Invite Friends to LIFE Before Church
From our episode on the great commission - Every christian is called to share the gospel, but make sure you're not just meeting a quota. Invite people to your home and invite them to your life before you invite them to church. Invest in people and build relationships with them. We should be telling people about the gospel, but we should also be reflecting Jesus with our lives.
We're so radically inconsistent and we want to brag about our salvation being based on us or a decision we made. Stop-You focus on God saving you and not on your decision to follow Jesus. That will humble you because human pride crushes under the weight of the gospel.
#Grace #Redemption #Jesus #reformedtheology #reformed #Faith #ChristReflection #GodsSovereignty
Why Do Some Respond to the Gospel? 🤔🙏
Why do some respond to the gospel while others don't?
It's because God got involved and He knew whom He chose before the foundation of the world.
Make sure to catch up on our series on the five points of Calvinism before our next episode drops tomorrow morning!
#GospelMessage #BillyGraham #FaithJourney #UnconditionalElection #ReformedTheology #BarreledinTruth #Reformed #ReformedPodcast
God's Grace: Understanding Salvation Beyond Our Efforts
Some insight from Papa Sproul about salvation: It's not about our decisions or actions—it's rooted in God's eternal love and grace.
#GodsGrace #Salvation #ChristianFaith #PapaSproul #EternalLove #Praise #SpiritualJourney #FaithInGod #ChristianTeachings #Mercy
Understanding Total Depravity: The Biblical Thread Explained
As we go through our series on Calvinism, we aren't trying to just find proof text to make the point of Calvinism. We're not going to try to find verses that prove our point because good theologians don't do theology that way. We're going to look at the whole of Scripture and see what's most consistent in the whole-that's doing good exegesis and good hermeneutics. It's easy to just find Bible verses to try to prove a point. The Bible is the authority and we want people to see the thread all throughout the whole of the Bible.
#ReformedTheology #BarreledinTruth #BarreledinTruthPodcast #Calvinism #TotalDepravity
Barreled in Truth Listeners - this week is the week!
We're BACK with new stuff for you guys! Today you can check out our website,, featuring our new look! Additionally, we're dropping a brand new episode on Wednesday to kick off our new series!
We're excited for all of the new things we have planned for you guys and can't wait for you to see them! Let us know what you think!
Barreled in Truth Listeners!
Thank you so much for your patience as we've worked on improvements behind the scenes! We have exciting things coming up with a rebrand and brand new website!
We have a new episode that dropped TODAY for a mini-series on Romans 8. We'll have part 2 to that series drop next week then we'll have a few weeks before kicking off our regular posting schedule!
Stay tuned for more information!
Currently recording an episode on the life of Moses.
Recording “The Call To Minisitry Part 2” and Pastor Chris Hall expounds on Acts 20:24!
How does the gospel help Christian deal with anger?