I officially have a theme song!!
State College Area Roller Derby behind the scenes at the Tournament! Announcer edition.
A short video of pictures of me with some of my friends or taken by my friends! Thanks for the MVP Announcer awards, I expected to be referred to as Award Winning Announcer Roller Bear from now on! I only need a few more followers to get to 150! Small goal but it I appreciate the fact that so many of you chose to follow me just because I talk a lot and I'm loud, and also I'm very pretty.
Got some awards and stuff. It might be hard to believe but I don't like being the center of attention. So I am alittle embarrassed 😳. Thanks to everyone I appreciate the recognition. Got a trophy with everyone's autograph and a build a bear version on me! Who would have thought I'd have all these adoring fans just because I don't know when to shut up. Thanks Susquehanna Valley Derby Vixens and Schuylkill County Scream Queens
New song I made, no one usually watches these but I gotta do something with them I guess...
Intros from April 8th. I was hoping to do it live but I didnt have good enough service so here is a video that my wife took.
Watch till the end for your first chance to see BEAR. He is only rumored to leave his cave when the time has come to summon the Scream Queens to go to battle. #scsq
Short instrumental I recorded today. Started with a Bassline (haven't really played bass in 20 years so its simple) Strumming Rhythm guitar 4/4 progression and Lead in the key of E. Not to fancy but I'm working on some new software for recording and it has simulated amps which makes it way easier to record. USB guitar cable straight into my MacBook technology is wonderful. Happy with how it turned out with only a half hour of work.
Another post to feed the algorithm. Short acoustic guitar piece.
Posting every day to make facebook algorithm like me! Here is a me practicing the Star Spangled banner.
Recorded a short song to try out my new microphone added some percussion and bass.
Here is the video from the second intro, I felt like the first one was too long so I managed to find a couple of minutes at half time to re-edit and shorten this one. It originally have an excerpt from the Tale Tell heart from Edgar Allan Poe red by Vincent Price. How did everyone like the intros? I know they need some tweaks but I had fun making them and I hope everyone enjoyed something new. I'm up to do it again if everyone wants me too.
Tried something new, Zombie themed intro. It a goal of mine to add some more substance and theatrics this year when I announce.
Got to play a set with the "Phil in Band" I never know the songs or even what instrument I will play. Here is an odd song to play harmonica on, I even played harmonica on Purple Rain later on.
Here's a video of what's being called the greatest Announcer entrance in Roller Derby history! Thanks Krisi Konvict for taking video of such an important event!
Saturday night with the Scream Queens!