Sunday is a good day to reset and recharge. So instead of advertising, our plan is to post a weekly “funny papers” style comic strip over on our Instagram and a weekly recap here. With that being said, here’s what we’ve been up to this week!
Monday: We got some Chris Mostyn and 417foodist merch up on the site. Two of our favorite people, that you should absolutely be a fan of.
Wednesday: We added our homies over at springfieldtradingco to the site.
Thursday: We sat down with some awesome folks to talk about a super fun collab. We won’t spoil the surprise. So let’s say for now, it’s our “nerdy” little secret.
Sunday: This morning we launched our first comic strip! Super excited about this one! We came up with the concept and marleymade brought it to life! A little inside baseball. She’s my wife and our graphic designer. Our logo, ads templates, comic strips, all her. This whole thing spawned out of the idea to offer an affordable merch solution to our talented friends and get eyes on the awesome work they do. So when we tell you this mission is close to our hearts, it couldn’t be more earnest.
Thanks for being along for the ride! Love ya’ll, and remember, we’re stronger together. ❤️
#thethreadscollab #localartist #springfieldmo #merch #supportlocal #springfieldmoart
01000111 error! eRrOr! Grak detected! has been been hacked and there is new @bygrak merch appearing on the site. Wait…is that…is that a ByGrak collab shirt we see?! This is a full take over! Grab shirts now! 01000111 err- #localartist #bygrak #thethreadscollab #localmerch #springfieldmo #supportlocal
We are absolutely stoked to announce that we have @innerorbitpinball merch available on the site now! We have t-shirts and hoodies plus a sweet beanie! OG design by @bigbotcreative and new design by @mr.mostyn They’re awesome. So go check them out! #localartist #pinball #supportlocal #springfieldmo #innerorbitpinvall #thethreadscollab
Did we mention we have an events calendar? You can’t collab without getting out there and meeting people. Here is a quick example of how to check the calendar and how easy it is to buy tickets to see @themysteryhour #holidayspectacular live @gillioztheatre this Friday evening. You may also notice some other cool events coming up while you’re there. 👀 #supportlocal #springfieldmo #thethreadscollab #themysteryhour #gillioztheatre