May events for Asian American and Pacific IslanderHeritage Month
May is Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage (AAPI) Month from May 1 until May 25 where there will be activities to commemorate this special month.
May 1-25 SINAG Chicago Art will hold a Sinag: Ray of Light Art Exhibit at the Evanston Art Center, 1717 Central St. Evanston, IL60201 featuring 48 Filipino-American artists from the Greater Chicago who will be showcasing almost 100 paintings on display. The exhibit participants are an exciting mix of established and emerging FilAm visual artists showcasing traditional and modern art styles, using various media from acrylic on canvas, digital, sculptures, installations and interactive art. The exhibit is free and open to the public until May 25.
May 2 - Screening of the award-winning film, Food Roots, on Thursday, May 2nd @ 5:30 PM at Mae District located at 19 E. 21st Street, Chicago, Illinois 60616. Illinois Sec. of State Alexi Giannoulias is present during the film screening, and celebration of AAPI Month. Please RSVP to Angel A. Alicea at [email protected] by Monday, April 29th at 5:00 PM.
May 3-18 Fridays and Saturdays- Ginger Leopoldo and Circa Pintig invite the community to an upcoming production, "Panther in the Sky," a collaborative effort between the Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble, 1650 W. Foster, Chicago and CIRCA-Pintig. Authored by Lani T. Montreal, this compelling performance explores the profound themes of loss, resilience, and community action through the stories of mothers facing the tragic loss of their sons to gun violence. Also there will be an exhibit by the renowned artist Cesar Conde, whose work is a testament to the belief that art is a powerful tool for resistance, unifying communities, and facilitating safe spaces for dialogue. Conde's art, informed by social and political issues affecting marginalized communities, adds a significant layer of depth and engagement to our event.
May 4 - An Evening of Filipino Chamber Music FilAm Music Foundation returns to Chicago Symphony Center, 220 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60604 for another Tertulia in collaboration with Civic Orchestra of Chicago and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra on May 4 at 7 PM. Come hear original Filipino classical music performed by Filipino musicians. Free admission but donations are strongly encouraged. Located at Buntrock Hall.
May 4 and May 18 - Call for Volunteers - A volunteer day at the Hana Center, 4300 N California Ave, Chicago, IL 60618 on Saturday May 4 and May 18 from 10am to 2pm. Tasks that need help with include sorting and identifying a variety of items, cataloging books and documents, moving boxes, and discarding objects as needed. Refreshments provided. First-time volunteer, looking to get more involved? Fill out our volunteer form at https://bit.ly/FAHSCVolunteer to receive email updates! Returning volunteers, RSVP to [email protected] if you can attend.
May 5th, 7-9 pm - Reese and UChicago Filipino dancers invite the public to their performance of Sensasia (Asian performance festival), at the Logan Center, 915 E. 60th Street Chicago, IL on May 5th, 7-9 pm. Tickets are $5. Visit //docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoOcV1F8dRNclTFnC5SiKSgnbbvVKgDKa7gm-z-NyM8L4S5g/viewform.
May 9-Thursday, 7-9 PM, Sensasia Asian Performance Festival at the Logan Center, 915 E. 60th Street Chicago, IL 60637.
May 10- AAPI Heritage Month: Asian Night Market on Friday at 5 – 9 PM. Register at this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/asian-night-market-tickets-850549816397. Hosted by Oakton College - Center for Organizing Minority Programs to Advance Student Success (COMPASS) and Everybody’s Market Des Plaines Campus, TenHoeve Center 1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines, IL.
May 17 – 26.-API Restaurants Week. Restaurant List is available at this link https://www.ocachicago.org/aapi-restaurants-week/2024-aapi-restaurants-week/. Hosted by OCA Greater Chicago Showcasing AAPI-owned restaurants all around the Chicagoland area.
May 18 -2024 AANHPI Festival Saturday, 1–6PM .Register here Hosted by the Global Friendship Exchange Foundation Pacifica Square 4360 East New York St., Aurora IL.
May 17 – 26. 27th Annual Asian American Showcase Friday. Theater by The Foundation for Asian American Independent Media (FAAIM) The Gene Siskel Film Center 164 N. State Street, Chicago, IL 60601 .
May 20 - The 27th Annual Asian American Showcase presents: Family is Everything: Filipino American Shorts in partnership with The Filipino American National History Society will show a program of 9 Filipino-American short films at 6 PM. It examines family as the source of both our greatest joys and our deepest sorrows. Select filmmakers will be present for a post film Q&A session! Location is at Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State St. Chicago, IL. For more Info & Ticket information: www.faaim.org/2024shorts-filipino .
May 25- THE National Association of Asian Professionals (Chicago) Book Club will hold a discussion of "Arsenic and Adobo" with the Fil-Am author Mia P. Manansala on Saturday, May 25 from 3-5 PM at Mano Modern Cafe, 851 North Ashland Avenue Chicago, IL 60622.
When people say that “family is everything,” they don’t usually mean it literally. This program of Filipino-American short films examines family as the source of both our greatest joys and our deepest sorrows.