Sometimes emotions are intense and overwhelming sometimes. Here are some key strategies to develop in your tool belt to help you process those intense emotions and reactions. These strategies are not only meant to help you in your external environment but our internal environment.
Remember no journey is the same and these may or may not be of help to you in the moment. When you are consistent with your self and not focused on everyone else, it is easier learn how to process your emotions. Then you can help others understand and process there's.
Know you can tell the difference between your own emotions or someone else's. You can understand the situation on a level of clarity and compassion and instead of reacting to the emotions when you slow down and not push these emotions away, you learn to understand what you are going through. Which allows you to heal.
Bertie Lee~Spiritual Healer
#healingjourney #emotions #EmotionalIntelligence #emotionsmatter #intenseemotions #fyp
Let it Go
Let it Go
Similarly, "love promotes love," so that the person who has let go of a lot of inner negativity is surrounded by loving thoughts, loving events, loving people, and loving pets.
Oracle Card of the Day
Earth Mother - Feel Loved and Comforted
You may have felt overwhelmed or out of control emotionally recently, but you are now moving back to your natural centre and that will bring you to a place of clarity and openness. If you have felt ungrounded, know that Earth Mother is here to root you and help you regain your sense of strength. You may not feel like a child, but in the eyes of the divine you are a child of light and it's important you know that and feel loved.
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#letitgo #feelloved #shadowwork #shadowself #grounding #fyp
I have began a journey with Creative Healing.
Sometimes we get to into our own head and that haunts us from seeing what we really have to offer. With this creative healing journey you will be able to open up and express your self. Remember no journey is the same and your perspective may be different. Each challenge or lesson is different from the rest.
I open this journey up to anyone who wants to heal and do so creatively with absolutely zero judgement. If you would like to join myself and others live in zoom events as we work together and create our projects and just talk. Come join us in the group of Spiritual Brew for all of the details.
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#creativehealing #healingjourney #fyp
Build Your Dreams - Positivity
Build Your Dreams
I believe in myself and my dreams.
What is one of your dreams for the future? Make a 'Dream Catcher' with your goals.
Tarot Card of the Day
This card embodies, initiative, resolve, and tactical planning, frequently pointing to a period of rapid progress and employing intelligence to navigate challenges.
The Knight of Swords represents energy, speed, and determination. The reader is highly ambitious and motivated to manifest their ideas. This card is a reminder to slow down and enjoy the journey. Productivity has often been glorified in society but often comes at the detriment of personal fulfillment. The Knight of Swords tells us to move forward methodically with a decisive plan but also takes time to smell the roses.
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#buildyourdreams #believeinyourself #believeandachieve #believe #positivity #fyp
Mindful Self Care - Power of Gratitude
Mindful Self Care
Power of Gratitude
Gratitude is the best attitude. Witness the transformative power of appreciation in you life.
Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you're grateful for each day. Practicing gratitude can increase positivity, reduce stress, and help us to relish good experiences while overcoming the bad.
Oracle Card of the Day
Answer the Call - What is your soul calling you to do?
You are in exatly the right place to answer you calling now. You don't need to know the whole plan. You don't even need to know where it is leading. You just need to take the next step. No one has ever had the complete, perfect plan. There is no end destination. There is no right or wrong way to do it and you do not need permission from anyone else.
Sometimes the more resistance we have around answwering a soul calling, the mroe important it is to our soul's growth.
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#mindfulness #mindfulselfcare #selfcare #selfcarematters #selfcareroutine #fyp
Heal Your Nervous System - Eye Presses
Heal Your Nervous System
Eye Presses
The eyes play a crucial role in transmitting sensory information to the brain. Tense or strained eye muscles can contribute to stress and tension throught out the nervous system. This practice helps your eyes relax, releases tension, and soothes your nervous system, promoting a profound feeling of calm.
Step 1. Rub you hands together vigorously to generate warmth.
Step 2. Gently close your eyes and place your warm palms over them. Apply firm but gentle pressure.
Step 3. Take a few deep breaths as you hold the eye presses for 20 to 30 seconds, or as long as feels comfortable.
Step 4. Slowly release and open your eyes.
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystem #nervoussystemhealing #eyepresses #healingjourney #fyp
Embrace Healing - Overcoming Fear
Embrace Healing
Overcoming Fear
I will transcend every loss.
Oracle Card of the Day
Card 16. Be like your Spirit Guide
The world can be full of judgement and jealousy, and it is easy to get dragged into problems that are not your own. Remember that you have a true friend in the spirit world, who only wants the best for you and who will guide you away from such negatives if you allow them to do so. When you are between a rock and a hard place, do what your guide would do and lead by example. Your guide is showing you that you can rise above petty things and bring more spiritual action to the situation. You are bigger than this.
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#embracehealing #embracechange #fyp #overcomingfear #fearless
Breathe it Out - Buteyko Relaxation Breath
Breathe it out
Buteyko Relaxation Breath
Purpose: Employs controlled nasal breathing for relaxation, emphasiszing calm and composed breaths.
Position: Sit comfortably with your back straight
Style: focus on diaphramatic release through your nose with good posture.
Inhaling for 5
Exhaling for 5+
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#breathe #BreatheEasy #breathwork #breathing #breathingmeditation #breathingtechniques #fyp
Healing Your Worries
Healing Your Worries
"You don't have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you." Dan Millman
Describe how you integrate physical activity to release tension.
Oracle Card of the Day
Card 34. Life Force Energy
It is time for celebration. Revel in the bliss of being alive!This is an incredibly healing card packed with luminous life-force energy for optimal health and healing. It reminds you to seek joy and upliftment in everything you do - as much as possible. Consider the foods you eat, the environments you spend your time in, the people in your life, and even the things you wear. Increase your awareness of their journey, how they came to be in your world, and their energetic resonance. Are they alive and vibrant?
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#healingjourney #healing #shadowwork #shadowself #releasetension #fyp
Explore Your Emotions - The Opinion Trap
Explore Your Emotions
The Opinion Trap
Exercise: Consider how much of your worry is genuinely about the issue at hand versus being driven by fear of what others might think.
Question: How does separating your own worries from others's opinions help you focus on what truly matters to you?
Oracle Card of the Day
Planetary Wave - Soul Mission, Trust the inner call, Soul team
Your mission is clear - Keep doing what you are called to do. You'll never know the full impact that your being here on this planet will have is already having. Keep trusting the call deep within.
The more you embrace who you truly are and surrender to and flow with the current you're being called to, the easier it will be for your people to find you. Like two rivers it will be for your people to find they're made of the same things, you are not alone in your calling.
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨
#emotions #emotionalhealing #emotionsmatter #healingjourney #soulfamily #shadowwork #shadowself
Mindful Meditation Techniques - Body Scan
Mindful Meditiation Techniques
Body Scan
Objective is to bring awareness and relaxation to the body.
To do this:
Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to settle your mind.
Slowly scan you body from head to toe, paying attention to any sensations or areas of tension.
As you notice each area, consciously relax and release any tension.
Continue the scan, moving through each part of your body.
Take your time and stay present with the sensations in your body.
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#fyp #meditation #meditationpractice #MeditationJourney #HealingJourney
Affirmations for A Mindful Life - Mindfulness
Affirmations For a Mindful Life
I actively engage in mindfulness anchoring myself in the present moment's serenity. I wholeheartedly embrace life's exquisite beauty, discovering profound joy in its simplest nuances. With a grateful hear, I appreciate the abundance of blessings that enrich my existence.
Oracle Card of the Day
Card 39. See the Truth
I actively engage in mindfulness anchoring myself in the present moment's serenity. I wholeheartedhly embrace life's exquisite beauty, discovering profound joy in its simplest nuances. With a grateful hear, I appreciate the abundance of blessings that enrich my existence. tions and words are not in harmony. Hone your intuition and insight so that you may know the minds and hearts of those around you and yourself - trust the wisdom born of that awareness.
💜✨Lady M~Spiritual Healer✨💜
#affirmations #MindfulnessMatters #mindfulness #TruthMatters #fyp