Here's a little post-Thanksgiving shout out to some great musicians ..
The Flashing Astonishers completed a very successful tracking session with Andrew
The amazingly productive Jess Novak working with Jose on new music
Nick Mazzeo - always a pleasure having him back in the room
Slow Train - these are new clients for More Sound, but something tells me they'll be back - Jose is doing a killer job for them
Justin has been working with Poison the Prophet, Sensory Divide, and others. His work keeps getting better and better.
I'm mixing two really delicious albums right now, for The Saplings out of Rochester and Curtis Peel of the band Futurist. Last month, Jon Petronzio and I finished up the second Road Man album and I'm SOO psyched about it, it's got so much heart. Songs that catchy are usually much more superficial - I'm still not sure how JP pulls it off.
Lastly - Root Shock has been back in crushing a new EP, due out early 2019.
Jason Randall (Jocko)