Growing up in Union City Indiana/Ohio, My Hometown USA

Growing up in Union City Indiana/Ohio, My Hometown USA A Homepage for friends, family, and individuals that grew up in my Hometown USA Union City Indiana/O


Hello to all my Facebook Friends and Relatives who follow me on Facebook. As we rise to this day and ready ourselves for another Christmas Day 2021. I would like to ask that all my followers share a posting as to what this day means to you. While you are thinking I would like to share my thoughts as to what Christmas means to me.

Christmas is a time for family reunions and a time of family bonding, renewing friendships, exchanging gifts and some of you may be going on holiday or a trip to visit other relatives in another state. Christians around the world celebrate Christmas in different ways, following their beliefs and their traditions. Yes Christmas is a time to celebrate, however please be reminded that this day is a special day as it is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Foremost and most important it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Yes, the birth of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is why I celebrate this day, Christmas Day 2020.


Tiger Woods Report

As most everyone knows over a year ago Tiger Woods had a traffic accident which almost took his life and limbs. Everyone is wishing him well and wants him to return to the world of Golf. With pins, screws and rods they have put Tiger back together again, so to speak. Can Tiger ever return to the player that he once was? Simply put NO HE CANNOT. Very much wishful tinking if you really think that is possable. However, with that said can Tiger come back and play as Tiger said, giggles and fun type PGA Tournaments? In my opinion yes he can, and as he should because he has given much to the game of golf and still has a enormous fan base and following.

Tiger is at this stage of his rehabilitation and healing process, as he puts it, about 1/2 play-a-ability level needed to play on the PGA Tour with the worlds best. Take it from someone who knows first hand about a golf injury, come back, healing process, playing at the higher level to compete with the best, facing reality and the rejection of the body and golf swing. In Tigers case he will never be the player he once was. I can relate to this because 1994 I hurt my back playing in a PGA Golf Tournament, then The Ben Hogan Tour. I never regained that high level of play-a-bility needed, I spent time with my son Jimmy playing in many father/son events and playing the many class A Golf Courses throughout this great land, yes with my son.

Tiger and his son Charlie will be playing in the up coming USPGA Golf Tournament. You ask me, how do I think They will do? I will simple say this, Tiger and Charlie will do fantastic because Tiger is playing for Charlie so Charlie can have this experience in his young life. Also, the fact of pride, admiration, experience and love of the game is a factor and most of all Tiger Woods knows and understands that he almost lost his life in his automobile accident and will spend the rest of his Golf Career devoting time and attention to, yes himself and Charlie and the wonderful game of golf.

Growing Up in my Hometown Union City Indiana/Ohio, The First Year for Union City Wayne High School Football, writing by ...

Growing Up in my Hometown Union City Indiana/Ohio, The First Year for Union City Wayne High School Football, writing by Larry Thomas Higgins

It was the start of 1962 school year when the rumor around school was that a Union City Wayne Indians Football Team was in the works for our school. It wasn’t long and a posting was on the bulletin board that try outs and scheduled meeting was going to be held after school in the gym. When the final bell rang for the end of school I ran to the gym to insure I had a seat. After everyone arrived in walked an individual who we assumed was going to give us instructions about Union City Wayne Indians Football. He introduced himself to us as Coach Tom Pryer. Coach Pryer was a very athletic looking young man who looked very young to be a Football Coach, however he very much looked like a football player, about 5’ 10” or 11” with very muscular legs and caves, and broad shoulders and very muscular physic, yes you could tell he was definitely a Football Player. Coach Pryer shared with us that the Tri-Eastern Conference is a nine-member IHSAA-Sanctioned Athletic Conference formed by five schools which was formed this year. The conference was formed with Cambridge City, Centerville, Knightstown, Liberty, and Union City. Coach Pryer shared that this being our first year it would be a building year with no Jr Varsity Team but a consolidated Jr and senor varsity team open to grades nine thru twelve. There was only one stipulation that all seniors played ahead of all others. Coach Pryer shared that no games were scheduled yet for this year but he was working on scheduling some games for that year. The start of practice was scheduled for the next day after school.

All the next day everyone was talking about football coming to our school, again I couldn’t wait for the final bell to ring to get to the gym. When arriving I looked around at all my classmates who were there to play football, there was Sam Bradburn, Paul Shimp, Bill Ferrell, Mike Mangas, Jay Noffsinger, Ronnie Mullen, Tom Dickie, Sam Dean, Bill Frazier, Tom Kaugher, Mike Arthur, just to name some that comes to mind, however virtually every jock in our high school was there to play football. We started with getting our football equipment issued, consisting of football cleats, pads, pants with thigh and knee pads, football helmets, my very first girdle, however this one was very heavily padded, a mouth piece with gummy stuff inside the mouth piece to protect our teeth, and lastly our football jerseys, I was assigned #61. The last thing that was given to us was our play-book and was advised to memorize it if we wanted to play in any of the upcoming games being scheduled. Now we were ready for practice.

Our practice field was located behind the High school at the center infield of the track and field location. Well it was now ours and we claimed it for football. Practice stared with one lap around the track, and then certain exercises just to get warmed up. We then were divided into offense and defense and taken to separate ends of the practice field. Well anyone that knew me back then knew that I was a strapping young lad of six feet and weighted approximately 155 lbs. soaking wet, so my options were very limited. I decided on wanting to play defense as a linebacker. On the defensive squad we were taught the basics of blocking, tackling, drive right & left, and some other basic defensive practices. We were taught two basic defenses that we would be using for defensive purposes, the gap 8 and the 5-4 defenses.
The gap 8 defense features an eight man defensive line, a single player in a middle linebacker/free safety position, and two corners. The defense features six down linemen positioned in the gaps. Two additional players are outside linebackers that are head up to inside shade on the tight ends. This defense uses bump and run coverage to prevent the quick, inside release. By reading the tight end’s movement, they can discern the type of play (pass or run) and the point of attack. Coach Pryer informed us that this was a very basic football defense; however it is a solid run stopping defense and a tough to block defense.

The 5-4 defense is where there are five defensive linemen, 3 defensive tackles, and 2 defensive ends, which are aligned directly across from each of the five offensive linemen. These players are often referred to as "down" lineman because they are positioned in a forward-leaning squat with one hand on the ground. While the main goal of the defensive linemen is to get past the blockers and tackle the quarterback or running back, they have successfully fulfilled their duties if they manage to occupy the offensive linemen long enough for another member of the defense to make a play on the ball carrier. The second layer of the 5-4 defense is the four linebackers consisting of two middle linebackers, two outside linebackers and positioned behind the down linemen. The middle linebackers are responsible for stopping running and passing plays over the middle of the field, while the outside linebackers are responsible for stuffing outside runs and short passes towards the outer portion of the field. The remaining two players are the cornerbacks, positioned across from the two wide receivers. In a 5-4 defense, the cornerbacks take on additional responsible, as there are no safeties to provide help if either of the receivers break free. Since the 5-4 defense removes the two safeties that are present in a more traditional defensive formation, it is best utilized when a running play is anticipated. The additional linebacker and defensive lineman help to overwhelm blockers and get to the ball carrier quickly. This is particularly useful for goal-line situations, in which the offense needs only a few yards to score a touchdown and often elects to hand the ball off to the running back. This 5-4 defense was explained in great detail by Coach Pryer and we practiced these two defenses day in and day out for the next several weeks both in practice and the end of practice scrimmages, until we could executed either defenses blindfolded.

I would like to share one drill that we were introduced to during our practice time, however not a daily ordeal but conducted by Coach Pryer from time to time, it was called “The Wheel”. Here is how “The Wheel” worked. All players gathered in the center of the field, when Coach Pryer blew his whistle everyone started running in place, if your name was called you were to run to the center of the wheel continuously running in place and rotating while running in place, Coach Pryer then would then point to a player and they would then run at full speed and block and tackle the player in the middle.

When my turn came I was hit and tackled over and over again until, yes until I was brought to tears. However, each and every time I got up and waited for the next block and tackle to come my way, crying all the time, however enduring the hurt because “The Wheel” was designed to toughen you up, which it did for me. Although it brought me to tears I got up and took it like a man, however each time a little slower and with less intensity each time. That first day of “The Wheel” it got me a place in the scrimmage for that day, my God playing in the scrimmage was worth every lick that I took and every bump and bruise that I encounter that day. After practice that day I was walking very gingerly back to the shower room when Coach Prayer trotted by me and said nice job today Larry and he then trotted on ahead of me, immediately the aches and pains went away and I to started trotting towards the showers.
That was pretty much how things went that fall until one day after practice Coach Pryer informed us that he had scheduled 4 games this first year, first game was a scrimmage game with Northmont High School, located north of Dayton, then we played Centerville, then Cambridge City, and finally we finished the season with Wi******er. All four of the games we played that year were against the opposing teams Jr Varsity team. We did win 2 of the 4 games that first year and we all enjoyed playing, and we all became better men and better athletes than the first day of practice.
Here are some highlights of those 4 games played this first year; we did win 2 of the 4. The first scrimmage we had was with Northmont, and that was, and was meant to be a learning experience. If they lost more than a game or two during the season it was a poor season, usually they were undefeated. They worked us over pretty good. We then followed up with Centerville and Cambridge City; we lost one of them by a point and won the other one. Then came Wi******er, which we won going away. As I remember, we scored 28 points before we had possession of the ball. We kicked off to them and on the second or third play, Tom Dickey, playing a defensive tackle, knifed thru and intercepted a lateral and went for a td. We kick off again and in a few plays Tom Kaugher intercepted a pass for a td. Again we kick off and, at that time, the kickoff was a free ball, and we recovered it in the end zone for the third td. Another kickoff, and in a few plays, another interception for the fourth td. Jay Noffsinger kicked the extra points. I do not know the final score, but that was quite a feat to have those scores without being on offense. That is a snapshot of some of the activity from the games we played this first year of football at Union City Wayne High School football, courtesy of Coach Tom Pryer.

At the end of my sophomore (10th) grade year my father moved our family, now a family of 4, to Greenville Ohio. Needless to say I was very angry, and became a very rebellious young man. My next writing, (Growing up in my Hometown of Union City Indiana/Ohio Part #8), will draw an end to my High School years at Union City Wayne High School. I would like to end this writing with thanking Coach Pryer for being a part of my freshman and sophomore years and coaching me in the game of football at Union City Wayne High School and in my hometown of Union City Indiana/Ohio. Coach Pryer and I communicate today on Facebook and he was very much a part of some of the information in this writing.

A Homepage for friends, family, and individuals that grew up in my Hometown USA Union City Indiana/O

Labor Day, Veterans Day and Memorial Day Writing by Larry Thomas Higgins I was sitting in the Dayton Mall Concession are...

Labor Day, Veterans Day and Memorial Day Writing by Larry Thomas Higgins
I was sitting in the Dayton Mall Concession area and I picked up on a conversation between a couple of what I assumed to be teenagers in a very heated conversation about Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and the meaning of each. They debated which one was to honor veterans; one even saying they thought there was no difference between the two. One said, ‘No man, you have to thank veterans on both days. It’s a day to honor their service.’ Well, he was about half right but the problem is they aren’t alone in the misinterpretation of the meaning of these two very special Holiday’s with Labor Day only marking the beginning of autumn recognized on the first Monday in September.
Everyone seems to have their own interpretation of Memorial Day. Some think of Memorial Day as the beginning of summer and with Labor Day marking the end of summer, or as a three day weekend full of BBQ’s, beer bashes and other water related outdoor events. People flock to the beach on Memorial Day weekend to catch some sun, sand and great swimming. Growing up in Union City Indiana, to me it always marked the first swimming pool day of the year. To others it may be a day to thank current and past service members. While it is always appreciated to hear those words from a stranger, Memorial Day is not a day to celebrate those of us who serve or have served in all branches of the Military. As a US Army and Vietnam Veteran, I used to love whenever people would stop me and thank me for my service while I was on active duty. However, I think the true meaning of Memorial Day is lost among the hoopla of the beginning of summer and all of the activities that go with it.
I too, was ignorant to the real meaning of these two very special Holidays, until a few years ago. It wasn’t until I went to the Dayton VA Medical Center National Cemetery a few years ago during Memorial Day weekend, where then bearing witness to the enormous price of freedom. I walked around and looked at the headstones of patriots that loved this country enough to do anything for it to the point of paying the ultimate price, giving their life serving this great country, the United States of America. I pictured all of the young men and women who died fighting on foreign soil to push back enemies that would try and harm our beloved Red, White, and Blue. That is what Memorial Day means to me now. To all the American Soldiers who made it home from, that war from a long time ago, and in a land so far away, I say “Welcome Home Comrade”, and thank-you for your service. All Gave Some, Some Gave All.
I approached the two young men at the Mall, introduced myself as a Vietnam Veteran and I explained to the teens, Memorial Day is a day to stop and remember those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Beginning as a day when Union and Confederate troops honored their dead, it has now morphed into a day in which we honor every service member who has died in service to our country. I further explained that Memorial Day and Veterans Day are both patriotic holidays honoring the military, but there is a significant difference between the two aside from when they land on the calendar. Memorial Day, which falls on the last Monday in May, honors the men and women who died while serving in the military. This solemn occasion is a time to reflect on these American patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting and defending the country they deeply loved. Veterans Day, observed every November 11, recognizes all who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States Military.
You may wonder: What is the proper way to acknowledge each holiday? On Memorial Day you can honor the fallen by attending memorial services within your community or laying flowers and planting flags on graves at your local Veterans Cemetery. Veterans Day is an opportunity to do the same, but it is also an appropriate time to show your appreciation to Veteran friends and family. You can also recognize Veterans Day by flying the American flag outside your home, visiting or volunteering at a Veteran facility, attending a local event, and, of course, thanking Veterans and their families for their service. You do not have to wait for a national holiday to show your gratitude to service members. Any day is a good day to support Veterans either through a charity or giving a heartfelt “thank you” to those who served.
I challenge you, if you want to find out what your true meaning of Memorial Day is, to visit The Dayton VA National Cemetery and see the countless families there visiting their loved ones. Visit the gravesites of America’s own superheroes. Then, you will truly understand the significance of Memorial Day. In 2016 I participated in the Rolling Thunder, Run for the Wall Tribute Ride to Washington DC, and Arlington Cemetery where I participated in all the activities at the Vietnam Veterans Wall, where I presented a photo album with all my friends and relatives who lost their lives in Vietnam. I left the photo album there at the wall. This was a very sobering and serial event for me as I am one of the lucky ones that made it home safely, however scared but safely home.
So, as summer has come to an end and as you are thinking of all the adventures you were able to encounter this summer, take a moment and remember those who made it possible for you to experience these summer activities. As November 11 and Veterans Day approaches remember the people who can’t have a BBQ, or attend a concert or go to the beach, because they gave their lives so that you and I could, and along with our many Veterans that are still living and would just like that little thank-you for your service, it would probably make their day. As a Retired Veterans Representative with the State of Ohio, and as a US Army/Vietnam Veteran myself I say to all fellow Veterans who served in a branch of our Armed Forces of The United States of America, I simple say Welcome Home Comrade, and “Thank You For Your Service”, All Gave Some, Some Gave All, I hope you have a wonderful Day. See less


Are you excited about the Blind Radio Round?!?!


The Band is playing, Victory oh Sweet Victory in Trojan Town, while the sound of Violins can be heard all over Wolverine Town as the bittersweet taste of defeat spreads throughout Michigan Land. College Football at it's best.


TTB - "Stormy Monday" Nashville, TN Tim Turner , GuitarBrooke Allen, VocalsJed Smith, DrumsDuane Say, Bass Guitar


BY RICK REED News-Gazette Sports Editor Thanks goes to Rick Reed for allowing us to print his story on our website. Union City's sectional road victory at Tri-Central on Friday sets the Indians up to accomplish something they've only done on two previous occasions, and also carves out a path to perh...


The railroads have played a major part in the history of Union City. I recently had the chance to speak with one of the last railroad workers that worked in


3-cup tempered glass bowls are dishwasher-, freezer-, microwave- and oven-safe.


Union City raced to a 48-0 lead at halftime and pummeled Knight-stown in a Tri-Eastern Conference game, 62-0. Blayne Daniels ran for 160 yards and scored five touchdowns for the



Meet Allen Wright..

Allen has been in the music business in one form or another since age seventeen when he recorded his first record "Sorry `Bout That" b/w "My Imagination" under the name Chris Allen.

Following Military Service Allen worked as an embalmer/funeral director first in Indiana, then later in California. It was while in California, he was working days in the mortuary, and spent his nights singing in clubs in and around Hollywood. Allen received his first break when he was seen and heard by Chuck Cabot of Hollywood International Talents (H.I.T.) Within days he was signed to both a management and recording contract with Versepto Records.

Under the stage name "Jesse Brady", he charted three top ten singles "We`ve Found Everlasting Love", "The World Of My Woman", "It`s Your Baby..You Rock It" and three albums until moving to the BJB label. His last performance was at the famed "Palamino Club" where he did a show with the late Rick Nelson. After several years of living on the road, Allen left the Hollywood scene and returned home to Indiana where he became a barber/hairstylist. Shortly thereafter he took a position teaching at the Indiana Barber/Stylist College in Indianapolis.

Again bitten by the "music bug", Allen moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where he took a job as a radio record promoter, before opening his own booking agency "Showstoppers Of Nashville" with lifetime friend and former bandmember Tom Pugh. Allen (aka Jesse Brady) is also a BMI songwriter and has written many country and gospel songs. His best selling composition to date was Orion`s "Some You Win, Some You Lose" on the famed SUN Records label. He also recorded two sides for Teddy Bear Records and enjoyed moderate success with "There Was A Tall Oak Tree" and "If The Sun Shines Brighter".

Since that time, Allen has been writing and singing both country and gospel music. He appeared weekly on two TV programs ("Life And Praise" at 6:30 pm on Saturdays, and "Let`s Talk" Saturdays at midnight) both on Nashville 21 CTN. He has also appeared on "Old Time Gospel Music", "Make Mine Country" and "Southern Gospel Jubilee".

*We`re happy to announce that Allen is once again available for bookings. For "Booking Information" please contact us by phone or email. Fast response guaranteed!


Union City’s Derick Williams has achieved quite a lot in his young life. The valedictorian of Union City High School Class of 2020, he received the Perry Valedictorian Award, Lily


Congratulations to Blayne Daniels for receiving Star 98.3 Athlete of The Week!


Coach Maloy live on Star 98.3 this morning after a big TEC win over Hagerstown.


Labor Day, Veterans Day and Memorial Day Writing by Larry Thomas Higgins
A couple of years ago I was walking through the Dayton Mall; I was sitting in the children’s play area and I picked up on a conversation between a couple of what I assumed to be teenagers in a very heated conversation about Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and the meaning of each. They debated which one was to honor veterans; one even saying they thought there was no difference between the two. One said, ‘No man, you have to thank veterans on both days. It’s a day to honor their service.’ Well, he was about half right but the problem is they aren’t alone in the misinterpretation of the meaning of these two very special Holiday’s with Labor Day only marking the beginning of autumn recognized on the first Monday in September.

Everyone seems to have their own interpretation of Memorial Day. Some think of Memorial Day as the beginning of summer and with Labor Day marking the end of summer, or as a three day weekend full of BBQ’s, beer bashes and other water related outdoor events. People flock to the beach on Memorial Day weekend to catch some sun, sand and great swimming. Growing up in Union City Indiana, to me it always marked the first swimming pool day of the year. To others it may be a day to thank current and past service members. While it is always appreciated to hear those words from a stranger, Memorial Day is not a day to celebrate those of us who serve or have served in all branches of the Military. As a US Army and Vietnam Veteran, I used to love whenever people would stop me and thank me for my service while I was on active duty. However, I think the true meaning of Memorial Day is lost among the hoopla of the beginning of summer and all of the activities that go with it.

I too, was ignorant to the real meaning of these two very special Holidays, until a few years ago. It wasn’t until I went to the Dayton VA Medical Center National Cemetery a few years ago during Memorial Day weekend, where then bearing witness to the enormous price of freedom. I walked around and looked at the headstones of patriots that loved this country enough to do anything for it to the point of paying the ultimate price, giving their life serving this great country, the United States of America. I pictured all of the young men and women who died fighting on foreign soil to push back enemies that would try and harm our beloved Red, White, and Blue. That is what Memorial Day means to me now. To all the American Soldiers who made it home from, that war from a long time ago, and in a land so far away, I say “Welcome Home Comrade”, and thank-you for your service. All Gave Some, Some Gave All.

I approached the two young men at the Mall, introduced myself as a Vietnam Veteran and I explained to the teens, Memorial Day is a day to stop and remember those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Beginning as a day when Union and Confederate troops honored their dead, it has now morphed into a day in which we honor every service member who has died in service to our country. I further explained that Memorial Day and Veterans Day are both patriotic holidays honoring the military, but there is a significant difference between the two aside from when they land on the calendar. Memorial Day, which falls on the last Monday in May, honors the men and women who died while serving in the military. This solemn occasion is a time to reflect on these American patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting and defending the country they deeply loved. Veterans Day, observed every November 11, recognizes all who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States Military.
You may wonder: What is the proper way to acknowledge each holiday? On Memorial Day you can honor the fallen by attending memorial services within your community or laying flowers and planting flags on graves at your local Veterans Cemetery. Veterans Day is an opportunity to do the same, but it is also an appropriate time to show your appreciation to Veteran friends and family. You can also recognize Veterans Day by flying the American flag outside your home, visiting or volunteering at a Veteran facility, attending a local event, and, of course, thanking Veterans and their families for their service. You do not have to wait for a national holiday to show your gratitude to service members. Any day is a good day to support Veterans either through a charity or giving a heartfelt “thank you” to those who served.

I challenge you, if you want to find out what your true meaning of Memorial Day is, to visit The Dayton VA National Cemetery and see the countless families there visiting their loved ones. Visit the gravesites of America’s own superheroes. Then, you will truly understand the significance of Memorial Day. In 2016 I participated in the Rolling Thunder, Run for the Wall Tribute Ride to Washington DC, and Arlington Cemetery where I participated in all the activities at the Vietnam Veterans Wall, where I presented a photo album with all my friends and relatives who lost their lives in Vietnam. I left the photo album there at the wall. This was a very sobering and serial event for me as I am one of the lucky ones that made it home safely, however scared but safely home.

So, as summer has come to an end and as you are thinking of all the adventures you were able to encounter this summer, take a moment and remember those who made it possible for you to experience these summer activities. As November 11 and Veterans Day approaches remember the people who can’t have a BBQ, or attend a concert or go to the beach, because they gave their lives so that you and I could, and along with our many Veterans that are still living and would just like that little thank-you for your service, it would probably make their day. As a Retired Veterans Representative with the State of Ohio, and as a US Army/Vietnam Veteran myself I say to all fellow Veterans who served in a branch of our Armed Forces of The United States of America, I simple say Welcome Home Comrade, and “Thank You For Your Service”, All Gave Some, Some Gave All, I hope you have a wonderful Day.


Union City, IN



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