My Digital Art

My Digital Art Images I created since the passing of my wife. Images that come from the dreams I have.

This is Jerry Hattrick, he's a 90 year old Magician. He can make coins disappear and pull a rabbit out of his bu****le. ...

This is Jerry Hattrick, he's a 90 year old Magician. He can make coins disappear and pull a rabbit out of his bu****le. Impressive!

Dennis Hopper once said,"A love letter from me and you're fu**ed for life. " Anyone know what movie that was from? I Do....

Dennis Hopper once said,
"A love letter from me and you're fu**ed for life. "
Anyone know what movie that was from? I Do. What do you think?

Running out of psych meds and unable to get in contact with my therapist. I'm feeling a bit off today, my 1st day no med...

Running out of psych meds and unable to get in contact with my therapist. I'm feeling a bit off today, my 1st day no meds is kinda freaky. Its as if I took a low dose of L*D. StRaNge

"Bring us a shrubbery. Nyeep nyeep"

I haven't been feeling right lately. It's as if I am coming down with a cold,, but so far I have not turned into a full-...

I haven't been feeling right lately. It's as if I am coming down with a cold,, but so far I have not turned into a full-fledged sickness. It's like being on the edge of the flu but not fully sick. It's weird. Visit and you will be blessed with good fortune and happiness.

Amazon package return should not take all morning. 🤠

Amazon package return should not take all morning. 🤠

Priests on Drugs. One of one, if you wish to purchase, message me and I will set it up. All my prints are on high end gl...

Priests on Drugs. One of one, if you wish to purchase, message me and I will set it up. All my prints are on high end glossy paper that costs way too goddamn much.

Monday Morning, It's. I would like to share this with you this morning, I hope you all like it.Her breasts bounced beaut...

Monday Morning, It's. I would like to share this with you this morning, I hope you all like it.

Her breasts bounced beautifully in my range of vision. They resembled two water balloons in the hands of someone running fast toward their destiny. They made a pleasant noise when slapping against my face. I was sitting in a chair that I thought was floating like one of those speeders from the Star Wars movies. I met her on Lake street in the town where I used to pretend I was a doctor. I even set up my own practice, that's how good I was at lying to myself. Her name escapes me but that is nothing new, I barely remember my own these days. I am 48 years old and I have accomplished practically nothing in my life until now, today I'm a doctor. I used a fake name, Dr. Rotunda, I thought it had a nice ring to it. Everyone that has come to see me has always left satisfied with the prognosis. Chronic fatigue syndrome was the universal diagnosis. Sometimes people want to hear they have something wrong with them in order to accept their disposition in life. A good example is Darla, the big breasted woman who demanded I examine her breasts and in a moment of imbalance fell t**s first ono me. I still can smell her perfume, lilac and jasmine with a hint of Puerto Rican rice and beans, a delicious combination. Darla is a single mom.

Getting hacked is quite the learning experience. I will not be a victim, I shall get my revenge! Okay, lets put my reveg...

Getting hacked is quite the learning experience. I will not be a victim, I shall get my revenge!
Okay, lets put my revege fantasies on hold, I have new art for everyone. Sharing is caring and I would rather care and share then fight and pobbibly die. Enjoy your Sa turd ay! Ha! I knew id find a joke sooner or later.

This image is titled " Talking to Jusus is like talking to myself."

This song reminds me of moments in my life when life was being lived and not squndered in self pity and annihilation. Fe...

This song reminds me of moments in my life when life was being lived and not squndered in self pity and annihilation. Fever Ember Raynes

The new album 'Plunge' is out now: The official video for 'When I Grow Up', taken from Fever Ray's debut album 'Fever Ray' dire...

I love when talented individuals can pull off one of the hardest things ever, a one woman band. The Sudan Archives!

I love when talented individuals can pull off one of the hardest things ever, a one woman band. The Sudan Archives!

http://KEXP.ORG presents Sudan Archives performing live at Rainshadow Recording at Fort Worden during THING 2019. Recorded August 25, 2019.Songs:Nont For Sal...

Insomniac Rant  #3. "Fever blisters, chapped lips, bags under the eyes and the constant itchies, thats the problem with ...

Insomniac Rant #3.

"Fever blisters, chapped lips, bags under the eyes and the constant itchies, thats the problem with the United States. You cant find a good doctor anymore. My priest wont talk to me and my neighbors are spies for Jehova. The son of a bitch wanna-be Jesus, help me find my proper place. I have fallen and I can get up. Barely these days and I would never let anyone see me lying on the floor like a lump of rotting potatoes.
People just aint no good, they lie, cheat, steal, kill, divorce, marry, eat weird things from asian countries that I have never been to but I assume they exist. There's that mouse again, squeekin and peepin it's little mouse head in and out of the infected hole in my arm. I gotta get that fixed!"


Saturday Salutations, Here is another rant of the insomniac. "Gots te tell ya bout mah most recent debacle. Found me a g...

Saturday Salutations, Here is another rant of the insomniac.

"Gots te tell ya bout mah most recent debacle. Found me a good sturdy tree branch and used it like a cane till dem damn squirels started gettin jealous on me. Them buggers flew from surroundin trees and ambushed me. It was Bangkok all over again. Flyin squiells look alot like paratroopers in grey fatigues. I was flabbergasted by the relentless squiels and gnawing teeth clatterin and creatin koto music in my earscopes. My earscope can hear and see dead pidgeons flying backwards into Van Goh and Mona Lisa's ass."

Https:,//www.tptoe.orgHello good people of earth. I have added a new skill set and service to my repertoire. I create ad...

Hello good people of earth. I have added a new skill set and service to my repertoire. I create ads for Small or Large Businesses, Logo Design, Social Media Posts, Greeting Cards, Letters to your loved ones, letters to your hated ones,Local Band Posts, Local Artist, Events, Flyers, Brochures, Book Covers,Web Sites etc. The list goes on. if you are not sure I provide a particular service, ask if I don't I can refer you to someone who does.
Go-to my website and click the Need Ads? Button. Questions? Text me at 860-877-8659 or email me at [email protected]
My latest watercolor painting titled "Pinky Tuscadero's Ass" enjoy !

Mad Rant from an insomniac. " A goddamn bed bug snuck into my urethra last night. I felt its miniscule biters nipping at...

Mad Rant from an insomniac.
" A goddamn bed bug snuck into my urethra last night. I felt its miniscule biters nipping at my fo****in. I was left with a feeling of benign, frustrated inconsolable guilt. I fell asleep for about an hour when I woke to the sound of the humming fridge. This noise pulsated through me so intense i felt it in my diabetic veins. The throbbing vein in my forehead felt like it was changing shape. It went form the schematic sign for a resistor to ohms. I felt each and every morsel of my epidermal layer contort and constrict in this phenomena of biological hypocrisy. I blame President Biden. I know he is really Clinton but in some kind of costume made by rich Hollywood elitist make up artists that fund his reelection campaign.
Its like my mother always told me, "Do not forget to take out the garbage, son", her last words as she died with a bottle of smirnoff beneath her left breast that kept it warm and hard to drink. Its just another thorn in the crown of briar and Jesus stares back at me from the picture my wife left me before she died. A holographic Jesus.

Southington Ct. at night.

Southington Ct. at night.

The crypto market. Unstable yet generating huge returns. So I've been told!

The crypto market. Unstable yet generating huge returns. So I've been told!

Vladimir Klotky The Non-American DreamerĎakujem,(greeting in Slovak Language)Hello friends, učenec, vedec, and naked rea...

Vladimir Klotky The Non-American Dreamer

Ďakujem,(greeting in Slovak Language)

Hello friends, učenec, vedec, and naked readers. I was told by American priatel' to opowieść moi story rather tell my story. Excuse me, I need help with English language translation. My American friend and colleague Benton Schmearer will assist me with the process; thank you, Benton.

In my young days growing up in the town of Pozechz, Slovakia I had nice shoes, trousers, necktie hats, and many jackets. I have been going to school for many years. Education strongly motivates, or you sit with pain in your a**s and face cheeks, ouch! Much violence for making discipline.

My father was a businessman in a big corporation named Flyzer Incorp. This is the factory where medicine is likely to be created. Over twelve amputee employees and some healthy non-amputee men and women check inside and work hard for money. Payment is big and nice, you get extra money when overtime is permitted. Like an old saying from the people of my hometown is “Milujem Slovensko”(Money is timeless silence).

When we lose good president Vladimir Khlub, the Slovak people suffer from pain and have fewer paper toilets. This makes Vladimir angry! I took it in the face of the opposition party and no more votes of mine, I told those scums I was tired of losing, not winning battle. So I moved to America. United States of America. (singing) Beautiful for Satan's spies, forever waves of grain, Purple mountain majesty Avon on fruit and planes, America America, God sheds his life for thee, from brotherhood and sister good, from sing to china sing. Ah ha ha ha I can go on forever. In all sincerity, I love the USA, the land of the free home of Blade, my favorite vampire film. Don't ask don't smell and ladies before trans males and pronouns. I was confused about this but I grew up with the ladies' first rule not making new rules to act as verbal shields to protect my self-centered need for attention or self-deprecation of self-respect. Perhaps? I don't know but I love it here! I am so happy to be an American. You see, this place is my true home.

I live on a fancy boat in the town of Groton, Connecticut. It is the perfect life for me. On occasion I got invited to a rock music show and the cool band named Politics of S**t made me join last week. I am so honored and very proud. I tell you now, I'm not lying, I've got an er****on in my trousers. Andjze Mungh, the guitar player of the band says, "I am the winner of a chicken wing dinner." I agree, Andjze! I also love to drink wine and for me, it tastes like the first time making blood from the private sacred or***ce of a virgin. It tastes delicious.

Andjze invited me to the new Naked Club and Bar on Friday. I was simply amazed. My best friend John always tells me stories about this wondrous place. He sometimes tells his wife he goes to church for prayer and the sacrament instead of bar and I think to myself, Is he confused? It was the month of June and sunshine on beautiful ladies and fashion-dressed guys walking like they were in a Hollywood film, I imagine the title called A Sunshine Fun Day To Walk, I hope I do not forget this idea. Anyway, John said to me, Vladimir, "Do you like bo***es? I say holy rabbit on easter Sunday, I f**k for sure do! Does bear s**t in the woods after eating honey bee ej*****te? We all laugh together and it makes a sound so loud a woman next to John yells to him shut up your face, please! I say to her listen, lady, this is America in case you forget. Freedom of speech is one of the many things this country was built upon. In case you forgot I reminded you, okay! This is when lady spit on me and everybody laugh like crazy people. I will never let anyone disrespect our precious American freedoms.

Prior to the entrance of the naked bar, we dress in nice trousers and fancy jackets and shirt ties. John reminds me to smell dobry or good as they say in the USA. I have nice perfume I wear on special occasions. It consists of oil of petrified raven beak, clove ci******es, sauerkraut, oven-fresh biscuits, and earthworm fluid. Mixed it makes an ascent I've never experienced in my entire life, even John’s wife says she likes it. We leave his home and John says to his wife that he is excited for church. I follow him and say I cannot wait for church! I look to John and my right eye winks as if to suggest we have a secret that wife cannot find out and we smile.

Club nudity is in a busy part of town and we sit down for drinks. Mmm yummy yummy in my tummy. It tastes so good I will never forget it. The less-than-truthful John sits down first and orders everyone vodka and double vodka on rocks. I order myself the same thing and then I realize I forget to bring money, my wallet is home in other trousers and I say “Oops!” I tell John and he shouts at you kidding 'f**king stupid immigrant stink ass man?' He stops as if to be thinking deeply and this makes me nervous. “It's okay,” he says, “you are only human” We drink vodka with ice cubes and an attractive, well-developed lady asks if I want to dance. Beautiful women dancing ooh la excite me, and I politely respond no thank you. The music is very loud and the voices are difficult to hear plus the vibrations make me feel like drums are playing in my belly and chest. I begin feeling anxious and I have bad stomach bubbles my body is not so happy so I drink in anticipation to relieve this but I only get drunk. I start to hear many voices saying strange things like, Babysit on my face and let me smell your work, and my favorite, be my pretend wife. Many things were said amidst the dancing lights and girls with fabulous wobbling buttocks and more non-mentionable expressions were said by intoxicated husbands, dads, businessmen in tailored suits, and casually dressed low and middle-class people who at times were impolite.

As excitement is coming to a close, I make a gesture for my friend John. I say to him in a moment of drunk euphoria “John, You make all your friends happy, even melancholy Meshow who had a ge***al mutilation accident at his job, The Olive Garden. "You're a good man and an honest friend.” In a blink of an eye moment, I think of his wife, Daniella. How does such a beautiful and sane woman love a horrifically scarred, insanely obese man? “Despite a confusing and apprehensive way, I like how you accept me as part of your family." You made serious choices when allowing me to be your friend. In confidence, I told you I murdered a communist rebel in Russia, 1979 Soviet Union, and not once did you ask me why there was no imprisonment. It is because you make me a better person in life and maybe you are not always so smart. I also escaped from the country at an exact and effective time.”

Suddenly, I start to cry. Like a bitch ass. I am ashamed. I feel like I get the first fist f**k in the backseat of the car when I turn the legal age of consent. John looked at me crying like a w***e who lost hard-earned drug money turned to me and said, "Vladimir, you are a great guy and yes you are family, and never underestimate the power of familial love. You are like an alcoholic brother who I always enable out of a lack of self-respect and my co-dependency issues, you are my chosen brother in life. You are a lot like my wife who is now home sleeping and who I hope when I get back home with a buzz on, will have s*x with me but never will. You are a strong, tough, fearless, and funny man who owes me for the drinks tonight, don't forget!” I think to myself what a clever son of a bitch! I never believed anyone would accept me for who I am because of my insane ways of living. In America and the hearts of my friends, especially John and once in a while Hector, the women's shoe collector. It was proven otherwise. We embraced each other in a platonic and nons*xual way. A pure moment of nicety in a bar of naked women that I will never forget.

In conclusion, do people not see that to care for themselves, women must dance while smiling with faces painted and attached to breasts, butts, and bellies bouncing and beautiful? What does it take to be a person of integrity and sincerity that people can sense inherently? Is it disrespectful to women, to their wives, and to themselves? I don't think it's my friend or brother. I will be waiting in hell for you, John Jacob Jingleheimersmith. Your name is my name too. Ďakujem

Vladimir Klotky

(Favorite Song: Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen)

Check it out on my website:

If the Cowboys and Indians took over the soup kitchen.

If the Cowboys and Indians took over the soup kitchen.

Hello Friends.I'm not going to lie the Digital Art business isn't making much money but I sure rather be selling my art ...

Hello Friends.
I'm not going to lie the Digital Art business isn't making much money but I sure rather be selling my art then selling my ass. Word! Next piece is titled Dancing with the Poles.

Hi, how are you?

Hi, how are you?

"You who wish to conquer painYou must learn what makes me kindThe crumbs of love that you offer meThey're the crumbs I'v...

"You who wish to conquer pain
You must learn what makes me kind
The crumbs of love that you offer me
They're the crumbs I've left behind
Your pain is no credential here
It's just the shadow, shadow of my wound" -Leonard Cohen

"You who wish to conquer painYou must learn what makes me kindThe crumbs of love that you offer meThey're the crumbs I'v...

"You who wish to conquer pain
You must learn what makes me kind
The crumbs of love that you offer me
They're the crumbs I've left behind
Your pain is no credential here
It's just the shadow, shadow of my wound" -Leonard Cohen

Good Morning. This is from my upcoming book titled The Peeping Tom of Encephalon, it's a letter to George Washington. En...

Good Morning. This is from my upcoming book titled The Peeping Tom of Encephalon, it's a letter to George Washington. Enjoy

A Letter to General George Washington
December 16, 1774,
Dear General Washington,
Amid this festive yet profoundly significant season, I find solace in the diversion of a good game of whist. My card partner, Dobbin, proves to be as unexciting as he is slender—not at all. His attempt at the fiddle leaves my ears yearning for harmony and my stomach distressed.
A year has passed since the memorable tea party in Boston, and the response from those in authority, akin to pigs at play, has manifested in the form of the Intolerable Acts—a shield of laws. The resilient and disciplined men and women I know will assuredly voice their discontent. As I raise another mug of rum, I contemplate these matters and prepare to take a stroll to the privy, finding solace in the company of my matrimonial peacemaker.
Wishing you strength and wisdom during these trying times.
Peyton Randolph


Rajshahi Division


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