This page, created by Venture Focus, is for the entrepreneurs and small business owners in the Bay Area. Events, classes and workshops will be posted here as well as tools and online resources that will help you launch and grow your business. We know what it's like to wear many hats, especially when you're first starting off. It can be very daunting to take on multiple tasks at a time. We also kno
w the importance of seeing the bigger picture. But sometimes it's hard to see the big picture when we're dealing with all of the details. Next thing you know, we get this feeling of being burnt out. This might cause us to give up on our dreams, lose the passion, and worst of all, go back to the corporate 9-5 job. This does not need to happen! There is an easier way, and it doesn't involve wasting your time on unnecessary tasks. The key is to be aware of the tools that are available to you that will help you manage and grow your business. Being freed up from the clutter will give you clarity and will enable you to look at the bigger picture. That's the ultimate goal. Venture Focus offers personalized, one-on-one consulting services. You will have access to specialized tools and techniques that you can use to grow your business.