Bitcoin products like Fold are changing people's spending behavior in a very positive way.
One of the things that got me the most excited about Bitcoin was how sound money changes people's time preference. Sound money incentivizes saving wihich creates financial stability.
Why Bitcoin will Demonetize Gold and Become New Reserve Asset
Bitcoin is not backed by nothing. It is backed by the most secure and decentralized monetary network ever created.
Brief thoughts on Trading Bitcoin and Stonks
Trading is gambling. The last thing average people need is to add risk to their lives. Promises of easy and quick money pull people into bad positions and it doesn't set them ahead. Some get lucky and hats off to them.
Living with Inflation Explained by George Mekhail
George Mekhail is an immigrant from Egypt, whose family experienced inflation. He compares the current US monetary policy to the circumstances that created inflation in his country of origin.
Why did Bitcoin hit $56,000 and will it continue to go up?
Bitcoin's rise is due to it's scarcity plus network effect. The more valuable it gets, the more people see it's potential to protect their wealth from out of control central bankers, government censorship, government confiscation, and institutions that limit them what they can do with their money.
Here's a clip from my conversation with Ragnar Lifthrasir on Guns N Bitcoin
Ragnar is the founder of the Guns N Bitcoin conference that will be happening in Ausin Texas on April 10-11. He has a great perspective on Bitcoin as a freedom technology.
Understanding Altcoins in the Midst of Doecoin
Money is winner take all. There a tons of fiat currencies because governments mandate them. Altcoins almost never have long term viability. You aren't diversifying by buying altcoins.
Tesla buys $1.5 BILLION worth of Bitcoin
Large companies are buying Bitcoin, but local and small businesses have the most to gain from Bitcoin as do ordinary people.
People need insurance from the coming economic storm. Bitcoin is that insurance.
Bitcoin is the only digital money that you can self custody, definitively verify ownership of, and feel confident against arbitrary confiscation.
How Bitcoin Addresses Wealth Inequality
Bitcoin is a tool to protect the value that you create. The dollar is a tool for old men in smoked filled rooms to extract wealth from you.
Hannah Rosenberg explains the importance of decentralization
Hannah Rosenberg was interviewed on the Tucson Bitcoin Podcast about why businesses should accept Bitcoin.