When God wants puts something on your heart to do something,just be obedient and do it! As I was going about my day, God put it on my heart about marriage. A lot of people say, marriage is what you make it, yes that’s a true statement, but I come to tell you that marriage is continual prayer. The devil will try to attack you in every way but have to get in the Word of God and know marriage is honorable (Hebrew13:4) and What God joined together no man can put asunder. There will be days you will be tested, but stay in the Word of God and know what’s He is doing in that moment. Remember you can’t change your spouse only God can, so keep praying. Prayer works, remind God of his promises about marriage(Ephesians 5:22-33)Be okay with asking God to show you, you and when He do, don’t get mad, get prayerful. Ask God to work on your weaknesses and he will do just that. Then you have to know the order of your family, God first, Your Spouse, then everyone else, Surround you with godly friends that’s further along that you so the can give you godly advice. Always remember Love is patient, Love is kind, Love does not envy, Love does not boast, Love does not, delight in evil, but rejoice in truth( 1 Corithians 4-8). Quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger is key(James 1:19). Pray Psalm 23;1-6 over your and your spouse, insert your name where it’s needed, lastly Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10. O yeah, in the mist of frustration remind yourself of Jesus character when died an excruciating death!!