Horse Previews Magazine, regionally distributed throughout the greater Pacific Northwest, is a quarterly All Breed Horse Publication featuring informative articles, a Calendar of Events, and listings of Horse Clubs & Organizations. In addition, Horse Previews Magazine caters to a wide variety of horse lovers, keeping you abreast of shows, seminars and any event dealing with horses. Mail your organ
ization's name, meeting place, contact person and phone number for publication. Your horse events are listed free in the Horse Previews. Mail us your updated information for your next event, or call us & leave a message. Horse Previews Magazine reserves the right to refuse ads which are contrary to its policies and is not liable for the condition of the advertised articles or for composition errors. Horse Previews will not be responsible for error in copy beyond adequate consideration for the error commensurate with the space utilized. Neither Horse Previews nor its advertisers intends prejudice because of age, creed, disability, origin or s*x. Horse Previews is locally owned and operated by Exchange Publishing in Spokane, Washington, U.S.A. Its other major product is a classifieds publication, The Exchange, which is published weekly in print and electronic editions and distributed throughout the greater Spokane and Inland Northwest region. The Exchange is the proud to be part of the Pacific Northwest Association of Want Ad Newspapers (PNAWAN). Distribution: Over 6,500 copies of Horse Previews are distributed quarterly in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana & British Columbia. Copies are delivered to Western, Tack, Feed, Farm, & Horse Supply stores, plus other selected outlets. Contact our offices to find out where you can pick up your copy of the Horse Previews in the Pacific Northwest. Don't hesitate to call us if you would like Horse Previews distributed in your town & know an appropriate outlet. Please call 509-922-3456 or toll free 1-800-326-2223.