Striking a pose at therapy 😂 rocking his new Christmas sweater
#aussies #doglife
Let’s get Roman out of bed! Reno is always waiting to be put on the bed so he can give kisses. I Love them so much. ❤️ #specialneeds #cp #hie #braininjury #survivor #birthinjury #awareness #cutevideos #esa #servicedog #aussie #aussiesdoingthings #toyaussie #romanandreno #morningroutine #grwm #coffeetime #accessibility #specialneedsmom #pottytime #rifton Sabrina Barone-Jostes Rifton
Better late than never! Realized i never posted the week 3 highlights from his last OT intensive in Feb. he starts his next intensive end of april! Stay tuned! #therapy #intensive #suittherapy #therasuit #OT #cp #hie #braininjury #birthinjury#survivor #awareness #ourlife #travel #florida #esa #aussie #romanandreno #toyaussie #playball #workhard #playhard
Reno has been such a blessing for Roman and our family. He rides on the wheelchair and goes everywhere with Roman. He travels like a champ, participates in therapy when asked, stays quiet & still when needed. He’s more focused & better behaved than some highly trained service dogs we’ve seen. He’ll lay next to a steak at dinner and turn the other way and he runs to check on roman when hes upset. He’s been dubbed the “angel dog” by family members. #romanandreno #adventures #esa #servicedog #aussie #toyaussie #redtriaussie #thebest #bff #cp #hie #specialneeds #travel #wheelchair #rider #rideordie #bestfriend #therapydog #life #family #cute
Week 2 OT intensive! All the arm & ab exercises.Hea building strength in areas that were weak and learning how to control this movements to allow for more purposeful, functional motions. Hes done amazing!! #specialneeds #hie #cp #cerebralpalsy #brain #injury #birthinjury #awareness #education #ourlife #ourworld #workhard #therapy #intense #ot #epilepsy #warriors #survivor #bestyearever #melbourne #florida #travel #therapydog #aussies
Week 1 therapy down and we made the most of our weekend! Slept in, Beach time, stargazing, rocket launches, and the new Bob Marley movie!
He had fun and got some rest too. #yolo #recharge #rest #relax #fullmoon #stargazing #beach #space #rocketleague #bobmarley #onelove #adventure #explore #accessibility #progress #peace #manifestation #family #florida #specialneeds #life
Roman's doing his first ever OT intensive, and he's doing great! He is working all upper body and core... reaching, arm strengthening and controlled movements. It's a lot of work but we make it fun too by working together with friends and adding in games. These kids are truly amazing!•#OT #intensive #therapy #pediatrics #hie #braininjury #birth #injury #stroke #hie #nicu #educate #share #awareness #cerebralpalsy #epilepsy #tbi #esa #servicedog #aussiesdoingthings #travel #florida #eastcoast #specialneeds #nursesoftiktok #nurselife #specialneedsmom Ability Plus Therapy Sabrina Barone-Jostes
Roman's week at Plasticity center Orlando. This is the 4th time we've been here and have continued to see improvements. It's unlike traditional therapy and focuses on the fundamentals of the inner workings of the brain-the foundation. If we can create a more solid foundation, than we will see greater profess in pur tradirional therapies as well.
#hie #braininjury #birthinjury #cpwarrior #stroke #nicu #survivor #therapy #intensive #brain #neuroscience #travel #medical #nurse #specialneeds #aussie #servicedog #florida #orlando #nica #family
Roman hasn’t done feeding therapy in about 10 years! He has had a gtube since 2017 and only gets tastes of things now. I was super impressed with how well he did. He has some ties in his mouth to get resolved but with some gentle cues from the head wrap and nose plug, he was able to pull that tongue in, better control his secretions and get a good suck on the straw.
#hie #braininjury #birthinjury #cpwarrior #stroke #nicu #survivor #therapy #feeding #gtube