On the February 4th episode of the "In our town w/ Tom Carlson" podcast, Terri McQueary and Jim Anderson of the United Springfield PAC had a long conversation about this new PAC and what they hope to do here in Springfield.
When asked how they would use the $120,000 they had they both said they would help candidates.
Jim Anderson said, " We will not do direct contributions to candidates."
Terri McQueary said "The candidates need to raise their own money, get their own volunteers and supporters. We will be there as supporters."
However, on March 15th, they gave $20,000 in monetary donations to Scott Crise, Danielle Kincaid, and Susan Provance.
How can we trust a PAC who openly lies to the community and does the opposite of what they say they will?
How do we trust candidates who take such large contributions from a deceitful organization?
Attached are the MEC reports reflecting the donations and the clip from the podcast where the quotes were taken from.
This is 1000% true. Too many people seek victomhood in today's world. Too many people try to find some oppression boogeyman to blame for their short comings in life.
Rather than seek acceptance from people who use you for political gain and to better themselves. Or seek victimhood, seek truth and a better way of life. Acknowledge today you are better off than your parents and grandparents were at your age.
The world is sick with narcissistic people who seek to force strangers and other people to validate them.
Just like the pharmaceutical industry sees veterans as a cash cow, they have a new cash cow and that is those who suffer from gender disphoria or the transgender community.
Doctors and psychiatrists fast track these toruble people and now kids to surgeries and synthetic hormones which leads to a LIFE TIME dependency on pharmaceutical drugs all under the guise of tolerance and acceptance. Selling a false promise.
When do we stop pumping troubled people with drugs and get them the real help they need?
And another video from yesterday...
Another groomerfest video from yesterday