This is a loaded statement with a lot of layers available to reveal.
Open honest free space to figure it all out kind of communication is so valuable and can be the thing to change it all
We can make positive lasting impacts by changing up - even minor tweaking the environment, the energy we allow in, the music that is entering, the friend groups we allow ourselves to be around, the thoughts we think, our workplaces, workspaces, coworkers, leadership...
Sometimes it's a state change - a change in the atmosphere.
But, the environment we choose to be in regularly, the company we keep, the thoughts in our head... IT IMPACTS EVERYTHING.
If we (as humans) are trying to make a change for the better reverting to what is "comfortable" what is "known" or even a situation that we are going to have to work ten times harder to get where we are going can compromise our positive changes.
Trees dig stronger roots to withstand the storms and wind but, trees also have a recovery time to develop that strength. When they are forced to stay in the storm like place for too long without building themselves stronger... they will break.