"You don't have to be everything to everyone." Podcast Episode 69 launches tomorrow. Join the conversation!
Day Seven: God With Us
Day 7: God With Us
God with us. The only gift we really need.
Scripture: Luke 2:7-20
Day Six: Preparing
Day 6: Preparing
When things don’t go the way you planned, there just may be a good reason.
Scripture: Luke 2:1-5
Day Five: Song
Day 5: Song
How does Mary respond to the miracle happening inside her and how do YOU respond to the gifts you’ve received?
Scripture: Luke 1:46-56
Day 4: Sharing
Day 4: Sharing
We were never meant to go through life alone.
Scripture: Luke 1:39-45
Day Three: Mary
Day 3: Mary
Mary had plenty to wonder about when she heard the plan.
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38
Day One: The Wonder and Wonder? of Christmas
There is duality in the word wonder. Don’t miss the importance of each meaning throughout the story of Christmas.
Scripture: Luke 1:1-4
Tune in tomorrow to learn how to talk to your kids about sex.
Meet Maddie and Ivy! Season 3, Episode 4 features two high school girls who offer valuable insights on what faith is like in private school. Is everyone in private school a Christian? What is it like to be a “P.K.”? The importance of showing up. These topics and more are covered in the latest episode. Tune in to learn more from the next generation!