UNCREWED: Ocean News & Technology (ON&T) February
In-Focus: #OceanMapping, Underwater Inspections, Remote Operations Centers, #SubseaDefense
With geopolitical developments continuing to shape priorities for the ocean sector, the application of uncrewed technologies as a scalable, carbon-conscious means of driving operational efficiency and HSE excellence remains a sure bet.
Thank you to our contributors: Saildrone , Fugro , Tethys Robotics, Oceaneering , Ocean Exchange, AUVSI — Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International, Marine Technology Society (MTS)
Pick up your complimentary copy at:
⛴️ US Hydro | Wilmington Convention Center | March 17–20, 2205 The Hydrographic Society of America
🤿 Undersea Defence Technology | Oslo, Norway | March 25–27, 2025
🔬 Ocean Business 25 | Southampton, UK | April 8–10, 2025
Launch into UNCREWED in the comments 🔗
LAUNCHING SOON: The Future of Ocean Technology, Volume 5. Are you on board?
Providing industry professionals with the latest ocean tech news, views, and exclusive marine engineering insights. ON&T's editorial focus serves a broad range of industries, from #offshoreenergy and #scientificexploration to #subseainspection and #navaldefense, spotlighting a growing array of marine technologies from development to deployment
To find out about the 2025 editorial calendar, visit: https://oceannews.com/advertise/
#oceantechnology #uncrewedsystems #offshoreindustry
OctNov 2024 Promo
The ocean sector is fully immersed in a fundamental paradigm shift, with advances in #uncrewedvehicles & #marinerobotics giving operators the tools to drive down operational costs, HSE exposure, and carbon emissions while exploring a new age of efficiency and accuracy of at-sea deployments.
To read more, visit: https://digital.oceannews.com/october-november-2024/olp
Thank you to all our editorial contributors this month, with special mention to Terradepth, DBV Technology, SeaRobotics, Greenroom Robotics, and McLane Research Laboratories.
#oceantechnology #offshoreoperations
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AVAILABLE NOW: ON&T September—Remote Marine Operations
While Remote Marine Operations as a discipline may mean different things to different ocean professionals, the common thread is an unwavering ambition to accelerate the rate and reach of #marineexploration, safely and efficiently.
Equipped with rapidly advancing and increasingly mission-proven technologies—a chorus of next-gen vessels, sensors, and platforms—no frontier is beyond an offshore operator’s capacity, with much progress being propelled by a scaling back of human resources in the field in favor of remotely operable assets capable of performing supervisory functions and intervention tasks, sometimes autonomously.
To read more, visit: https://digital.oceannews.com/september-2024/page-1
Thank you to our contributors and advertisers: Saildrone VideoRay Oceaneering Voyis Marine Technology Society Convex Seascape Survey CMS-GeoScience Ltd USM's Roger F. Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise EvoLogics GmbH Saab Sonardyne International Ltd. Subsalve USA Corporation SubCtech GmbH Marine Ventures International, Inc. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.
#remoteoperations #oceantechnology #uncrewedsystems
JUST PUBLISHED: ON&T August—Submersibles & the Deep Sea
Submersibles engineered to dive ever deeper continue to accelerate our understanding of the depth, diversity, and sheer vastness of the planet’s oceans. In August’s ON&T we celebrate the ocean tech developers leading the charge.
Read more: https://digital.oceannews.com/august-2024/page-1
Thank you to this edition’s contributors and advertisers: EvoLogics GmbH blueprint subsea EdgeTech SubCtech GmbH Subsalve USA Corporation Airmar Technology Corporation BIRNS, Inc. South Bay Wire and Cable Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Aero Tec Laboratories Ltd Triton Submarines Greene Tweed SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation
#deepsea #oceantechnology #submersibles
July 2024 UVBG Promo-v2
IN NUMBERS: ON&T’s Uncrewed Vehicle Buyers’ Guide
Over the last 12 months, ON&T has seen a steady increase in the number of commercially available vehicles in the following categories:
▪️Observation ROVs: 26% Increase
▪️Observation ROVs with Payload: 16.9% Increase
▪️Work Class ROVs: 9.1% Increase
▪️Towed & Bottom Crawling: 1.5% Increase
▪️AUVs: 20.8% Increase
▪️USVs: 26.6% Increase
▪️Gliders & Profilers: 20% Increase
Dive into this comprehensive guide to learn more about the growing role of #uncrewedvehicles: https://digital.oceannews.com/july-2024-uvbg/page-1
#autonomoussystems #oceantechnology
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JUST PUBLISHED: ON&T June—Underwater Imaging
Advances in #underwater imaging help illuminate, in every sense, just how far ocean exploration has come in years. Today, we have the tools and expertise to chart previously unfathomable depths by capturing pristine footage and complex data, bringing new definition to subsea environments.
This month, we meet a crew of pioneers bringing increasing clarity to the world below the surface: https://bit.ly/3XGrKhR
Thank you to this edition’s contributors and advertisers: Saab EvoLogics GmbH blueprint subsea JW Fishers Mfg EdgeTech SubCtech GmbH Subsalve USA Corporation Airmar Technology Corporation BIRNS, Inc. Deep Trekker MacArtney Underwater Technology Norbit Subsea South Bay Wire and Cable NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Voyis
Seanergy 2024 is less than a month away—France’s international event on offshore renewable energy will host the entire industry on June 26–28 in Nantes, Pays de la Loire, under the High Patronage of M. Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic. The forum offers a unique opportunity to meet and network with European stakeholders from the entire value chain in a business-oriented environment, as well as sharpen your expertise with content addressing the industry’s hot topics.
Registration: https://bit.ly/3VOAjWx
#Seanergy2024 #cleanenergy #energyinnovation
JUST PUBLISHED: ON&T May—Offshore Energy Development
The dawning opportunities to electrify long-established at-sea operations, expand the contribution of marine renewables, and integrate the role of carbon capture and sequestration are tantalizing. Read it here: https://bit.ly/4dwthML
Thank you to this edition’s contributors and advertisers: Oceaneering Saab EvoLogics GmbH blueprint subsea JW Fishers Mfg EdgeTech Okeanus Science & Technology, LLC SubCtech GmbH Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Subsalve USA Corporation
#oceantechnology #offshoreenergy #oceanoperations
SM Post STD_video
Excited for the 13th Annual Offshore Wind Event 2024!
From August 26th to 28th in Bremen, Germany, for cutting-edge insights on Foundations, Substations & MP-TP Connections. Engage with over 45 expert speakers, interactive sessions, workshops, and more! Don't miss this opportunity to maximize efficiency and profit in offshore wind.
#OffshoreWind2024 #IQPCGermany
JUST PUBLISHED: ON&T April—Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) In Focus
If there is one acronym among ocean professionals that needs no footnote, it is the fabled ROV. As this feature-packed edition of ON&T shows, the mighty ROV, in all its diversified forms, is more versatile and relevant than ever.
Read it here: https://bit.ly/3VWhKzX
Thank you to our editorial contributors and advertisers: Oceaneering Norbit Subsea Deep Trekker Saab Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd EvoLogics GmbH Outland Technology blueprint subsea VideoRay JW Fishers Mfg EdgeTech South Bay Wire and Cable Company, LLC Tadiran Batteries GmbH Hiaoos.eu Okeanus Science & Technology, LLC SubCtech GmbH
#remoteoperations #oceantechnology #uncrewedsystems