As part of Atmos Energy’s vision to be the safest provider of natural gas services, it is essential to survey and monitor the natural gas system for leaks using the most advanced technology available.
Atmos Energy crews and contractors will be in your area performing safety surveys of the natural gas distribution system using mobile leak detection units that measure and map methane plumes in Terrell beginning Feb. 2.
Mobile leak detection units are white SUV’s with flashing lights and are labeled with an Atmos Energy logo or “Utility Contractor.” You will see this unit driving slowly in the street and alley at night, which ensures an accurate survey of our gas system.
As part of this routine maintenance, if a natural gas leak is discovered, crews will investigate and grade the leak. If a Grade 1 (hazardous leak) is found, immediate action will be taken to eliminate the hazard. Grade 2 and 3 leaks are monitored and scheduled for repair based on state and federal guidelines.
City officials and first responders have been notified of this activity.
For more information on how to detect a natural gas leak, visit atmosenergy.com/gassafety.