mouth are, "Uh
sorry." Not exactly the kind of opening that inspires confidence, right?

đŸ”„Skipping the planning process is like jumping into a pool without checking if there's water in it—it's bound to end in complications.

đŸ”„At the very least, scribble down five bullet points that hit the key areas of interest for your audience. Think of it as your lifeline, keeping you from floundering like a fish on dry land. Plus, planning means you can be cool, calm, and collected—instead of sweating bullets under the spotlight.

đŸ”„Are you actually hearing the words coming out of your mouth on camera, or is your brain too busy wondering if your audi...

đŸ”„Are you actually hearing the words coming out of your mouth on camera, or is your brain too busy wondering if your audience thinks you look cool? That, my friends, is the sneaky game our lovely brain play when we’re in front of the lens.

đŸ”„The moment you stop listening to yourself, you start losing that relatability and confidence. So, stay in the moment—don’t stress about what others might be thinking.

✅You've got something awesome to share, and it deserves to be delivered with all the enthusiasm and passion you've got!


đŸ”„Being on camera can be nerve-wracking, especially if you're not used to it—I totally get it.

đŸ”„But here's the secret to conquering that fear: start recording videos where you don’t talk about your business or anything serious at all. Just stand in front of the camera and chat about something fun, like your favorite movie.

đŸ”„It’s simple, right? The goal is to make the camera your buddy, not some villain straight out of a Steven Seagal flick. Remember, practice doesn’t make perfect—it makes you comfortable. so, grab that camera, take a deep breath, and start rambling about "The Goonies." Come on, who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt?

đŸ”„đŸ”„Ready to make social media videos but not sure where to start? 1ïžâƒŁ First, take a deep breath and put yourself in your ...

đŸ”„đŸ”„Ready to make social media videos but not sure where to start?

1ïžâƒŁ First, take a deep breath and put yourself in your audience's shoes (metaphorically, of course—let's not get weird).

2ïžâƒŁ Think about what your business offers and ask yourself, "If I were scrolling, what would make me stop and pay attention to this product or service?" If you wouldn’t watch it, trust me, your audience won’t either.

3ïžâƒŁ Spice things up with a question, share a real-life story, or throw in a joke—just make sure it’s on-brand and doesn’t involve your dad’s favorite puns (unless your brand is *all* about dad jokes, in which case, carry on!).

đŸ”„đŸ”„By seeing your content through the eyes of your audience, you’ll find the perfect story to tell.

đŸ”„What do you think is the most valuable asset for a successful video marketing project? If you guessed gear, womp womp, ...

đŸ”„What do you think is the most valuable asset for a successful video marketing project? If you guessed gear, womp womp, you're off the mark. But if you guessed personality, ding ding ding! You've just won a brand new car!* (*Disclaimer: Car may be imaginary.)

đŸ”„When they say "it's not what you sell, it's how you sell it," they're spot on. Consumers want to relate to the companies pitching to them. Relatability builds trust, and trust drives sales. If you act like you don’t care and simply churn out content because you have to, guess what? Your audience will see right through your Oscar-worthy performance.

đŸ”„Be genuine, be authentic, and most importantly, be YOU!

❓Do you know your "why"? đŸ”„Understanding the purpose behind your marketing content is crucial. Start by identifying the i...

❓Do you know your "why"?

đŸ”„Understanding the purpose behind your marketing content is crucial. Start by identifying the issue it addresses, the target audience, and the reason you need it.

đŸ”„The "why" matters. Without a clear purpose, your content will lack direction and fail to resonate with your audience, leading to a loss of credibility and engagement.

đŸ”„Creating compelling marketing content isn't just about having the right gear. The story you tell and your unique person...

đŸ”„Creating compelling marketing content isn't just about having the right gear. The story you tell and your unique personality are the key elements that transform your content from good to relatable.

đŸ”„The narrative matters, and the way you share it matters even more. Don't neglect your individuality; it's what makes you stand out. There's only one you, so showcase that with pride!


đŸ”„You need to promote your product or service, and having a social media presence is essential. However, rushing to post something quickly won’t yield the results you want.

đŸ”„Creating marketing content just to have something to share is ineffective. Instead, plan your content carefully before hitting the share button.

đŸ”„Ask yourself: Would you watch that video? Would the quick message compel you to reach out and learn more? The more effort you put into your content, the more it will resonate with your audience.

Imagine trying to tell a joke in a library. Sure, you might get a polite chuckle from the person next to you, but overal...

Imagine trying to tell a joke in a library. Sure, you might get a polite chuckle from the person next to you, but overall, your comedic genius is stifled. Now, picture telling that same joke on a stage with a spotlight and a microphone. That’s video marketing for your brand voice.

When you use video, you’re not just telling people who you are—you’re showing them. It's the difference between describing a rollercoaster and actually giving someone a ride. With video, your audience gets to feel your brand, not just hear about it.

So, don't whisper in the digital wind. Grab that megaphone, a.k.a. your camera, and start creating videos. Your brand voice deserves to be heard loud, clear, and with a bit of flair! 🚀✹

đŸ”„The beginning of the week: time to reflect on last week’s missteps and make sure you don’t trip over the same shoelaces...

đŸ”„The beginning of the week: time to reflect on last week’s missteps and make sure you don’t trip over the same shoelaces twice.

đŸ”„Don’t think of Monday as the weekend’s grim reaper—think of it as the kickoff to a new adventure, where you get to try something exciting and (hopefully) avoid spilling coffee on your shirt again.


❓Why do we brave the camera when we're scared of public speaking, especially to an audience we can't even see?

It's all about making people comfortable enough to buy into what you're offering. Imagine buying a car from a dealership where the salesman is too shy to talk and just sends emojis instead. You want someone who gets you, values your time, and can have a conversation. So, next time you're on camera, channel your inner smooth-talking car salesperson—minus the emojis.

Creating marketing content for your business starts with understanding what you offer your customers. đŸ”„For example, if y...

Creating marketing content for your business starts with understanding what you offer your customers.

đŸ”„For example, if you're a real estate agent, you can not only showcase new properties in the area but also create content that educates first-time homebuyers on the do's and don'ts of purchasing a home.

By highlighting your services and providing valuable information, you demonstrate your expertise in the field. There are countless stories to tell; you just need to step back and ask your audience what they want to learn.

✅As a business owner, what challenges are you facing with video marketing? ✅What goals have you set to achieve your desi...

✅As a business owner, what challenges are you facing with video marketing?

✅What goals have you set to achieve your desired marketing outcomes?

đŸ”„As a videographer, I'm genuinely interested in understanding your business needs when it comes to video content.


đŸ”„The key to successful video marketing is consistency in your personality.

If you're upbeat and energetic on camera but completely different off-camera, your audience will notice. They might think you're just putting on an act. It’s crucial to be genuine and authentic both on and off camera.

This authenticity engages your audience far more effectively than any scripted presentation. Let your true self shineit's your best asset in connecting with viewers.

Do you truly believe in the words you're saying? ✅When you put yourself on camera to talk about your business, are you g...

Do you truly believe in the words you're saying?

✅When you put yourself on camera to talk about your business, are you genuinely engaged and committed to your message? If you're merely going through the motions without conviction, your audience will pick up on that and respond similarly. Be present and passionate in your videos, even if they are only 60 seconds long. Your enthusiasm will resonate and make a lasting impact.


✅Inspiration: that magical spark that can strike anywhere, anytime. It might come from a movie, a song, or even your eccentric aunt who only appears at holidays with her conspiracy theories. The trick is to stay curious and alert—you never know when a brilliant idea will pop up.

Those unexpected flashes of genius come to us when we least expect it. Experimenting with those ideas will often result is you stumbling onto something that you were seeking.


đŸ”„đŸ”„When presenting on camera, it's important to remember to take pauses. These pauses allow your audience to truly absorb what you're saying. Let your words resonate before moving on to the next point. Speaking too quickly can cause your audience to lose interest. By slowing down and pausing, you not only maintain their engagement but also ensure your tone and passion are conveyed effectively.


đŸ”„As a content creator, you set the tone for your client's project. To make the video relatable, create a fun and positive atmosphere on set. This will help your client feel relaxed and at ease on camera. How you conduct your set directly influences the final outcome of the project.

đŸ”„đŸ”„Capture moments that immerse your audience, making them feel as though they were a part of the experience. Whether it'...

đŸ”„đŸ”„Capture moments that immerse your audience, making them feel as though they were a part of the experience. Whether it's a small smile, a burst of laughter, a tear, a celebration, or an educational moment, these instances resonate with everyone. Film everything!

đŸ”„đŸ”„I prefer using bullet points over scripts when creating video content because they allow the presenter to be more auth...

đŸ”„đŸ”„I prefer using bullet points over scripts when creating video content because they allow the presenter to be more authentic. The flexibility of bullet points provides a natural flow and spontaneity that scripted content often lacks. When showcasing a product or service, it's the presenter's personality that truly engages the audience and drives interest.


đŸ”„Many of us struggle with doubt, often coupled with the pressure to consistently deliver quality work. It's crucial to remember that failure is okay and not understanding something initially is part of the process.

đŸ”„The key is to try, repeat, and persist. Failure is inevitable, but as you gain experience, your doubt will diminish. Embrace doubt and failure—they are necessary for growth.

đŸ”„What resonates more: an ad unraveling product intricacies or one employing humor for education? Humor doesn't just ente...

đŸ”„What resonates more: an ad unraveling product intricacies or one employing humor for education? Humor doesn't just entertain; it's a cognitive tool that simplifies complex information, making it stick like a punchline you can't shake off. So, embrace humor in your video content—it's not just laughter, it's lasting impact.


❓Could you spare five minutes?

That's all it takes to craft a video that both excites and educates your audience. Keep it simple yet impactful—a clear and personable message. Don't let anything hold you back from investing just five minutes of your day to create a meaningful video for your business.

đŸ”„When evaluating your videos' effectiveness for your business, prioritize addressing your audience's inquiries. Success ...

đŸ”„When evaluating your videos' effectiveness for your business, prioritize addressing your audience's inquiries. Success transcends mere likes and comments; it involves offering valuable solutions and fostering engagement.

đŸ”„Don't be disheartened if your video doesn't go viral; providing solutions can prompt audience outreach from those who connect with your message.

đŸ”„Let's give your video content creation a little spruce-up, shall we? No more treating it like a tedious task or a procr...

đŸ”„Let's give your video content creation a little spruce-up, shall we? No more treating it like a tedious task or a procrastination playground. Think of it as your chance to be the star of the show, like the leading role in a blockbuster flick!

đŸ”„Embrace those trusty tools and techniques like your secret weapon—because, let's be real, people won't know about your awesomeness unless you give 'em a taste on the big screen!

đŸ”„So, grab your camera and whip up a snazzy introduction video—whether it's a lightning-fast 60-second sprint or a smooth 1-2 minute masterpiece. Get ready to steal the spotlight!!

Remember, in video marketing, clarity is key! Unless, of course, you're secretly vying for the charades championship of ...

Remember, in video marketing, clarity is key! Unless, of course, you're secretly vying for the charades championship of the internet. But let's face it, a clear and simple message is your golden ticket to success!


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00




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