Throw back Friday to good’ol Bravo!
I’m ecstatic to get the launch out there of Behind the Dog Films. My team and I have been working hard to make sure the launch is successful and that it drives the desire for more films like this. This one is 56 minutes long and easily could have been longer! We need to know what to look for when choosing a dog and we need to know how to find and connect with breeders. The great ones are the lifeblood of every breed. Their dedication to improving the breed's performance, personality, and overall health is why we started Behind the Dog Films.We’re excited to share our hard work with you all!Put the date in your calendar and get ready to get behind the dog with me. Release date, June 5th 2023!! ...... #huntingdogs #huntingdogsofinstagram #huntingdogsofinsta #germanshorthairedpointerworld #germanshorthairpointer #germanshorthairedpointersofinstagram #germanshorthaired #germanshorthairedpointers #germanshorthairedpointerlife #dogbreeders #dogbreeder #uplandhunting #birddoghunting #birddogs #birddogsofinstagram #birddogsarethebest #gundog #dogswhohunt #pointertraditions #birddogwaterfowl #birddogofinstagram #birddoglife #behindthedogfilms
Hey everybody, it’s Ron Boehme of @thehuntingdogpodcast I’d like to introduce to a project I’ve been working on called @behindthedogfilms
Behind the Dog Films is a focused look at the breed’s talents, traits, and the people that foster that breed’s purpose. An educational and entertaining series bringing in depth light to man’s best friend.
I will be interviewing some of the top dog breeders of North America. Learning from them how they have developed their lines and devoted their time to produce quality dogs for the field and water.
So if you want to learn more about breeds. Whether it’s your breed, my breed, wirehairs, vizslas, munsterlanders…you name it. We’re covering the whole gamut of dog breeds in America.
For now follow the @behindthedogfilms page and get ready for the launch on June 5th!!
#huntingdogs #huntingdogsofinstagram #huntingdogsofinsta #germanshorthairedpointerworld #germanshorthairpointer #germanshorthairedpointersofinstagram #germanshorthaired #germanshorthairedpointers #germanshorthairedpointerlife #dogbreeders #dogbreeder
#uplandhunting #birddoghunting #birddogs #birddogsofinstagram #birddogsarethebest #gundog #dogswhohunt #pointertraditions #birddogwaterfowl #birddogofinstagram #birddoglife #behindthedogfilms
Hey everybody, I’d like to introduce to a project I’ve been working on called Behind the Dog Films. [Launching June 5th!!]
Behind the Dog Films is a focused look at the breed’s talents, traits, and the people that foster that breed's purpose. An educational and entertaining series bringing in depth light to man’s best friend.
I will be interviewing some of the top dog breeders of North America. Learning from them how they have developed their lines and devoted their time to produce quality dogs for the field and water.
So if you want to learn more about breeds. Whether it’s your breed, my breed, wirehairs, vizslas, munsterlanders…you name it. We’re covering the whole gamut of dog breeds in America.
Head to Behind the Dog Films to follow along and get ready for the launch!
[First episode available for purchase June 5th!]
#huntingdogs #huntingdogsofinstagram #huntingdogsofinsta #germanshorthairedpointerworld #germanshorthairpointer #germanshorthairedpointersofinstagram #germanshorthaired #germanshorthairedpointers #germanshorthairedpointerlife #dogbreeders #dogbreeder
#uplandhunting #birddoghunting #birddogs #birddogsofinstagram #birddogsarethebest #gundog #dogswhohunt #pointertraditions #birddogwaterfowl #birddogofinstagram #birddoglife #behindthedogfilms
Latest episode, what's around your dogs neck? Hopefully the same thing thats around your wrist!
Nothing makes a night better in Michigan!!
Flash back to September Grouse season!!
Pyke Gear Grouse hunt giveaway!!!
Join us live Tuesday June 21st at 8pm est as we pick the grouse hunt winners live on YouTube! We will also be giving away a $100 gift certificate plus a special discount to all who join in tonight!! Link here and in stories: