EMILY BURNS Adoption Story (PT2 of 2)
We continue this week with Emily Burns story of infertility which led to two wonderful adoptions that made her family whole. She discusses what those adoptions looked like for her family and how the Lord was in every single detail. As we see over and over that the Lord is always there to heal the broken (and infertile) heart.
Emily Burns Adoption Story (part 1 of 2)
Emily Burns story of infertility which led to two wonderful adoptions that made her family whole. She discusses what those adoptions looked like for her family and how the Lord was in every single detail. As we see over and over that the Lord is always there to heal the broken (and infertile) heart.
Grandparents’ Grief
Ricky and Cathy Cockrell (Anne’s in-laws) come on to discuss what loosing a grandchild was like. They share the grief that they-as grandparents of the baby who passed away- still struggle with but also what it was like to watch their son walk through such awful loss. They recount what that day was like for them and give a little advice to grandparents who may, unfortunately, experience this same situation one day. They also share how they as a family remember John-Micah and keep his memory alive.
Husbands Walk Through Infertility Too with Will Cockrell
Anne Cockrell and her husband, Will, recount what walking through infertility was like for Will. What it looks like for a husband to support his wife during such rough times. How husbands just want to “fix it” and what that looks like when you can’t immediately give your wife the baby she’s desiring. How a husband’s desire for a baby may look different than his wife’s desire.
Ten Diamonds with Jeff Chamblee
AFA’s own Jeff Chamblee comes on to share about his and his wives three miscarriages years ago. He shared about such a thoughtful gift that he gifted his wife with for their 40th anniversary and shows how just because a little life was lost many years ago that it still has effect on families.
Planning a Funeral with Suzane Walker
Anne Cockrell and Suzanne Walker discuss what it was like for their friendship when Suzanne stepped up to take on all the responsibilities of planning Anne’s baby’s funeral. A heavy episode but much needed when walking through such unexpected loss.
Continuing to walk through infertility with Dani Cap (Part 2)
Dani and her husband have walked through infertility for eight years now. Multiple surgeries, adoption, a surprise pregnancy, and then a loss are just a few things they have walked through together. They have grown closer to the Lord and closer to each other even though they’ve walked through such hard things. She continues to lead other to the Lord by her blog and instagram as_im_waiting
Continuing to walk through infertility with Dani Cap (Part 1)
Dani and her husband have walked through infertility for eight years now. Multiple surgeries, adoption, a surprise pregnancy, and then a loss are just a few things they have walked through together. They have grown closer to the Lord and closer to each other even though they’ve walked through such hard things. She continues to lead other to the Lord by her blog and instagram as_im_waiting
Christmas and Infertility
If you are struggling with infertility or child loss, Christmas time can be extra challenging. All the songs about a baby being born are precious and sweet and SHOULD make us think of our blessed savior. But sometimes they also remind us of the ache in our hearts. This episode is all about how to find hope and joy during the holiday season.
Childless No More with Sharon Aikman part 1
Years and years passed with what felt like no answered prayers and the Lord being silent to Sharon. However, the Lord is always working things out for our good. Sharon shares how through heartache she grew closer to the Lord and has now been able to mother 19 children and even to adopt 9. What a testimony Sharon shares with us.
Thanking God Through Infertility
The holidays are a difficult time when you are struggling to conceive. When Thanksgiving rolls around, the enemy can make you feel like you don’t have anything to be thankful for! But remembering all Christ has done for you is key.